
Francesco Pasquale was born in Bologna on the 27th April 1980, where he takes classic studies at Liceo Classico Statale Minghetti before to apply at University of Ferrara, Faculty of Architecture.

During the University years he shows high interest for synergies and conflicts between different scale and disciplines, as well as for urban strategies of development. He successfully partecipates to a number of competitions: on 2003 he is finalist at the competition Urban ReGeneration with the short movie Evidenti Assurdità, while the following year he classified 3rd at the student competition La Casa Per Tutti, promoted by the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara. On 2005 results as winner of INDESEM, an international student workshop and competition at the Faculty of Architecture of Delft, which consisted in a re-development strategy for the city centre of Antwerp in Belgium and classified 4th at the international student competition Dessiner sur l'herbe for the renovation of a 10km riverside going into the Garda lake. He spent his last year of study in the Netherlands at the Technical University of Delft, Faculty of Architecture, where he develops in the Hybrid Building department his graduation design for a University Centre in Utrecht, defended on November 2005, with Prof. Arch. Daniele Pini (FAF) and Prof. Arch. Umberto Barbieri and Arch. Ir. Olindo Caso (TUDelft) as mentors.

Starting from 2006 until February 2008 he works as architect for Mecanoo Architecten, taking part to several projects such as the City of Justice of Cordoba in Spain, the Central Station and new town hall of Delft and the renovation of the NEC Stadium of Nijmegen in the Netherlands and international competitions, among which the MOdAM, School and museum of fashion in Milan, the Campidoglio 2, new City Hall of Rome and the new headquarter of Ministry of Trasportation of Andalucía in Spain.

In March 2008 he starts working in Rotterdam for the architectural firm MVRDV, where he develops skills on large scale projects such as the vision plan for Almere 2030 or the Grand Paris 2050, the masterplan for the Zurich airport area. At the same time he has been involved in architectural projects like the directional building for Swiss national television and the new headquarter of DnB bank in Oslo, and competitions such as four office towers in Shenzen, China, the congress centre Gwanggyo in Korea and the renovation of the Bologna train central station.

After five years in the Netherlands, in Autumn 2009 he moves back to Italy where he starts up his own firm, brenso s.r.l., toghether with architects Lorenzo Castagnetti and Francesca Poli, operating in the fields of urbanism, architecture and design. He receives an honorable mention at the international competition J5, with a residential project in Montoro, Spain, and their project Boksum Oasis is finalist at Europan 11 in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.

Since 2010 he collaborates with the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Architecture, as tutor in the 2nd year design studio of Prof. Arch. Nicola Marzot (2010-11) and visiting assistant professor in the 3rd year design studio (2012) teaching theories and techniques of design.

Between 2007 and 2009 he is correspondent for the magazine Paesaggio Urbano and writes articles for Rassegna, while his projects have been published since 2003 on magazines, manuals and architectural annuaries.