University of Ferrara, Department of Business Economics
Via Voltapaletto 11 – 44100 Ferrara (Italy)
Phone +39 (0)532 4555053
Phone (+39320) 4365028
E-mail vagnoni@economia.unife.it
Born in Ascoli Piceno (Italy) on January 17, 1970; Italian citizen


Academic positions p. 2
Education p. 2
Research visiting position p. 2
Research grants supporting visiting positions p. 3
Sponsored research p. 4
Main conferences’ presentations (since 2002) p. 5
Publications p. 8
In English language p. 8
In Italian language p. 9
Language skills p. 12
Academic associations & editorial board memberships p. 12
Institutional activities p. 13
Teaching experience p. 14


From Jan. 2002 Associate Professor in Management Accounting Studies at the Faculty of Economics – University of Ferrara (permanent position)

From Oct. 2004 Director of CRISAL (University research center for health economics and management)

1999 - 2001 Lecturer in Accounting Studies at the Faculty of Economics – University of Ferrara (permanent position)


1998 Dottore di ricerca (PhD) [Research Thesis on: Management Control Techniques for Public Healthcare Organizations]

Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale, Bologna
12th Summer Program in Research Methodology for Social Sciences

1993 - 1997 University of Salerno
Doctoral student in Economia e Direzione delle Aziende Pubbliche (Public
Sector Accounting).

1995 Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale, Perugia
11th Summer Program in Teaching Methods for Academics in Accounting and Management

1994 Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale, Castiòn di Costernano (VR)
8th Summer Program in Research Methodology for Social Sciences

1994 University of Ancona, Ancona
Chartered Accountant and Auditor Professional Certificates

1993 University of Ancona, Ancona
Laurea in Economia e Commercio (Degree in Economics and Commerce) [Graduation Thesis on The evolution of management control systems: Evidences from YKK Co.]


2001-2002 Macquarie Graduate School of Management (Sydney - Australia) –“Social Environmental Accounting for Healthcare Organizations”. From Jul. 12 to Sept. 12, 2001. From 20 Jun. To 15 Jul. 2002.

2001 Kristianstad University College (Sweden) – (February 2001)

2000-2001 The University of Melbourne (Australia) – Department of Accounting ‘Hospital management accounting systems and resources management’. From Nov. 20 to Jan. 20.

2000 University of Nantes (France) – “Financial and Non-Financial Performance Measures in Italian and French Quasi-market Settings” - Duration: 3 months

1998 – 1999 University of Montpellier 2 (France) – “The relevance of DRG costing in France” – Duration: 4 months

1998 Institut Hospitalier International of Luxemburg (Luxemburg) – Accounting for Hospital (4 weeks)

1997 University of Budapest (Hungary)
International Summer University of Economics “Welfare political Economics and its success in Europe” June 30 to July 12, 1997.
Chairman: Prof. Tamàs Bàcskai

1996 New York University, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York (Tutor: professor Roy Sparrow)
Visiting PhD student – Duration: 4 months

1992 Stage (2 months) - Société Nationale de Transport Interurbain, Tunis (Tunisia)
Financial auditing department collaboration


(2000) National Research Center (CNR) – “Budgeting process in Hospital Organizations, implication for professionals behavior”. 15.000 Euros

(1999-2000) European Commission – TMR Project on Accounting Research in European Health Care Systems (AREHCAS) among University of Edinburgh (UK), University of Munich (G), University of Linkoping (S), University of Dublin (IR), University of Nantes (F), University of Venice (I). 18.000 Euros

(1997) Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Summer school at Budapest University 2.500 Euros

(1998) Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Summer school at Luxemburg Foreign Institute 2.500 Euros


 As project director:

2007-2009 “The Road to Europe - TEMPUS European Project”. Partners: University of Pula (Croatia), University of Kristianstad (Sweden).

“Visualising and Reporting Intellectual Capital in Local Health Authorities and Hospitals” (funded by the Emilia Romagna Region – health agency).

“Cost-benefit analysis for colonrectal screening programs: the case of Ferrara Province” (funded by the Emilia Romagna Region – health agency).

“Change Management in Public Universities”

“Strategic Control in Local Governments: the Balanced Score Card Model” (funded by Ferrara Municipality)

2006 “A performance evaluation model for Pharmacy: a multi-dimensional approach”, (project funded by Assofarm).

“Professional performance in healthcare organization: an assessment framework” (funded by the Emilia Romagna Region – health agency).

“ALARM Project (Adherence to Long-term therapies: Assessment and Real practice Management)”, (funded by Astrazeneca and Pfizer).

“How to project accounting information systems for decision making process in University Hospitals”, (funded by Sant’Anna Hospital in Ferrara).

 “Small Family Business: Which model to plan the generational change?”, (funded by the Ferrara Chamber of Commerce and by Unicredit Bank)

“Public Sector benchmarking: an application to Italian Health District Activity Plans”, (funded by Emilia Romagna Region and Ferrara Local Health Authority)

2002-2003 Ministry of High Education, research project on “External Management Reports in public organizations: the case of Italian public hospitals”

2001-2002 Municipalities of S.Agostino, Poggio Renatico and Voghiera, research project on “Management control system and accounting information system characters in small size municipalities”

2001-2002 National Center for Scientific Research (CNR), research project on “Budgeting and Professional Behavior in Health Care Organizations”

2001 University of Ferrara, research project on “Intellectual Capital and Intellectual Property in Australian and Italian Universities”, sponsored by Aventis Foundation.

2000 University of Ferrara, “Social Reporting for Healthcare Organizations: an International Survey”

1999-2000 University of Ferrara, “Conditions influencing concurrence between voluntary and municipal operations: a comparative analysis between the Italian and the Swedish experiences”. In Collaboration with Prof. Collins, Lund University (Sweden).

 As project associate:

2007 University managerial process: looking for best practices in Public Universities, project funded by CRUI (Italian association of University Rectors)

1998-2000 AREHCAS TMR European Research Project, on Accounting and Research on Health Care Sector. Project joint with University of Munich (Germany), University of Venice (Italy), University of Linkoping (Sweden), University of Nantes (France), University of Edinburgh (UK), University of Dublin (Ireland).

1995 Local government, “Effectiveness Assessment of the Financial Aids Plan to Companies Development”




§ Performance measurement and evaluation models: the heads of unit in public hospitals. AIES (Italian Association of Health Economics Studies) Conference, Florence 18-19 October 2007 (with Laura Maran)

§ Saint Anna Hospital in Ferrara (Italy): accounting and management in the XVII and XVIII centuries. 5th Accounting History International Conference, Banff (Canada) 8-11 August 2007.

§ University research policies: how the new accounting techniques challenge academic community?. 7th European Critical Accounting Studies conference (ECAS7), Glasgow, 18-20 July 2007.

§ A knowledge framework for understanding small family business succession process. ITFERA International Conference, Milan 27-28 June 2007. (with Enrico Bracci)

§ Intellectual Capital measures: which role for performance management in healthcare sector? International Conference on “Social sciences and health in XXI century: new waves and old dilemmas?”, Forlì 20 April 2007.

§ Cost-Efficacy analysis for colonrectal cancer screening. Conference on “Colonrectal cancer screening: the experience of prevention program in Ferrara province”, Ferrara 20 April 2007.

§ Assessing Professionals’ performance for strategic management: an empirical analysis in the health sector. Conference on “Performance evaluation in the healthcare organizations”, Bologna, 16 April 2007.

§ Intellectual Capital Report for Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations. I Workshop del Gruppo di Interesse AIDEA on “Intangibles”, Ancona, 10 March.


· The economy of pharmacy’s activities: an empirical analysis. Paper presented at the conference on “ Performance evaluation for pharmacy: a multidimensional approach”, Roma 20 January 2006.

· The e-care system: the role of the public pharmacy. Paper presented at the conference on “La prospettiva dell’e-care tra Servizio Sanitario Nazionale e welfare locale – Il ruolo della farmacia pubblica”. Ferrara, 14 march 2006.

· Management accounting systems for Universities: managing process. Paper II Workshop nazionale di Azienda Pubblica. Cagliari, 12-13 may 2006

· Entrepreneurship and succession: an IC model to facilitate the generational change. Paper presented at the conference on “SME succession”. Ferrara, 8 June 2006.

· Reporting Intellectual Capital: a model for the healthcare organizations Paper presented at the “The Intellectual capital perspective in the healthcare organizations”. Bologna, 11 September 2006”.

· Managerialism and Accounting Information System in Italian local governments: an empirical analysis. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Accounting, Auditing and Management in Public Sector Reforms. Siena, 7-9 September 2006.

· Visualizing intellectual capital in healthcare organizations. Paper presented at the conference on “The Intellectual capital perspective in the healthcare organizations”. Bologna, 11 September 2006.

· Innovation in Public Administrations: The University of Ferrara organization project, Workshop su Innovazione e Pubbliche Amministrazioni, organizzato per l’accoglienza del Ministro della Funzione Pubblica e dell’Innovazione, Ferrara 11 October 2006

· Strategic planning for local government: which prcess?. National conference on “Il Piano Strategico: scenari e opportunità per Ferrara”, Ferrara, 20 December 2006.


§ Designing Intellectual Capital Report: A Study on Health Care Organizations. Paper presented at the EIASM Workshop on “Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intagibles and Intellectual Capital”, 18-20 October, Ferrara.

§ Managing Intellectual Capital in Small-medium Family Business Succession: an Integrated Framework. Paper presented at the EIASM Workshop on “Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intagibles and Intellectual Capital”, 18-20 October, Ferrara.


§ School management: Reforms, Opportunities and Ties. Paper presented at the I Workshop of the Public Sector Journal, “L’innovazione nel governo e nel management dei sistemi di pubblica amministrazione”, Castellanza, 20 May 2004. (Cohautor: Enrico Bracci).

§ Round Table at the Workshop Aidea Giovani on “Inter organizational relationship and knowledge management”, Venice 28-29 May 2004.

§ Benckmarking and performance improvement in the health organizations, Workshop on “Benchmarking in helath sector: empirical evidences comparison”, Siena, 24 September 2004

§ Quality costs for accreditation process , at the Conference on “How to accreditate Healthcare organizations”, Ferrara, 3 December 2004


§ Cost Accounting and Evidence Based Medicine III Workshop su “Evidence Based Pneumology”, Ferrara 5 February 2003.

§ The Trade-off between Quality of Health Care and Cost Containment: Which Way Forward? Paper presentated at XXVI EAA Annual Congress, Sevilla 5-7 April 2003.

§ Ferrara University Hospital: accounting and control during XVII and XVIII centuries. Paper presented at the Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Storia della Ragioneria, Bari 5-6 December 2003.


§ Invited speaker on Activity Based Costing in Medicine at the Workshop on “Evidence Based Pneumology”, Ferrara 20 February 2002.

§ Presentation on Accounting and financial reporting for cultural organizations at the Workshop on ‘Economic Evaluation applied to Cultural Goods’, Argenta (FE), 23 February 2002. (in Italian)

§ Invited Speaker on Social Reporting in Health Care Organizations: Evidence from Continental Europe, at the Accounting in the Reform of European Health Care Systems (AREHCAS) Symposium, Venezia, 25-27 March 2002.

§ Presentation on Healthcare Organizations in Italy: the Impact of New Public Management Reform on the Local Health Authority Model at the International Research in Public Sector Management, Edinburgh, 8-10 April 2002.

§ Presentation on Accounting and Information Technology for Communication in Italian Public Health Care Organizations. (Coauthor: Monia Castellini). Paper presented at XXV EAA Annual Congress, Copenaghen 25-27 April 2002.

§ Presentation on Social Reporting in Health Care Organizations: Analysis of Practices in Continental Europe. Paper presented at the XXV EAA Annual Congress, Copenaghen 25-27 April 2002.

§ Presentation on Accounting and Information Technology for Communication in Italian Public Health Care Organizations. (Coauthor: Monia Castellini). Paper presented at the Global Business and International Association International Conference “Beyond the Boundaries: Challenger of Leadership, Innovation, Integration, and Technology. Roma 25-29 June, 2002.

§ Presentation on Italian Health Care Sector: an analysis of decision makers and the external management reports. Paper presented at the EIASM International Conference on Accounting, Auditing and Management in Public Sector Reforms, Dublin, 5-7 September 2002.

§ Presentation on Management Control System for Small Size Municipalities, at the Conference on “Management control for local governments”, (coauthor: Enrico Bracci). Ferrara, 12 November 2002.




Articles in International Referred Journals

1. “Public Sector Benchmarking: an application on Italian Health District Activities Plans” (coauthor: Laura Maran), Benchmarking – An International Journal, Vol. 15, n. 3, 2008 (forthcoming).

2. “Power, Organization Design and Managerial Behaviour”, Accounting Organization & Society, Vol. 29, Issue n° 3, 2004, (coauthor: Margaret Abernethy). pp. 207-225.

3. “Managing Italian Healthcare Services in a Partial Competition System: the Viewpoint of the Office”, Journal of Public Procurement, Vol. 3, n. 3, 2003, 141-156.

4. “Accounting and Information Technology for Communication in Italian Public Healthcare Organizations” (Coauthor: Monia Castellini), Management, Vol. 7, November, 2002, pp. 16-24.

5. “Critical Accounting in Italy: Some Personal Notes”, Critical Perspective on Accounting Journal, Vol. 13, n. 4, August 1, 2002, pp. 527-532.

6. “Governance of Volunteers in Municipalities: Institutional Differences and Similarities between Italy and Sweden” (Coauthor: Sven-Olof Collin). Journal of Management and Governance, Vol. 6, n. 4. 2002, pp. 323-341.

7. “Knowledge transfer in local governments: a cultural challenge for internal auditors”, The International Public Management Review, 2/1 2001, pp. 73-117. (Coauthor: Enrico Bracci).

8. “The Italian HealthCare Reform: Which Role for Nursing?”, Journal for Nursing Policy and Practice, Sage Publications, February issue, 2001.

9. “The Reform in the Public Healthcare Organizations in Italy: Quality Control”, PAR, March/April 1997, Vol. 52, N. 7, page 183.

Chapters in books:

10. “Recent developments in universities regarding intellectual capital and intellectual property”, (Coauthors: James E. Guthrie and Peter Steane) in S. Schweitzer and M. Di Tommaso (eds), High-Tech Industrial Policy: Can Health Lead the Way? Edward Elgar Publishers Cheltenham, UK, 2005, pp. 103-127.

11. “Eastern European Countries and New Financial Management”, in J. Guthrie, O. Olson, C. Humphrey and L. R. Jones (eds), Debate on Public Sector Financial Management Reform: An International Study, Greenwich, CT: Age Publishing, 2004 (ISBN: 1-931576-66-1).

12. “The Voluntary Sector Involvement in Municipalities: Analysing Municipalities in Italy and Sweden”, in L. Montanheiro & M. Linehan (eds.), Public and Private Sector Partherships: the enabling mix, Sheffield Hallam University Press, 2000. (Coauthor: Sven-Olof Collin), pp. 253-284.

Working papers:

“Saint Anna Hospital in Ferrara (Italy): accounting and management in the XVII and XVIII centuries” (coauthor: E. Bracci, L. Maran), Submitted to Accounting History Journal.

“Managerialism, Accounting and Accountability in the Italian local governments: an empirical analysis” (coauthor: E. Bracci), Submitted to Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal.



13. Small family businesses. An intellectual capital framework to plan the generational change. Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007 (forthcoming) (Coauthor: Enrico Bracci)

14. Managing Healhcare Organizations between efficiency and contextual ties. Franco Angeli, Milano, 2004, pp. 256.

15. Auditing in Healthcare Organizations. The role of the auditing board, Maggioli Ed., Rimini, 2000, pp. 210.

16. Management Control in Public Healthcare Units. A survey about tools, process and organizations to the light of the new rules, Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 1998, pp. 253.

17. Management Control in Italian Public Sector Organizations, Giuseppe Farneti & Emidia Vagnoni (eds.), Rimini: Maggioli, 1997, pp. 520.

Refereed Papers:

18. “Schools management system: opportunities, responsibilities and contextual ties” (Coauthor: Enrico Bracci), Azienda Pubblica, n. 1, 2005, pp. 57-81.

19. Designing management control systems for small size municipalities: opportunities and criticisms”, (coauthor: Enrico Bracci) in Azienda Pubblica, n. 3/2003, pp. 179-199.

20. “Activity Based Costing in healthcare organization: an application for oxygenotherapy cost analysis”, Mecosan, n. 47, 2003, (coauthor: Giulia Potena), pp. 149-161.

21. "Concurrence factors between municipalities and voluntary organizations”, in La Finanza Locale, Issue n. 1, 2002. [Coauthor: Enrico Bracci]. pp. 91-121.

22. The French way for hospitals’ accreditation”, MECOSAN n. 32/1999, pp. 133-143.

23. “New guide lines in Central Government Accounting System: an International Perspective”, Azienda Pubblica n. 3/1998.

24. “Some methodological issues about the Public Sector accounting research”, RIREA – Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale – n. 7/8, 1998.

25. “Reporting on Austria, Italy and Slovenia. Three Public Administration Cultures in comparison with Europe”, Azienda Pubblica n. 3/1997.

26. “The reform of Healthcare System in Hungary”, Management ed Economia Sanitaria, n. 24, 1997, Roma: Sipis.

27. “Performance Measurement and Human resources management in Public Companies”, Azienda Pubblica n. 1/96, Milano: Giuffrè.

28. “Auditing in Public Hospitals”, Revisione Contabile n. 9, 1996, Milano: IFAF.

29. “DRGs and Hospital Funding System. A Similar Proposal for Rehabilitation” (coauthor: Gaspare Crimi), Management ed Economia Sanitaria, n. 17/1996, Roma: Sipis.

30. “Quality measurement and control in public health care services”, Economia & Management, n. 4, 1996, Milano: Etas.

31. “Public Assets Management: implications from the principles introduced by the Law n. 77/1995”, Azienditalia, n. 10, 1995, Milano: Ipsoa.

32. “Using to manage Cultural Services”, Azienditalia, n. 3 (Marzo), 1995, Milano: Ipsoa.

33. “Total Quality Approach for Health Service Management”, Azienditalia, n. 7 (Dicembre), 1994, Milano: Ipsoa.

34. “Regions and Local Government accounting systems: issues from recent reforms”, Azienditalia, n. 6, november, 1994, Milano: Ipsoa.

35. “Capital Assets Management: The Case of Modena Municipality”, Azienditalia, n.1, june, 1994, Milano: Ipsoa.

Book chapters:

36. “Organizational processes and performance in universities” in E. Vagnoni and E. Periti (eds), Efficienti perché Pubblici. Organizzare il cambiamento nell’università pubblica: il caso dell’Ateneo di Ferrara. Carocci Editore, Roma, 2007, pp. 49-64.

37. “Change Management mechanisms” in E. Vagnoni and E. Periti (eds), Efficienti perché Pubblici. Organizzare il cambiamento nell’università pubblica: il caso dell’Ateneo di Ferrara. Carocci Editore, Roma, 2007, pp 93-108.

38. “Performance measurement systems in University” (coauthor C. Coviello) in E. Vagnoni and E. Periti (eds), Efficienti perché Pubblici. Organizzare il cambiamento nell’università pubblica: il caso dell’Ateneo di Ferrara. Carocci Editore, Roma, 2007, pp183-200.

39. “Benchmarking and performance improvement in health care organizations”, in A. Barretta and E. Vagnoni (eds), Il Benchmarking in Ambito Sanitario, CEDAM, Padova, 2005, pp. 1-20.

40. “University and local contexts: the role of the research process”, in E. Vagnoni (eds), Azienda, Economia, Impresa e Università, Ferrara, Este Edition, 2004, pp. 13-25.

41. “Saint’Anna University Hospital: administration and accounting practices in XVII and XVIII centuries” in AA.VV., Cultura Aziendale e Professionale tra passato e futuro. Casa Editrice RIREA, II Tomo, 2004, pp. 429-455.

42. “Healthcare organizations reporting and governance models: implications and process” [Coauthor: Federica Farneti], in AA.VV. (2002), The evolution of corporate governance models, Bologna: CLUEB.

43. “Institutional analysis and the implications for managing cultural services” in G. Farneti (ed.), Measuring results and management control systems in public sector organizations. Padova: Cedam, 2001.

44. “Padua Teaching Hospital case: accounting implications” in F. Favotto (ed.), Economia Aziendale, Mc Graw-Hill, Milano, 2001.

45. “Changes in Public Administrations Studies: from 1970s to nowaday” in E. Viganò (ed.) “Rethinking the role of economic organizations”, Cedam Ed., Padova, 2000.

46. “Principles for managing healthcare services in Italy” in M. Bianchi (ed.), Austria, Italy and Slovenia. Three Public Administration Cultures in comparison with Europe, Rimini: Maggioli, 1999.

47. “Processes Analysis and Cost Management for Health Service”, in G. Farneti – R. Silvi (eds.), Cost Management: Principles, Methods and Tools, Torino: Giappichelli, 1997.

48. “Auditing process for Public Hospitals”, in L. Marchi (ed.), Auditing in Public Sector Organizations, Rimini: Maggioli, 1997.

49. “The State of Managing Control in Local Health Authority”, in the Yearbook 1994/95 of University of Bologna.

Edited Books

50. E. Vagnoni E. Periti (eds), Organizing the managerial change in public university: The case of Ferrara University. Carocci Editore, Milano, 2007.

51. A. Barretta, E. Vagnoni (eds), Healthcare organization benchmarking, CEDAM, Padova, 2005.

52. E. Vagnoni (ed), University, Economic Context and Industries, Este Edition, Ferrara, 2004.

53. E. Vagnoni (ed), A collection of interdisciplinary articles. In memory of prof. Antonio d’Atri. Este Edition, Ferrara, 2003.

54. Farneti, E. Vagnoni (eds), Public Administrations Control system, Maggioli Editore, Rimini, 1997.


Italian mother tongue
French good
English fluent

______________________________________________________________________________ACADEMIC ASSOCIATIONS & EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSHIP

Reviewer for the following international journals:
1. Research in Healthcare Financial Management (RHFM)
2. Critical Perspective in Accounting Journal (CPAJ)
3. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal (AAAJ)
4. Azienda Pubblica (Italian journal)
5. Mecosan (Italian journal)

2000 – present MECOSAN (Italian journal for healthcare management) Editorial Board Member.

1999 - present International Society for Research in Healthcare Financial Management (RHFM) Journal Editorial Board Member.

1997 – present European Accounting Association (EAA), Brussels (B).

1996 – present Azienda Pubblica (Public Sector Management Journal) Journal Editorial Board Member

CNEL (National Council for Economy and Employment), COGEST – Healthcare Group

1995 - present Italian Academic Network for the Development of Public Organizations Management (SVIMAP)

1994 - 2001 AIDEA Giovani (Junior Chapter of Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale- the Italian Academy of Management)
1998-2001: Chairperson


From 2007 President of the University of Ferrara Performance Assessment Committee.

From 2002 Director of the Postgraduate Master Program on Health Care Economics and Management, established by the University of Ferrara (School of Economics and School of Medicine).

2006-2007 Component the Italian Academy of Accounting board for defining an international journal ranking on accounting and control

2004-2007 President of the Auditing Committee of Ferrara University Hospital

2002-2007 Elected members representing the economics and accounting areas at the University of Ferrara Research Committee

2001-2007 Member of the Auditing Committee of Ferrara University Hospital

2004-2007 Component the University of Ferrara Senate

2002-2004 Component the Executive Board of the University of Ferrara

2001-present PhD supervisor for the following doctoral students: Enrico Bracci, Monia Castellini, Federica Farneti and Rebecca Levi Orelli, Laura Maran, Luca Degli Esposti, Ciro d’Aries.

2001-present Member of the Doctoral Committee on “Economics and Management”, University of Ferrara.

1999-2003 Department Executive Committee Member

1999-2003 Managing Committee for Audiovisual Tools Center of University of Ferrara

1999-2003 Managing Committee for Distance Learning Center of University of Ferrara

1999-2002 Member of the Research Funds Assignment Committee – Economics and Management Area

1999-2001 Joint Director for the Physician Training Program on Management Accounting in Healthcare

1999 Member of the managing committee of Faculty of Economics’ Library

1999-2000 Member of the Doctoral Committee on “Public Sector Organizations Management Accounting”, University of Salerno.

1999 Co-Responsible for research seminar activities at the Department of Economics, Institutions and Territory (with Dr. Marco Di Tommaso)


From 2002 Director of the University Master Program in Health Economics and Management

2002up to now Responsible for Management Accounting for Health Care Organizations Course at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics. (7 credits)

Responsible for Management Control Course at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics (7 credits)

Responsible for Health administration Course at the University of Ferrara – Medical School (3 credits)

Responsible for Healthcare organization management Course at the University of Ferrara – Medical School (3 credits)

Responsible for Business Administration Course at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Economics and Commerce in Forlì. (8 credits)

Responsible for Business Administration Course at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Human Studies and Arts. (5 credits)

2001/2002 Responsible for Management Accounting for Health Care Organizations Course at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics. (7 credits)

Responsible for Management Control Course at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics (7 credits)

Responsible for Planning and Control for Public Organizations Course at the University of Padova (4 credits)

Responsible for Business Administration Course at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Economics and Commerce in Forlì. (8 credits)

Responsible for the Public Management Unit at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science, Master in European Public Policy and Administration – English Language (3 credits)

Responsible for Business Administration Course at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Human Studies and Arts. (5 credits)

2000 Responsible for Management Accounting for Health Care Organizations Course at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics & B.A.

1999-2001 Responsible for Cost Management Course at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Economics & B.A.

Joint Director for the “Physicians Management Training Program” – University of Ferrara.

1997-2001 Responsible for Non Profit Organizations Accounting Course at the University of Bologna, in Forlì

Responsible for Health Organizations Management Course at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery – Specialization School on Prevention Medicine

1993 - 1998 Tutorship - Public Management Course, Bologna University, Forlì

Tutorship - Financial Accounting Course, Bologna University, Forlì

1995 - 1996 Tutorship - Public Management Master Program, Forlì

Public Accounting Course - Public Management Master Program, Forlì

October 2007

Emidia Vagnoni PhD