Ms Arianna Thiene took her law degree summa cum laude from the University of Ferrara in 1997.
In 1999, she was admitted to the 14th cycle of the doctoral degree in Civil Law (Obligations and civil liability law) in Ferrara, and in January 2002 was awarded her PhD with distinction.
In November 2002 she started working as a university researcher at the Department of Law Sciences at the Law School in Ferrara for the scientific disciplinary sector (SDS/IUS/01).
In November 2014, following a competition, she was appointed associated professor at the Department of Law (University of Ferrara), where she now teaches Institutions of Private Law and Civil Law.
Ms Thiene is a member of the doctoral committee for the doctoral degree in European Union Law and national legal systems – Department of Law (University of Ferrara).
She has participated in several scientific research programmes of relevant national interest and in university- funded research projects.
She has written essays, contributions in Treatises and Commentaries, one monograph, case notes, law digests and reviews.
Her research areas include personality rights, the rights of minors and the family, and civil liability.
Ms Thiene has recently promoted interdisciplinary researches, editing with the pedagogist Ms Elena Marescotti, the volume “La scuola al tempo dei social network” (“School in social networks’ times”), "Annali online della Didattica e della Formazione Docente", n. 13/2017 and the volume “La relazione Tra Scuola e Famiglia nel segno del superiore interesse del minore. La responsabilità genitoriale tra diritti e doveri, sostegno e formazione alla genitorialità, interazione con le istituzioni educative”, (“The Relationship between School and Family with utmost interest for the minor. Parental responsibility between rights and duties, support and training in parenthood, interaction with educational institutions”), “Annali online della didattica e della formazione docente”, n. 15-16/2018.
Among her latest publications – L’inconsistente tutela dei minori nel mondo digitale (The inadeguate protection of minors in the digital world) (in “Studium iuris”, 2012); La tutela della personalità dal neminem laedere al suum cuique tribuere (Protecting personality rights - from neminem laedere to suum cuique tribuere) (in “Rivista di diritto civile”, 2014); Salute, riserbo e rimedio risarcitorio (Health, reserve and the compensation remedy (in “Rivista italiana di medicina legale”, 2015); Figli, Finzioni e responsabilità civile (Children, misrepresentation and civil liability) (in “Famiglia e diritto”, 2016); Riservatezza e autodeterminazione del minore nelle scelte esistenziali (Confidentiality and self-determination of minors in existential choices) (in “Famiglia e diritto”, 2017); Segretezza e riappropriazione di informazioni di informazioni di carattere personale: riserbo e oblio nel nuovo Regolamento europeo (Secrecy and ri-appropriation of personal information: reserve and oblivion in the new European regulations) (in “Nuove leggi civili commentate”, 2017); Il tutore volontario finalmente protagonista nella vita dei minori stranieri non accompagnati (The volunteer tutor eventually protagonist in the life of foreign unaccompanied minors) (in A. Annoni a cura di, La protezione dei minori non accompagnati al centro del dibattito europeo ed italiano, Jovene, 2018); Ragazzi perduti online: illeciti dei minori e responsabilità dei genitori (Online lost kids: minors’ offences and parents’ responsibility), (in “Nuova giurisprudenza civile commentata”, 2018).