Curriculum Vitae

Gianmarco Mei is an Architect, certified expert in Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, where he teaches Techniques of Representation 2.

He is a registered Architect and collaborates with arch. Marco Rizzoli on the architectural design and project management, with traditional and BIM methodologies, of public buildings, particularly in the health care field.

He graduated cum Laude in Architecture at the University of Ferrara, he was honoured with the "Ferrara School of Architecture Diploma", an additional diploma for the international curriculum and the outstanding academic achivements. In fact, he studied at the Technical University of Munich, Germany and at the Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. In addition he spent a research-period for his master thesis at the Bangladesh Institute of Technology in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

He obtained the certification of Building Information Modeling (BIM) expert as BIM Specialist in the discipline "Architectural".

He has been a member and Safety Officer of the Team “KNOW HOWse” (of the University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates and the research center Architettura>Energia, Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara),  with whom he designed and built a Solar House for “Solar Decathlon Middle East", Dubai 2018, a competition that challenges university teams to design, build and run a highly efficient, innovative and solar powered buildings.

He has been the academic tutor at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara for Architectural Survey I and Design of Structures.

During his studies, he has been an intern in different Architectural Office, as Jörg von Friedrich-Liebenberg Architekturbüro (Munich, Germany), Iroshi Nakamura & NAP (Tokyo, Japan), Luca Zanaroli Architects (Bologna, Italy).

He took part at different courses such as "Covid-19 emergency, architecture and engineering for health at the time of corona virus" of the Italian Society of Architecture and Engineering for Health (SIAIS), “30 hours construction safety certification - OSHA standards” at the Institute for Safety and Health Management, USA and "Basic KlimaHaus course: Energy Zero" at Agency for Energy of Südtirol.

He was the winner of the Prize “Costruire con sistemi in Legno” (Building with wood systems) of the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara, 14th edition and received an honorable mention at the "Italian Prize for Sustainable Architecture Fassa Bortolo: Thesis Award", 14th edition, Urban and Landscape sustainable design, for his master degree thesis (with Ontora Rahman) titled “Building Resilience through green-blue infrastructure. An integrated network for Dhaka.”

He took part in the project “Climate active bricks for low-tech building envelopes”, led by prof. Philip Lionel Molter at the Technical University of Munich, Department of Architecture, that was published on the Architecture Magazine Detail, in June 2019 issue and online. Some parts of his master degree thesis (with Ontora Rahman) have been published in R. Farinella, Come rendere circolare leonia. Rigenerazione urbana, etica del progetto e retorica dell’ambiente (in Rapporto dell’ Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale Qualità dell’Ambiente Urbano, XV rapporto, Focus: Città Circolari, ISBN 978-88-448-0997-3) and in in R. Farinella, Città e rischio idraulicoProgetti resilienti per Dhaka e L'Avana (in EcoWebTown Journal of Sustainable Design, ISSN 2039-2656).

He fluently speaks English and German.