
Ing. Chiara Soffritti received the undergraduated degree in Engineering of Materials (100/110) on July 2004 from the University of Ferrara. On October 2007 she received from the University of Ferrara the master degree (107/110) in Engineering of Materials, with the title: “Effect of surface finish on the migration of substances from microstructured component fabricated by MIM”. From January 2008 to December 2010 she has been PhD student in Engineering Science (cycle XXIII) at the University of Ferrara, discussing a thesis with the title “On the tribological behaviour of metal/ceramic and metal/metal coatings”. Her PhD activity has been considered excellent. Since January 2011 she has been research assistant at the Engineering Department in Ferrara carrying out a research project for TekneHub (University of Ferrara) with the title: “Studio e caratterizzazione di materiali metallici nel settore della diagnostica, restauro e conservazione dei Beni Culturali”.

Dr. Soffritti research activity involves several metallurgical aspects regarding shape memory alloys, ceramic and cermet coatings and ancient copper alloys. She is author and co-author of papers published in national journals and papers published in international and national conference proceedings.