CURRICULUM VITAE of Fabio Manfredini, MD PhD

2022-23 Master's Degree Second Level- Economics and Management of Health Services. Department of Economics and Management, Univ.of Ferrara, Itala (with honors) with a regional certificate of managerial training qualifying for director functions in complex structures.

2019 Ph.D. in Biomedicine - University of Cordoba, Spain (with honors)

1990 Diploma of Specialization in Sport Medicine- University of Chieti, Italy (with honors)

1985 Italian License to Practice Medicine

1985 Medical Degree - University of Ferrara (with honors)

1979 High School Diploma: Liceo-Ginnasio Statale “Lodovico Ariosto” Ferrara

2023-present Head of Vascular Rehabilitation and Exercise Medicine Program, University Hospital of Ferrara

2021 (09/01) Full Professor of Physical Training Sciences and Methodology (M-EDF/01). Department of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Section of Sport Sciences. University of Ferrara –Italy (I)

2020 (05/01)-2022 October Director of the Graduate School of Sport Medicine and Exercise, University of Ferrara

2019 Coordinator of the master's degree course: Sciences and techniques of preventive and adaptive sports activities, University of Ferrara

2018 (06/01) Associate Professor of Physical Training Sciences and Methodology (M-EDF/01)Department of Biomedical Sciences and Surgical Specialties, Section of Sport Sciences. University of Ferrara –Italy (I)

2004 (06/01) Assistant Professor of Physical Training Sciences and Methodology (M-EDF/01), Department of Biomedical Sciences and Surgical Specialties, Section of Sport Sciences. University of Ferrara –Italy (I)
2004 Medical Assistant, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Program of Vascular Rehabilitation, S.Giorgio Rehabilitative Hospital-Ferrara.

1986-87 Italian Air Force Medical Corps (Medical Lieutenant)
1987-1995 Contract researcher at Center Biomedical Studies applied to Sport University of
Ferrara –Italy (Grants from Italian Olympic Committee)
1989-2004 - Consultant for Exercise physiology for professional top-level teams (Volleyball,
Rugby, Road Cycling) and Team Doctor Italian Biathlon Team, Italian Winter Sport Federation, Milan (Italy) (1989-99 and 2002-4). Member of the Italian Delegation at Winter Olympic Games in Albertville (Fra) 1992, Lillehammer (Nor) 1994 and Nagano (Jpn) 1998).
Consultant for the Cardiological Rehabilitation Project, S.Anna Hospital-University of Ferrara, Ferrara (Italy)(1997-01)
- Consultant for the Vascular Rehabilitation Program S.Anna Hospital-University of Ferrara, Ferrara (Italy) (2002-4),

- Società Italiana Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMES) dal 2016-oggi
- European Association of Rehabilitation in Chronic Kidney Disease, officially endorsed by European Renal Association- Dialysis and Transplant Association 2020-oggi
- Global Renal Exercise Network ( 2019-oggi
- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 2008-oggi
- Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) for Sport, Exercise, & Kinesiology Unit (Human Development Division) and Medicine Unit (Health & Medical Sciences Division) 2018-oggi
- Strength & Conditioning Society (SCS) 2018
- Commissione Medica Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali (1989-99/2002-4) e della Delegazione Italiana ai Giochi Olimpici Invernali di Albertville 1992, Lillehammer 1994 e Nagano (1998)
Commissione Medica dell’International Biathlon Union (1993-2019)
Centro Interdipartimentale Malattie Vascolari, Università di Ferrara (Consiglio Direttivo)
Centro Studi Biomedici applicati allo Sport, ora denominato Centro Studi Scienze Motorie e Sportive. (Consiglio Direttivo)
- COST Action CA20104 - Network on evidence-based physical activity in old age (PhysAgeNet) Working Group of COST Action CA20104 –Working Group 1 Quality of life.Network on evidence based physical activity in old age (WG1) Working Groups for Systematic Reviews (D1.2)

For: International Journal of Sports Medicine, Scandinavian Journal of Sports Medicine, International SportMed Journal, Open Sports Medicine Journal, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Journal/European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, American Geriatric Society, Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology, Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, Clinical and Applied Trombosis/Hemostasis, Hypertension Research, Vascular Medicine, Journal of Nephrology, Preventive Medicine, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Vascular Endovascular Surgery, Nephrology,Journal of Sport and Health Science,European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, American Journal of Kidney Diseases

- Functional evaluations II Degree in Motor Sciences, University of Ferrara-
- Practical Aspects of organization, management and supervision of sport-therapy - Degree in Motor Sciences
- Guide to physical activity introduction of sedentary and elderly subjects - Degree in Motor Sciences
- Sport therapy of vascular diseases Degree in Motor Sciences, University of Ferrara
- Process programming and organisational integration: Diagnostic therapeutic paths for cardio- vascular diseases. Graduate course of Healthcare Professions
School of Doctorate University of Ferrara: member of the teaching board 2006-today (excluded 2018)
Master degree in “Sciences and techniques of preventive and adapted physical activity”
- Methods of functional evaluation in Sports and Rehabilitation. Degree in Motor Sciences, University of Ferrara
- Antidoping Procedures Degree in Motor Sciences, University of Ferrara - Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, Degree in Physioterapy, Univ.of Ferrara
- Physical performance assessment. TFA Active Educational Internship II grado Classe A029 University of Ferrara -
- Post-graduate School of Sports Medicine, University of Ferrara: Sports pathology; Training methodology; Rehabilitation in Sports Medicine; Functional Reeducation
- Nursing Formation and Training School, St Anna General Hospital of Ferrara Anatomy and Physiology (1989-90); Pharmacology (1990-1995)

1) Therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation programmes and original intervention models in chronic diseases and the elderly.
2) Functional assessment and study of factors limiting or favouring physical performance in the healthy and the sick
3) Biomarkers, risk factors and chronopathology of vascular diseases

Programs developed:
- Principal investigator for local research projects related to exercise training and chronic diseases (2004-today)
- Principal investigator of the international project “Artificial Intelligence Evoking Target Testing in Antidoping” (AR.I.E.T.T.A.), World Anti-Doping Agency research grant (50.000 USD) (2006);
- Responsible of Work Unit of the project “Exercise in patients with chronic renal failure on haemodialysis: mortality and performance” Grant Ricerca Finalizzata of Italian Ministery of Health (152.000 €);
- Principal investigator in cooperation with International Biathlon Union of the project “Global evaluation of the Anti-Doping program" research grant from the World Anti-Doping Agency - Social Science Research Program 2011 (25.000 USD).
- Scientific Coordinator of Work Package: “Effectiveness of robot-assisted gait training versus conventional therapy on mobility in severely disabled multiple sclerosis patients”(468.000 €) included in the strategic program of Emilia Romagna Region "Role of Rehabilitation after cerebral and myocardial damage: functional recovery and identification of biomarkers related to the clinical outcome” area 1; thematic area: Rehabilitation, (Scientific coordinator prof N.Basaglia)
- Principal investigator project “ Adapted physical activity programs to tackle deconditioning and risk of falls among chronic stroke survivors. Searching for a local sustainable model”. Grant UNIFE 2012 supported by Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura (€ 12.561)
- Principal investigator with prof R. Gambari of the project “Novel molecular biomarkers for detection of autologous blood transfusion in sport: fetal hemoglobin and microRNAs” 2014 World Anti-Doping Research Grant (150.000 USD)
- Principal investigator project "Design of innovative solutions to improve physical and mobility impairment in frailty and elderly" Interdisciplinary research projects, 2014 PRIA competitive research grants University of Ferrara (41.241€)
-Principal investigator study “Metabolic factors and symptomatic fatigue in multiple sclerosis” Bando per il Finanziamento della Ricerca Scientifica “Fondo per l’incentivazione alla ricerca” (FIR) – Anno 2017 UNIFE (4.300 €)
- Co-investigator project "Development of microRNA based protocols for detection of autologous blood transfusion in sport" (PI prof R Gambari) 2017 World Anti-Doping Research Grant (120.000 USD)
-Principal investigator project “Interval walking exercise with blood flow restriction for the mobility and strength of the lower limbs in the patient with severe multiple sclerosis: pilot study” Bando per il Finanziamento della Ricerca Scientifica “Fondo per l’incentivazione alla ricerca” (FIR) – Anno 2019 UNIFE (5.000 €)

-Investigator study : Efectividad de un programa de seguimiento basado en intervenciones motivacionales y de ejercicio físico en pacientes con fractura por fragilidad: Ensayo clínico controlado aleatorizado. PREVFRAILTY-2020 (PI prof Lopez-Soto: IMIBIC. Instituto Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba) Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I+D+I) en Biomedicina y en Ciencias de la Salud en Andalucía, para el año 2021 (81.050 €)

Co-PI of the study: “EXercise ACTivity to improve mobility, active behavior and quality of life of chronic kidney disease patients with peripheral artery disease: the EXACTckd-pad multicenter randomized controlled trial “(PI Prof. Manfredini Roberto) .Project Code PNRR-MAD-2022-12376611/ sezione Malattie Croniche non Trasmissibili (MCnT) ad alto impatto sui sistemi sanitari e socio-assistenziali. Bando PNRR 2022 con destinatario istituzionale Emilia-Romagna (€ 585.000)

-In-charge of: Progetto di ricerca industriale e innovazione titolato “Partenariati Estesi alle università, ai centri di ricerca, alle aziende per il finanziamento di progetti di ricerca di base” nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 Istruzione e ricerca – Componente 2 Dalla ricerca all’impresa – Investimento 1.3, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU- Decreto di concessione n.0001553 del 11/10/2022, al quale l’Università degli Studi di Ferrara partecipa in qualità di Spoke 4 - Perception, movement and brain-body interactions / MNESYS “A multiscale integrated approach to the study of the nervous system in health and disease”

Scientific products:
- >270 scientific products including 148 Original articles, Reviews, Original letters in International Journals with Impact Factor, and Chapters in Books, Congress Proceedings and Abstracts.

h index: Scopus:31 Scholar:36 Researchgate:34

- Patent Number(s): WO2010004592-A1 ; EP2306958-A1 ; US2011152734-A1
“Device for pneumatic treatment of an inferior limb having peripheral arteriopathy problem” or “Gradient pump”
- - model of utility Priority number 202018000003183 Exercise machine to support the mobility of a person with reduced mobility “Macchina ginnica con tappeto scorrevole configurata per favorire la mobilità di un soggetto con mobilita’ ridotta” CB/vm [BU5814]

Other products:
Software AR.I.E.T.T.A.(Artificial Intelligence Evoking Target testing in Anti-doping) property of International Biathlon Union