1992 Doctor degree in Biology, Summa cum Laude, University of Ferrara.

1996 PhD. in Experimental Pathology, University of Bologna.

1997-1998 FEBS Fellow (the Federation of European Biochemical Societies), at the Medical Clinics, Eberhard Karls University, Tuebingen, Germany.

1999-2002 Assistant Professor in Immunology and General Pathology, Department of Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine, Section of General Pathology, University of Ferrara.

2003-present Senior Assistant Professor in Immunology and General Pathology, Department of Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine, Section of General Pathology, University of Ferrara.

His research activity is documented by 94 publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and by several communications in international and national congresses.


Best oral communication. Purines '96: Molecular, Pharmacological and Therapeutic Advances, June 6th-9th, 1996, Milan (Italy).

Prize “I Prodotti della Ricerca”. Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche e University of Ferrara, Sept. 23rd, 2010, Ferrara, Italy.

Best Poster. 4th Joint German-Italian Purine Club Meeting, July 22nd-25th, 2011, Bonn (Germany).


Editor. He acts as an editor for the Scientific World Journal.

Referee. He acts as a referee for the following scientific journals:

- Cell Death and Differentiation,
- Immunobiology,
- Journal of Immunology,
- Journal of Neurochemistry,
- Purinergic Signalling,
- The FASEB Journal.

1999. Scientific Partner PRIN, ROSSI Filippo Univ. of Verona.
2001. Scientific Partner PRIN CASSATELLA Marco, Univ. of Verona.
2002. PRIN, Scient. Responsible Research Unit, Univ. of Ferrara.
2003. Scientific Partner PRIN, CASSATELLA Marco, Univ. of Verona.
2004. PRIN, Scientific Responsible, Research Unit, Univ. of Ferrara.
2006. PRIN, Scientific Responsible, Research Unit, Univ. of Ferrara.
2008. PRIN, Scientific Responsible, Research Unit, Univ. of Ferrara.