

2012 – Ph.D. in Economics, curriculum in Applied economics and economic policy SECS-P/06 at the University of Ferrara, Department of Economics Institutions Territory on 29/03/2012, grade: with distinction.

2008 – M.Sc. in Applied economics and economic policy at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics on 17/03/2008, grade: 110/110 cum laude.

2005 – BA. in Applied economics and international institutions at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics on 25/10/2005, grade: 105/110.

Advanced courses

2013 – 7th Jena Summer Academy, DFG Research Training Group 1411 “The Economics of Innovative Change” at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität and Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomie, Jena (D), 14/07/2013-28/07/2013.

2011 – 5th Jena Summer Academy, DFG Research Training Group 1411 “The Economics of Innovative Change” at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität and Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomie, Jena (D), 24/07/2011-07/08/2011.


Italian: mother tongue.

English: First Certificate for English on 27/01/2010, grade: 66/100.

French: beginner, written and spoken.

Teaching activities

2014 – Lecturer at CIS – Scuola per la gestione di impresa (Reggio Emilia), advanced course for Industrial Research Team Manager “IRTeaM” CIS – Scuola per la gestione di impresa

2013 – Teaching assistant for the course in Advanced applied economics, M.Sc. in Economics, Market and Management at the University of Ferrara, Department of Economics and Management.

2013 – Lecturer at the University of Ferrara, International master in urban and environmental policy for sustainability and local development “Eco-Polis”.

2012 – Lecturer at the University of Ferrara, International master in urban and environmental policy for sustainability and local development “Eco-Polis”.

2009 – Teaching assistant in Industrial organization at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics.

2009 – Teaching assistant in Development economics at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics.

Working papers and research projects

  • Le dinamiche dell’artigianato in provincia di Lucca: dagli scenari competitivi alle prospettive di sviluppo industriale, Chamber of Commerce in Lucca, with University of Ferrara, Department of Economics and Management, 10/2012-06/2013.
  • FORT – FOstering continuous Research and Technology application financed by EU Programme Central Europe, with Ferrara Research Consortium, 05/2011-12/2012.
  • Osservatorio del territorio della Provincia di Bergamo, Assessorato all’istruzione formazione, lavoro, sicurezza lavoro e pari opportunità, with Ferrara Research Consortium, 09/2010-03/2012.
  • Frattini F. (2011), Mature systems in global market: the need for an institutional division of labour, Working Papers, Department of Economics Institutions Territory, 9/2011, University of Ferrara, mimeo.
  • MEET US! Matching higher Education and Enterprises Toward Universities and Stakeholders financed by EU Programme Lifelong Learning, with University of Ferrara, Department of Economics Institutions Territory, 07/2010-10/2010.
  • Progetto Nord Emilia-Romagna IRSO Foundation – Milan, with University of Ferrara, Department of Economics Institutions Territory, 12/2009-03/2010.
  • Contribution to the technical report for the seminar on “Crisis internacional y Políticas para las MYPIMEs” organized by International Training Centre, International Labour Organization, Santiago de Chile, 13-14/10/2009, with University of Ferrara, Department of Economics Institutions Territory:
    • Al Shawwa H., Frattini F., Maini E., Nicolli F. and Poma L. (2009), Relevancia de las MYPIMEs ne Europa, in Dini M., Henriquez Amestoy L., Polo P., Poma L. and Tueros M., Crisis internacional y políticas para las MYPIME. Desafíos y oportunidades para Europa y América Latina, EUROsociAL_Empleo, International Training Centre, International Labour Organization, Turin.
    • Al Shawwa H., Frattini F., Maini E., Nicolli F. and Poma L. (2009), Políticas MYPIMEs en los últimos 10 años en Europa, in Dini M., Henriquez Amestoy L., Polo P., Poma L. and Tueros M., Crisis internacional y políticas para las MYPIME. Desafíos y oportunidades para Europa y América Latina, EUROsociAL_Empleo, International Training Centre, International Labour Organization, Turin.
  • Osservatorio regionale sul commercio della Regione Emilia-Romagna, with University of Ferrara, Department of Economics Institutions Territory / Department of Economics and Management, 05/2008-on going.
  • Frattini F. (2008), Una funzione di produzione per l’università, Working Papers, Department of Economics Institutions Territory, 2/2008, University of Ferrara, mimeo.

Other research experiences

2013 – Visiting post-doctoral research fellow at the DFG Research Training Group 1411 “The Economics of Innovative Chan­ge”, at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität and Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomie, Jena (D), 01/07/2013-01/10/2013.

2009 – Research at the CREIC Centro di Ricerca sull’Economia dell’Innovazione e della Conoscenza (research centre on innovation and knowledge economics) at the University of Ferrara.


2013 – Best Ph.D. dissertation in Economics by the University of Ferrara, Advanced Studies Academic Institute IUSS Ferrara 1391.