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Università degli studi di Ferrara (University of Ferrara)

Dottorato di ricerca in Matematica (Ph. D. in Mathematics) 19 February 2018

thesis in Mathematical Analysis, advisor Michele Miranda

Sobolev classes and bounded variation functions on domains of

Wiener spaces, and applications


Università degli studi di Trieste (University of Trieste)

Laurea magistrale in Matematica (Master in Mathematics) 14 December 2012

110/110 cum laude

thesis in Mathematical Analysis, advisor Luca Rondi

Stabilita' per il Problema Diretto dello Scattering Acustico

(Stability for the Direct problem of the Acoustic Scattering)



Università degli studi di Ferrara (University of Ferrara)

Laurea Triennale in Matematica (Bachelor Degree in Mathematics)

23 July 2010

110/110 cum laude

thesis in Mathematical Analysis, advisor Michele Miranda

Il problema isoperimetrico

(The isoperimetric problem)




Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati -

Università degli Studi di Trieste (University of Trieste)

Master degree in Mathematics-

Joint curriculum SISSA

Linguistic skills


Italian (mother tongue)

English (level B2)

@page { margin: 2cm } p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr } p.western { font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: 12pt } a.cjk:link { so-language: zxx } a.ctl:link { so-language: zxx }


Previous work experience


Stage: Software developer at Crif S.p.A. , Bologna, Italy,

September 2013-March 2014




Training: Università degli studi di Ferrara (University of Ferrara),

Corso 24 CFU (Courses in Psychology and Pedagogy)


Teaching in public schools:

(March 2018June 2018; September 2018incumbent)

Liceo Statale Ariosto, Ferrara, Italy (high school).

(December 2017 – January 2018)

Istituto Comprensivo ‘Don Chendi’, Tresigallo (FE), Italy (secondary school).



Teaching for Esercitazioni di matematica applicata

(Exercises of applied mathematics),

course for Degree in Architecture,

Università degli studi di Ferrara (University of Ferrara)

academic year 2018/2019.


Auxiliary teaching for Geometria I


course for Bachelor Degree in Mathematics,

Università degli studi di Ferrara (University of Ferrara)

academic years 2015/2016, 2016/2017




Research period at Bielefeld University (Bielefeld, Germany)

for the PhD course

29 October 2016-23 December 2016

Supervisor: Michael Röckner


19th Internet Seminar’, Final Workshop,

30 May-4 June 2016 Casalmaggiore (Italy)

Coordinator of the team of “Other Tracks to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Operator”


Prin Workshop ‘Deterministic and stochastic evolution equations'

4-6 September 2017 Parma (Italy)

with a contribution: “Funzioni BV in sottoinsiemi convessi di spazi di Wiener”.

(BV functions in convex subsets of Wiener spaces)


18th Internet Seminar on Evolution Equations’, final workshop,

31 May-6 June 2015, Blaubeuren (Germany)

Partecipation to project “The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator and semigroup in Gauss space”


Education and Degree




Università degli studi di Ferrara (University of Ferrara)

Dottorato di ricerca in Matematica (Ph. D. in Mathematics) 19 February 2018

thesis in Mathematical Analysis, advisor Michele Miranda

Sobolev classes and bounded variation functions on domains of

Wiener spaces, and applications


Università degli studi di Trieste (University of Trieste)

Laurea magistrale in Matematica (Master in Mathematics) 14 December 2012

110/110 cum laude

thesis in Mathematical Analysis, advisor Luca Rondi

Stabilita' per il Problema Diretto dello Scattering Acustico

(Stability for the Direct problem of the Acoustic Scattering)



Università degli studi di Ferrara (University of Ferrara)

Laurea Triennale in Matematica (Bachelor Degree in Mathematics)

23 July 2010

110/110 cum laude

thesis in Mathematical Analysis, advisor Michele Miranda

Il problema isoperimetrico

(The isoperimetric problem)


Other education


Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati -

Università degli Studi di Trieste (University of Trieste)

Master degree in Mathematics-

Joint curriculum SISSA