
Angelo Taibi is Full Professor of Medical Physics at the University of Ferrara. Following his degree in Physics at the University of Ferrara he obtained the PhD in Medical Physics at the same University in 1997. During his doctorate, he worked on the development of a digital mammography prototype system with quasi-monochromatic x-rays.In 1998 he was awarded a european grant, the Marie Curie Fellowship, to engage his research as post-doc at the Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London. There, he developed a Monte Carlo model to investigate the potential of diffraction enhanced breast imaging. He then returned to Ferrara and he is currently working at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the local University. He also holds several physics courses at the University of Ferrara.His expertise covers various aspects of the physics of diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine and biophysics of blood circulation: image formation process, quality assurance, development of x-ray test objects, x-ray diffraction, Monte Carlo simulations, radiation detectors. Recently, he has been involved in scientific projects concerning the advanced applications of digital mammography such as dual-energy and tomosynthesis, also as scientific consultant of women's healthcare companies. Over the years he has obtained several national and international funds and has led research teams in the field of Medical Physics. Recently, he has been appointed by the Italian Space Agency to perform, as project manager, an experiment of human physiology on the International Space Station (the "Drain Brain" experiment, in collaboration with the Vascular Diseases Center of Ferrara University). The experimental protocol included the use of an on-board ultrasound scanner and an electronic device (plethysmograph) to be carried on the ISS. The development of the plethysmography system has been coordinated by Angelo Taibi and its use has been approved by NASA before the launch. The project has been successfully completed and fully reported in the Italian and international media. His publications include more than 100 papers on peer reviewed journals. He also contributed to four scientific books. He is referee for peer-reviewed scientific journals: European Radiology, Medical Physics, Physics in Medicine and Biology and Physica Medica. Since year 2003, he is expert for the evaluation of research proposals under the EC Framework Programmes. Contributor to the European protocol on mammography. Departmental coordinator for international mobility. Since 2013 he is a member of the Academic Board of the Doctorate in Physics of the University of Ferrara.For about twenty years he has been carrying out training activities for Radiologists and Radiology Technicians and is currently a member of the faculty for the courses of the SIRM (Senology Section). He was also a member of the faculty at the University of Tor Vergata (Rome) "Master in Diagnostics and Breast Intervention" and member of the faculty at the University of Padua "Master in Surface Treatments for Industrial Applications".