7th of September 1971 - Born in Brescia (Italy)
July 1989 - High-School Diploma - Grammar School (Liceo Classico "Barbarigo" in Padua) – Note 60/60
16 March 1995 – Master’s Degree in Law – law faculty of the Univerity of Ferrara – Note 110 cum laude – Dissertation on the topic “Standard contracts in italian and german private law, in the light of directive 93/13/ECC” (tutors prof. Maria Vita De Giorgi and prof. Giorgio Cian”.
1° January 1999 – 30 August 2001- Research fellow (“Ricercatore”) in Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara (Italy)
1° September 2001 – 28 February 2006 - Associate professor of Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara (Italy).
1° march 2006 – 28 February 2009 - Full Professor (“Straordinario”) of Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara (Italy)
Since 1° march 2009 – Confirmed Full Professor (“Ordinario”) of Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara (Italy)
2006–2007 - Director of the “Centro interuniversitario per la documentazione e lo studio delle relazioni giuridiche fra Italia e Germania” of the Universities of Ferrara, Trieste and Padua.
2007-2008: Director of the “Istituto di applicazione forense dell’Università di Ferrara”
1° November 2008 - 31 October 2012: Director of the Department of Legal Sciences (Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche) of the University of Ferrara.
1° November 2012 – 31 October 2018: Director of the Department of Law (Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza) of the University of Ferrara.
Since 2012 – Member of the Advisory Board of the PH.D.Program of the University of Ferrara on “EU Law and national legal systems”
Since February 2018 –President of the Advisory Board of the PH.D.Program of the University of Ferrara “EU Law and national legal systems”
During his academic Career in the University of Ferrara (1999 – 2017), Chair of: Istituzioni di diritto privato (Institutions of Private law), Diritto Privato (Private Law), Diritto dei consumatori (Consumer Law), Diritto civile I and Diritto civile II .
Since the Academic Year 2017/2018, Chair of “Diritto civile I (Family and Inheritance Law)" and of “Diritto civile II (Obligations and Contracts)" in the Law Degree Course of the University of Ferrara.
See the complete list in this Site.
Member of the Direction Board of the following Journals: Le nuove leggi civili commentate (edited by Cedam – Wolterskluwer), La nuova giurisprudenza civile commentata (edited by Cedam – Wolterskluwer), Studium iuris (edited by Cedam – Wolterskluwer),Persona e mercato and Jus civile (edited by Giappichelli)
Member of the Panel of Referees of the following Journals: "Rivista di diritto civile" (edited by Cedam – Wolterskluwer), "Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile" (edited by Giuffré), "Contratto e impresa" (edited by Cedam – Wolterskluwer)
Together with prof. Roberto Calvo and prof. Alessandro Ciatti Càimi, founder and Member of the Direction Board of the Book Series "Principi, regole, sistema", published by Giappichelli. Founder and Director of the Book Series "I contratti dei consumatori nel diritto dell'Unione europea. Testi normativi commentati con la giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia UE", edited by Pacini, created in 2025.
Member of the Direction Board of the Book Series “Cultura giuridica e rapporti civili”. Member of the Direction Board of the Book Series "Jus civile. Studi", edited by Giappichelli. Member of the editorial committee of the Book Series "Jura. Temi e problemi del diritto. Studi - Discipline civilistiche", edited by ETS and directed by Aurelio Gentili