1990 Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Bologna.
1991 Board Certified Biologist, University of Bologna.
1994 Lecturer in “General Biology” E06X, School of Medicine, University of Ferrara.
1997 Ph.D. in Medical Embryology, School of Medicine, University of Ferrara.
1999 Technician with degree, level 7, School of Medicine, University of Ferrara.
2000 Lecturer in “Experimental Biology” (Biology and Genetics), School of Medicine, University of Ferrara.
2004 Technician with Ph.D.), level 9, i.e. with high professional skills, School of Medicine, University of Ferrara.
2006 Associate Professor, Experimental Biology (Biology and Genetics), School of Medicine, University of Ferrara.
2006- Faculty member, Ph.D. Course in Molecular Medicine, University of Ferrara.
2014- National qualification as a Full Professor in Experimental Biology (Biology and Genetics) obtained in the 2012, and then confirmed in the 2018.
1992-1993 Fellow of the local health unit number 31 of Ferrara, for the project dedicated to the assisted reproductive technology (ART), School of Medicine, University of Ferrara.
1993-1996 Ph.D. student in Medical Embryology, University of Ferrara with a fellowship from Ministry of University and Research (MUR).
1997 Fellowship from “Union International Contre le Cancer” (UICC), Geneva, Switzerland for a cancer research program abroad (Loyola University Cancer Center, Maywood-Chicago, IL. USA).
1998-1999 Post-doc. fellowship recipient of the University of Ferrara.
1998 Fellowship from “National Institute of Health" (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) Rome, for the AIDS
research program abroad (Loyola University Cancer Center, Maywood-Chicago, IL. USA).

1990-1991 Research program: “Cloning of the poly ADP-ribose-polymerase (PARP) human gene in an eukariotic expression vector. Post-lauream training (6 months) at the Biochemistry Institute, School of Medicine, University of Verona. Tutor: Prof. Hisanori Suzuki.
Research program: “Recombinant DNA technologies for human gene expression investigations”. Post-lauream training (6 months), School of Medicine, University of Ferrara.
1992-1993 Research program: “Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)” with a fellowship of the local health unit number 31 of Ferrara, School of Medicine, University of Ferrara.
1993-1996 Research program: "Role of the p53 tumor suppressor gene and the large T antigen oncogene of BK and SV40 polyomaviruses in human brain tumors of different histotypes”.
1997-1999 Research program: “Role of cytokines in the cell differentiation control”.
2000-2003 Research program: “Role of the SV40 oncogenic virus in human tumors”.
2004- Research programs:
1. Transforming mechanisms of the oncogenic HPV viruses in human epithelial cells from uterine cervix and oropharynx;
2. Role of BK, JC and SV40 polyomaviruses in human tumors of different histotypes and multiple sclerosis;
3. Role of gene methylation in male gametes of infertile males, epithelial cells of vulvar cancer and vulvar lichen sclerosus;
4. Studies on human mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenic differentiation induced by innovative biomaterials for bone regrowth;
5. Studies on human osteosarcoma cells treated with anticancer drugs released by innovative biomaterials.

1997 Research program: “Studies on the oncogenic BK, JC and SV40 polyomaviruses in human mesotheliomas”. Cancer Center, Loyola University, Maywood-Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
1999 Research program: “Role of the SV40, BK and JC polyomaviruses in brain tumors and lymphomas of AIDS or HIV-positive patients”. Cancer Center, Loyola University, Maywood-Chicago, USA.

2004-2005: Research program: "Transforming mechanism of oncogenic HPV viruses in epithelial cells of the human cervix". P.I. of the two years project granted by the "Guido Berlucchi Foundation" to study female genital tumors.
2007-: P.I. of the University Research Fund, University of Ferrara.
2007-2009: 3 years “ad personam” contribution from the Foundation of the Saving Bank of Cento for the activation of a fellowship dedicated to the scientific projects of the P.I.
2007-2008: Co-P.I. of the UNIFE Operating Unit of the scientific project with Fin-Ceramica S.p.A (Faenza, Italy) entitled "Development and study of a cellular model for testing the biological properties of 3-D ceramic scaffolds produced by Fin-Ceramica for bone regeneration ".
2008: PRIN 2008, member of the Research Unit of the scientific director Prof. Ciro Costagliola for the project "Sequences of SV40 and antibodies against SV40 in patients with ocular malignant melanoma and role of the viral oncoprotein large T antigen in the genesis of neoplasia". (National Coordinator Prof. G. Cennamo, UNINA).
2017: P.I. of the “Research Incentive Fund” project, granted by University of Ferrara.
2017: Fund for the financing of basic research activities (FFABR), Ministry of Education, University and Research.
2017-2018: Co-P.I. of the UNIFE Operational Unit of the “Progetti operativi regionali-Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale” (POR-FESR) scientific project with Fin-Ceramica S.p.A (Faenza, Italy) for the "NIPROGEN" project.
2018- : PRIN2017 National coordinator (P.I.), ref. C8RYSS project "Osteosarcoma and mesenchymal stem cells to assay innovative materials, bioactive injectable bone cements, with drug delivery ability, to contrast spine tumor recurrence and to enhance healthy bone regrowth".
The scientific activity is documented by:
Works: 132 papers published by international peer reviewed journals (Scopus database);
Contributions: 10 chapters in international books and 2 chapters in national books;
Congresses: 15 International, 77 National;
Patents: 9; 8 National (1998, 1998, 2007, 2009, 2019, 2019, 2020, 2022), 1 International (2010).

1992 -: National Order of Biologists
2006 -: Italian Association of Biology and General and Molecular Genetics (AIBG)
2014-2016: European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)

1992–2015: In collaboration with the Obstetrics and Gynecological Clinic (Directors: Prof Gioacchino Mollica, 1992-2011, Alfredo Patella, 2012-14, and Pantaleo Greco, 2014-15), University of Ferrara, she organized the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) laboratory. In this context, she set -up and worked with various techniques, such as the purification and capacitation of male gametes, spermiogram and MAR tests, according to the WHO standards (1993-2004 and 2010).