Academic Position:
Associate Professor of Igneous Petrology and Geochemistry

Impact factors:
h-index (Scopus): 20 (1994-2020)
C-index (Scopus): 1457 (1994-2020)

Business Address:
Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra
Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Via Saragat, 1
44121, Ferrara
Telephone: +39 0532 974720 (Office, direct)
skype: costanzabonadiman

Alma Mater:
1989 Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Laurea in Geologia (110/110)
1994 Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza , Ph.D. in Mineralogy and Petrology

1995- 1996 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra – Università di Ferrara. Post-doctoral fellow: “Fondazione Cassa si Risparmio di Ferrara”.
1997 School of Earth Sciences, University of Edinburgh (UK). CNR – Postdoctoral fellow: CNR- Long term mobility -
1998-1999 CNRS-CRSCM Centre de Recherches sur la Synthese et Chimie des Mineraux) Orleans (France). Post-doctoral fellow in the frame of Network EC-TMR Network “In situ hydrous melts ” (contract. n. ERBFM-RXCT960063)
2000-2010 Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy – Researcher in Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology (DB03)
2010- Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy – Associate Professor in Petrology GEO-07).

Teaching activity
2001- Geochemistry in the Geological Science three-year undergraduate degree
2001-2016 –Petrography laboratory.
2015- Petrology in the “Scienze geologiche, georisorse e territorio” Master degree.
2013- Seminaries and short courses for Earth and marine sciences PhD students

Academic services
Member of the Marine and Earth Sciences Ph.D Committee of the University of Ferrara
2016- member of academic board of the “Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo” that evaluates the language demands of the foreign PhD students of the University of Ferrara.
2017- member of Teaching commission for the evaluations of the efficacy of the courses in Earth Sciences three-year undergraduate degree and Master degree

Research activity
The research activity of Costanza Bonadiman is proven by more than 50 publications in international journals and was funded by national and international Research Institutions (MIUR, CNR,EU):
2005-2007: Research project: EU Interlink (principal Investigator Prof. M. Coltorti): University of Ferrara - Macquire University Sydney (Australia), Universitè Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne (France) - CNRS ObservatoireMidi-Pyrenees, Toulouse (France). “Mantle metasomatism in intraplate and suprasubduction geodynamic settings).
2006-2008: Research project: School of Earth Sciences, Edinburgh University (U.K) (Prof. B.G.J .Upton) and Birkberck College (Prof. Hilary Downes) : “Pre-mesozoic Scottish lithospheric Mantle “
2008-2011: Scientific collaboration: University of Hefei (School of Earth and Space Science): Volatiles in North China Craton mantle xenoliths".
2012-: Research project: CNRS ObservatoireMidi-Pyrenees, Toulouse (France): Isotopic analyses of lithospheric mantle.
2013- : Research project: CNR-IGG- Pavia, Italy: “In situ measurements of volatile contents in mantle minerals.
2014- : Scientific collaboration: GEMOC -CSSO-Macquire University, (Sydney, Australia). Mantle geochemistry
2017- : Scientific collaboration: CNR-IGG- Pavia, Italy. In situ trace elements analyses of gems (Ruby and Topaz).

Costanza Bonadiman research activity is framed in the ERC Sectors:
PE10_10 Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology
PE10_11 Geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isotope geochemistry, thermodynamics

In the 2017 he has been evaluated (at national level) suitable for the role of full professor.

1997 Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology for young scientists abroad
2002 Scientific member(petrologist) of the ODP-Leg 203- cruise-
(Balboa, Panama, Victoria, Canada: May-June 2002).
2006 Woman Research Grant -2006 University of Vienna (Austria)
2007 SYNTHESYS (Natural History Museum of London) – Program: “Metasomatism of mantle lithosphere beneath the Cape Verde Archipelago by means of major and trace element in situ analyses of glasses in mantle xenoliths”

Organisational/ managerial activities
2005-2010 Member of the Steer committee of the National Group of Petrology
2016 -: Member of the steer Committee of the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology
2017- Member of the Executive Committee of Elements (International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology)
2007- : Associate Researcher of GEMOC -CSSO-Macquire University, Sydney Australia.
2018- : Associated Researcher of CNR-Georisorse-Geoscienze-Georisorse(IGG- Geodinamica Planetaria e Processi Geologici)

Editorial activity

Editor of Tectonophysics Special Volume. Vol. 650. 2015 Bianchini G., Bonadiman C., Aulbach S, Schutt D
(eds). “Integrated Geophysical-Geochemical Constraints on Composition and Structure of the Lithosphere”
Editor of Lithos Special Volume. Vol.364-365. 2020: Zanetti A., Bonadiman C., Grègoire M., Ntaflos T., Woodland A.”EMAW-Mantle Paradigms”

1995 - : Referee of scientific articles, submitted to the most relevant journals of the petrological and geochemical international community (e,g: Journal of Petrology, Geochimica et cosmochima Acta, , Scientific Reports, EPSL, Lithos Nature e Sciences).

Main fundraising

2008: EC- SYNTHESYS (Natural History Museum of London) : “Metasomatism of mantle lithosphere beneath the Cape Verde Archipelago by means of major and trace element in situ analyses of glasses in mantle xenoliths”
2009: National project : Nanomateriali per l’energia – Ottimizzazione dei nanomateriali per applicazioni al solare” (prot. n. 56; funded by: MISE/ICE/CRUI): Principal Investigators: Giuseppe Cruciani (UNIFE).
2013: National Program of Antarctic Research (PNRA): “PNRA 2013/ B2.02 “ Hydrous phase stability in litospheric mantle of large rifting system: petrological and experimental”. PI: Costanza Bonadiman
(50,000.00 €)
2015: Progetti Di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale “PRIN 2015: MIUR-2015 20158A9CBM “Geochemical and isotopic budget of highly metasomatised sub-continental mantle in the Africa and Europe geodynamic systems: modern and fossil analogues”. P.I. Sandro Conticelli; Local Investigator: Costanza Bonadiman (538,961.00 €)
2015: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015. Meteorites and their surface impact. A key to understand Earth and Solar system dynamics and evolution (PROMETEO)- PI: Costanza Bonadiman - Local Investigators: Alberto Zanetti –IGG-CNR-Pavia); Carla Taricco (Torino/INAF); Hassane Nachid (University of Agadir,Morocco); Theodorus Ntaflos (University of Vienna, Austria); Rogelio Acevedo (CONICE_GoB_ Argentina) Final report: -suitable for funding- ( 1,458,000.00 €)
2018- Funded projects in collaboration with the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Turin (Italy) and an Italian energy company to study municipal solid waste (MWA) in minerals and rocks (6,000 €)
2020: National Program of Antarctic Research (PNRA): “progettoPNRA18_00079 - A.M.O.Re (Antarctic Mantle Orthopyroxene Record)-” Chemical and physical characteristics of orthopyroxene-dominated ultramafic lens in the lithospheric mantle of the WestAntarctic system. PI: Alberto Zanetti –IGG-CNR-Pavia; Local Investigators Costanza Bonadiman (73, 500 €)