Angelina Passaro
Professional Curriculum
Education, teaching, research and list of publications, health care activities

Section of Internal Medicine and CardioRespiratory,
Department of Medical Sciences
University of Ferrara
Via Savonarola, 9. Via G. Garibaldi, 139/8.
44100 Ferrara, Italy 44100 Ferrara, Italy
Tel. Secretary 0532 247409 Tel. Home 0532 248025
Tel. Office 0532 236291 Mobile 3408524168

Angelina Passaro, born in Quarto (Naples) 19th November 1964, has achieved the High School Diploma (classical studies), with honours, at the High School “Umberto I” of Naples.
In 1991, she graduated in Medicine and Surgery, cum laude, presenting at the University of Ferrara, the thesis “Reazioni Avverse da Farmaci nell’anziano”, mentor Prof. Renato Fellin.
Certified Physician since 1991, after having passed the State Qualifying Examination, during the II session.
Enrolled at the Postgraduate School of “Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases”, directed by Prof. R. Fellin, in 1991 after passing the selection on curriculum and exam results. Currently specialist in “Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases”, having passed the exam by discussing the thesis: “Concentrazione plasmatica di omocist(e)ina e rischio cardio-vascolare in pazienti con diabete mellito non insulino-dipendente: Omocist(e)ina fattore di rischio o spettatore innocente?”; qualification obtained cum laude.
PhD in “Medical Physiopathology”; title achieved in February 2001 at the Institute of Medical Clinic, directed by Prof. G. Realdi, of the University of Sassari.
Temporary Researcher, 2nd May 1999-1st May 2003, at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Ferrara, Section of Internal Medicine, after winning the competition based on curriculum and exam results, on the topic: "Studio, della durata di 4 anni, in doppio cieco randomizzato, placebo-controllato, sull’efficacia di atorvastatina nella prevenzione di endpoint cardiovascolari in pazienti con diabete mellito tipo 2".
Researcher at the University of Ferrara since 1st July 2005 with health care tasks, teaching and research. Adjunct Professor at the University of Ferrara since 2006.
In 2012 she achieved post-graduate qualification in Economics and Management of Health Services – Master (2nd level) at the University of Ferrara.
Cultural interests were directed in the fields of Diabetology, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, carrying out tasks of basic and clinical research, in vivo and in vitro.
Head of the research group on cardiometabolic risk factors in obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome since March 2002.
Member of many scientific societies (Società Italiana di Diabetologia, Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria, Società Italiana dell’Obesità and European Atherosclerosis Society) and since 2007 member of the Board of the Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi (SISA) section of Emilia-Romagna.

Academic Year 2001-2002: Lecturer of the course “Biochemistry of Nutrition and Metabolism”, performing frontal lectures, practical training and exams in the Bachelor level Degree in Dietetics, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara.
Academic Year 2001-2002: Lecturer of the integrated course “General Pathology and Physiopathology of Nutrition”, performing frontal lectures, practical training and exams in the Bachelor level Degree in Dietetics, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara.
Academic Year 2001-2002: Manager of the technical and practical activities for the Bachelor level Degree in Dietetics.
Currently Professor in the Degree courses of Medicine and Surgery and Dietetics, in the Master Degree courses of Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity and Medical-Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies, in the Post-graduate Schools of Internal Medicine and Diseases of the Respiratory System; as follows:
Medicina e Chirurgia 2005-2013 Medicina Interna
Medicina e Chirurgia 2005-2013 Chimica e Nutrizione
Medicina e Chirurgia 2005-2013 Medicina Interna C.I. Medicina Interna (prima parte-no esame)
Medicina e Chirurgia 2010-2013 Anatomia umana e propedeutica clinica (modulo: Medicina interna)
Dietistica 2010-2013 Fisiologia, fisiopatologia e patologia generale (modulo: Fisiopatologia della nutrizione)
Dietistica 2010-2013 Vitamine e antiossidanti della dieta II
Fisiopatologia della nutrizione e del ricambio (L2)
Dietistica 2005-2009 Fisiopatologia della Nutrizione C.I. Fisiopatologia della Nutrizione e del Ricambio
Dietistica 2005-2009 Fisiopatologia del Ricambio C.I. Fisiopatologia della Nutrizione e del Ricambio

Scienze e Tecniche dell'Attività Motoria Preventiva e Adattata 2005-2010 Attività Motoria e Dismetabolismi C.I. TTD dell'Attività Motoria per l'Età Adulta ed Anziana
Biotecnologie Medico-Farmaceutiche 2007-2010 Medicina Interna

Medicina Interna 2005-2013 Malattie del Metabolismo
Malattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio 2007-2013 Metodologia Clinica
Tutor for practical training in wards and outpatient clinics in the Degree Courses of Internal Medicine and Dietetics. Responsible of the organization of the technical and practical activities for the II year in the Post-graduate School of Internal Medicine. Follows the Medical and Research Training of the Post-graduate students in Internal Medicine. Very active in supporting the planning, management and drafting of Graduation and Specialization thesis.
Activities carried out as follows:
Degree/ Post-Graduate Schools A.A. Activity
Medicina e Chirurgia Tutore 2005-2013 Esercitazioni in Medicina Interna
Dietistica Segretario 2005-2013 Organizzazione attività tecnico-pratiche
Dietistica Tutore 2005-2013 Esercitazioni in Malattie Metaboliche
Dietistica Tutore 2005-2013 Esercitazioni in Medicina Interna e Geriatria
Medicina Interna Tutore 2005-2013 Responsabile dell'organizzazione delle attività tecnico-pratiche per il II anno di corso

The research activity is focused on Metabolic-Nutritional interests. In particular, the research has been devoted to the development of two main areas:
1. Study of the physiopathological mechanisms underlying vascular damage.
a. In vivo studies on cohorts of subjects
b. In vitro studies on endothelial cells from human umbilical cord (HUVEC) from normal pregnancies or pregnancies complicated by different pathological conditions and on human and cell line adipocytes.
2. Study of the effect of nutrients on metabolic and vascular response and of the interaction environment / genes.
3. Study of adipose tissue and interaction environment / genes
The research was, and still is, carried out in collaboration with various research centres: Centro Studi dell'Alimentazione, Nutrition Foundation of Italy [NFI] di Milano; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Section of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Ferrara; Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Internal Medicine III, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Pisa; Department of Biomedical Sciences and Advanced Therapies, Section of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Ferrara; Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Inštitut za kineziološke raziskave; Università del Litorale, Centro di Ricerche Scientifiche, Istituto di Ricerche Kinesiologiche; Università degli Studi di Trieste. Mestna občina Koper. Comune città di Capodistria. Mestna občina Kranj. Inštitut za varovanje zdravja RS. Splošna bolnišnica Izola. Ospedale generale Isola. Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche, Università degli studi di Udine. Università di Ferrara. Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Università di Padova. Comune di Ferrara . co-investigator del gruppo italiano di farmacovigilanza nell’anziano (gifa)

Author of journal publications and conference proceedings.
Speaker at national and international conferences and refresher courses.
2014 Passaro A, Dalla Nora E, Morieri ML, Soavi C, Sanz JM, Zurlo A, Fellin R, Zuliani G.: Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Plasma Levels: Relationship With Dementia and Diabetes in the Elderly Population.. The Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 03/2014; 4,31
Cervellati C, Romani A, Seripa D, Cremonini E, Bosi C, Magon S, Passaro A, Bergamini CM, Pilotto A, Zuliani G.: Oxidative balance, homocysteine, and uric acid levels in older patients with late onset Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia.. Journal of the neurological sciences 02/2014; 337(1):156-161. 2,24
2013 Genovese S, Passaro A, Brunetti P, Comaschi M, Cucinotta D, PRISMA study group, Egan CG, Chinea B, Bravi F, Di Pietro C: Pioglitazone Randomised Italian Study on Metabolic Syndrome (PRISMA): effect of pioglitazone with metformin on HDL-C levels in type 2 diabetic patients.. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 09/2013; 36(8):606-616. 1,65
Zuliani G, Bonetti F, Soavi C, Magon S, Passaro A, Boari B, Guerzoni F, Gallerani M.: Medical illnesses and risk of delirium in acute hospitalized adult-older patients. Journal of Aging Research and Clinical Practice. 09/2013; 2(3):310-316.
Brombo G, Volpato S, Secchiero P, Passaro A, Bosi C, Zuliani G, Zauli G.: Association of Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) with Central Adiposity and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol.. PLoS ONE 01/2013; 8(3):e58225. 3,73
2012 Passaro A, Morieri ML: Cardiovascular risk in special populations: The elderly. Internal and Emergency Medicine 12/2012; 7:17-21. 2,35
Di Vece F, Dalla Nora E, Passaro A, Testoni L, Vigna GB: Sindrome metabolica e steatosi epatica: rapporti, meccanismi e determinanti.. Giornale Italiano dell'Arteriosclerosi. 09/2012; 3(3):15-29.
Dalla Nora E, Testoni L, Vigna GB, Di Vece F, Passaro A: Tessuto adiposo e infiammazione sistemica. Giornale Italiano dell'Arteriosclerosi. 06/2012; 3(2):72-83.
Zuliani G, Morieri ML, Passaro A, Vigna GB, Vitolo E, Solini A: Sindrome metabolica e infiammazione sistemica. Giornale Italiano dell'Arteriosclerosi. 06/2012; 3(2).
2011 Passaro A, Dalla Nora E, Marcello C, Di Vece F, Morieri ML, Sanz JM, Bosi C, Fellin R, Zuliani G: PPARg Pro12Ala and ACE ID polymorphisms are associated with BMI and fat distribution, but not metabolic syndrome. Cardiovascular Diabetology 12/2011; 10:112. 4,21
Zuliani G, Donnorso MP, Bosi C, Passaro A, Dalla Nora E, Zurlo A, Bonetti F, Mozzi AF, Cortese C: Plasma 24S-hydroxycholesterol levels in elderly subjects with late onset Alzheimer's disease or vascular dementia: a case-control study.. BMC Neurology 10/2011; 11:121.(11):121. 2,56
2009 Solini A, Santini E, Passaro A, Madec S, Ferrannini E: Family history of hypertension, anthropometric parameters and markers of early atherosclerosis in young healthy individuals. Journal of Human Hypertension 12/2009; 23(12):801-807. 2,8
2008 Passaro A, Calzavarini S, Volpato S, Caruso P, Poli A, Fellin R, Bernardi F: Reduced factor VII and factor VIII levels and prolonged thrombin-generation times during a healthy diet in middle-aged women with mild to moderate cardiovascular disease risk.. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 10/2008; 6(12):2088-94.. 6,08
2007 Vigna GB, Passaro A, Bonomo K, Anfossi G, Fellin R, Trovati M: Transient massive hyperlipidaemia in a type 2 diabetic subject.. Internal and Emergency Medicine 04/2007; 2(1):67-70. 2,35
2006 Solini A, Zamboni P, Passaro A, Fellin R, Ferrannini E: Acute vascular events and electrolytes variations in elderly patients.. Hormone and Metabolic Research 04/2006; 38(3):197-202. 2,15
2004 Solini A, Passaro A, Fioretto P, Nannipieri M, Ferrannini E: Lipoprotein lipase gene variants and progression of nephropathy in hypercholesterolaemic patients with type 2 diabetes.. Journal of Internal Medicine 07/2004; 256(1):30-6. 6,46
Smorgon C, Mari E, Atti AR, Dalla Nora E, Zamboni PF, Calzoni F, Passaro A, Fellin R: Trace elements and cognitive impairment: an elderly cohort study.. Arch Gerontol Geriatr Suppl. 2004;(9):393-402. 1,36
2003 Solini A, Chiozzi P, Morelli A, Passaro A, Fellin R, Di Virgilio F: Defective P2Y purinergic receptor function: A possible novel mechanism for impaired glucose transport.. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 12/2003;197(3):435-44. 4,22
Passaro A, Calzoni F, Volpato S, Dalla Nora E, Pareschi PL, Zamboni PF, Fellin R, Solini A: Effect of metabolic control on homocysteine levels in type 2 diabetic patients: a 3-year follow-up.. Journal of Internal Medicine 09/2003; 254(3):264-71. 6,46
Zamboni PF, Simone M, Passaro A, Dalla Nora E, Fellin R, Solini A: Metabolic profile in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia or prostate cancer and normal glucose tolerance.. Hormone and Metabolic Research 06/2003; 35(5):296-300. 2,15
Dalla Nora E, Passaro A, Zamboni PF, Calzoni F, Fellin R, Solini A: Atorvastatin improves metabolic control and endothelial function in type 2 diabetic patients: a placebo-controlled study. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 01/2003; 26(1):73-8. 1,65
2002 Vigna GB, Donegà P, Zanca R, Barban A, Passaro A, Pansini F, Bonaccorsi G, Mollica G, Fellin R: Simvastatin, transdermal patch, and oral estrogen-progestogen preparation in early-postmenopausal hypercholesterolemic women: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial.. Metabolism 11/2002; 51(11):1463-70. 3,14
2001 Passaro A, Calzoni F, Zamboni PF, Manservigi D, Alberti L, Dalla Nora E, Fellin R, Solini A: Role of diabetes in influencing leptin concentration in elderly overweight patients.. European Journal of Endocrinology 09/2001; 145(2):173-9. 3,14
Passaro A, Vanini A, Clazoni F, Alberti L, Zamboni PF, Fellin R, Solini A: Plasma homocysteine, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutation and carotid damage in elderly healthy women.. Atherosclerosis 07/2001; 157(1):175-80. 3,71
Solini A, Di Virgilio F, Chiozzi P, Fioretto P, Passaro A, Fellin R: A defect in glycogen synthesis characterizes insulin resistance in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes.. Hypertension 07/2001; 37(6):1492-6. 6,87
Passaro A, Volpato S, Romagnoni F, Manzoli N, Zuliani G, Fellin R: Benzodiazepines with different half-life and falling in a hospitalized population: The GIFA study. Gruppo Italiano di Farmacovigilanza nell'Anziano.. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 01/2001; 53(12):1222-9. 5,33
2000 Solini A, Passaro A, D’Elia K, Clazoni F, Alberti L, Fellin R: The relationship of plasma glucose and electrocardiographic parameters in elderly women with different degrees of glucose tolerance.. Aging clinical and experimental research 09/2000; 12(4):249-55. 1,01
Vergnani L, Hatrik S, Ricci F, Passaro A, Manzoli N, Zuliani G, Brovkovych V, Fellin R, Malinski T: Effect of native and oxidized low-density lipoprotein on endothelial nitric oxide and superoxide production : key role of L-arginine availability.. Circulation 04/2000; 101(11):1261-6. 15,2
Passaro A, D’Elia K, Pareschi PL, Clazoni F, Carantoni M, Fellin R, Solini A: Factors influencing plasma homocysteine levels in type 2 diabetes.. Diabetes Care 04/2000; 23(3):420-1. 7,74
1999 Vigna GB, Donega P, Passaro A, Zanca R, Cattin L, Fonda M, Pauciullo P, Marotta G, Fellin R, Gasparrini S, Piliego T: Post-prandial effects of gemfibrozil vs simvastatin in hypercholesterolemic subjects with borderline hypertriglyceridemia.. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 10/1999; 9(5):234-43. 3,98
Carantoni M, Zuliani G, Bader G, Palmieri E, Volpato S, Passaro A, Imbastaro T, Mezzetti A, Fellin R: Low density lipoprotein cholesterol, lipoprotein(a), and apo(a) isoforms in the elderly: relationship to fasting insulin. Associazione Medica Sabin.. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 10/1999; 9(5):228-33. 3,98
Vergnani L, Ricci F, Manzoli N, Vigna GB, Passaro A, Donegà P, Manzato E, Malinski T, Fellin R. Effect of different lipoprotein fraction on nitric oxide and superoxide production in endothelial cells. Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Diseases and Diabetic Complication. 1999; 99-105.
1998 Passaro A, Solini A, D’Elia K, Carantoni M, Fellin R. Iperomocisteinemia: da raro difetto metabolico a fattore di rischio aterotrombotico. Medico e Metabolismo. 1998; 7: 13-18.
Solini A, Carantoni M, Passaro A. Microalbuminuria e aterosclerosi. Medico e Metabolismo. 1998; 5: 39-43.

2012 Morieri ML, Dalla Nora E, Sanz JM, Di Vece F, Lodi E, Minzoni A, Sighinolfi L, Zuliani G, Passaro A. Fatty-Acid Binding Protein-4 And Lipocalin-2 Association With HIV Related Metabolic Abnormalities And Effect Of Normocomposite Normochaloric Diet. 80th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, Milan - Italy; 05/2012.
Lodi E, Sanz JM, Dalla Nora E, Morieri ML, Dell’Atti L, Bosi C, Zuliani G, Passaro A. Role of metabolic abnormalities of the metabolic syndrome in prostatic adenomyomatosis and prostate cancer. 80th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, Milan - Italy; 05/2012.
2009 Calzavarini S, Volpato S, Caruso P, Passaro A, Fellin R, Bernardi F. Modulation of coagulation factor levels and thrombin generation parameters by a healthy diet in premenopausal middle-aged women with moderate cardiovascular risk. XXII Congress of the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Boston, MA, USA,07/2009. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 07/2009; 7(S2):1056.
2008 Passaro A, Calzavarini S, Volpato S, Casari C, Poli A, Marangoni, Caruso P, Fellin R, Paoletti R, Bernardi F. Moderate alcohol intake and hemostatic and inflammatory markers in middle-aged women: a controlled study. 77th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society. Istanbul, Turkey. 26-29 April 2008. Atherosclerosis Supplements, Volume 9, Issue 1, May 2008, Page 49.
2007 Dalla Nora E, Passaro A, Marcello C, Mari E, Volpato S, Bolognesi C, Bosi C, Fellin R. Association between ACE gene Insertion/Deletion (ACE I/D) polymorphism, PPAR-gamma Pro12Ala (Pro12Ala) polymorphism and ATPIII metabolic syndrome components in a cohort of obese subjects. 76th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society. Helsinki, Finland. 10-13 June 2007. Atherosclerosis Supplements, Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2007, Page 51
Passaro A, Dalla Nora E, Vigna GB, Volpato S, Marcello C, Mari E, Candiotto M, Fellin R. Short term effect of four different macronutrient oral loads on metabolic profile and flow mediated vasodilatation in healthy young men. 76th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society. Helsinki, Finland. 10-13 June 2007. Atherosclerosis Supplements, Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2007, Pages 162-163
2006 Passaro A, Dalla Nora E, Mari E, Marcello C, Fellin R. Adiposity is an important determinant of chronic low-grade inflammation and is associated with carotid artery intima-media thickness. XIV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis. Rome, Italy.18-22 June 2006. Atherosclerosis Supplements, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2006, Page 311
2003 Smorgon C, Mari E, Atti AR, Dalla Nora E, Zamboni PF, Calzoni F, Passaro A, Fellin R. Trace elements and cognitive impairment: an elderly cohort study. 3rd Bologna International Meeting “Affective, Behavior and Cognitive Disorders in the Elderly”. Bologna (Italy) June 19-21, 2003; 81-83.
Solini A, Passaro A, Fioretto P. LPL gene and progression of nephropathy in hypercholesterolemic type 2 diabetic patients. 18Th International Diabetes Federation Congress (IDF), Paris (France) August 24-29, 2003; 966.
2002 Dalla Nora E, Zamboni PF, Calzoni F, Smorgon C, Fellin R, Passaro A. Endothelial function post-prandial phase in healthy subjects: relation with carotid intima-media thickness. VIII European Symposium on Metabolism. The metabolic syndrome: diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. Padova. October 2-5, 2002; 36.
2001 Passaro A, Calzoni F, Dalla Nora E, Zamboni PF, Alberti L, Fellin R, Solini A. Effect of metabolic control on plasma homocisteine levels in type 2 diabetes: a three years follow-up. 61st ADA Meeting, Philadelfia June 22-26, 2001 Diabetes (2001): Vol 50, (Supplement). 2, p. A100, n. 397P.
Solini A, Chiozzi P, Morelli A, Passaro A, Fellin R, Di Virgilio F. Defective P2Y purinergic receptor function induce impaired glucose trasport in type 2 diabetes. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin (Italy) June 9-13, 2001
Solini A, Chiozzi P, Morelli A, Passaro A, Di Virgilio F. Defective P2Y purinergic receptor function induce impaired glucose trasport in type 2 diabetes. 61st ADA Meeting, Philadelfia (USA) June 22-26, 2001 Diabetes (2001): Vol 50, (Supplement). 2, p. A507, n. 2135PO.
Solini A, Chiozzi P, Morelli A, Passaro A, Fellin R, Di Virgilio F. Defective P2Y purinergic receptor function induces impaired glucose transport in type 2 diabetes. 37th EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes Glasgow, United Kingdom, 9-13 September 2001. Diabetologia (2001) 44: [Suppl l]: A I-A 325
2000 Vigna GB, Donegà P, Zanca R, Santoro G, Passaro A, Pansini F, Mollica G, Fellin R Simvastatin, transdermal patch and oral estrogen-progestin preparation in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women: A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Xllth International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Stockholm, Sweden, June 25-29, 2000. Atherosclerosis, Volume 151, Issue 1, July 2000, Page 202
1999 Passaro A, Vannini A, D'Elia K, Calzoni F, Carantoni M, Zuliani G, Solini A, Fellin R. MTHFR mutation and carotid wall thickness in aging non diabetic women. 71st Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society. Athens (Grace) May 26-29, 1999; Atherosclerosis, Volume 144, Supplement 1, May 1999, Page 100
Passaro A, Solini A, K. D'Elia, P. Pareschi, Calzoni F, Carantoni M, Fellin R. Factors influencing plasma homocysteine as marker of CHD in type 2 diabetes
Atherosclerosis, Volume 145, Supplement 1, July 1999, Page S11
Carantoni M, Solini A, Passaro A, Calzoni F, D’Elia K, Chioccoli L, Manservigi D, Fellin R. Different predictors of plasma leptin levels in normoglicemic subjects and patients with type 2 diabetes. 59Th Scientific Sessions of American Diabetes Association. San Diego (California, USA) June 19-22, 1999. Diabetes 1999; 48 (supplement 1): A426.
Passaro A, Vanini A, Calzoni F, D’Elia K, Carantoni M, Zuliani G, Fellin R, Solini A. MTHFR mutation and subclinical carotid impairment in aging non diabetic women. 35Th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Brussels (Belgium) September 28–October 2, 1999. Diabetologia 1999; 42 (supplement 1): A329.
1998 Solini A, Passaro A, D’Elia K, Donegà P, Carantoni M, Fellin R. Electrocardiographic signs of asymptomatic coronary artery disease in aging women with normal glucose tolerance. 6Th Meeting of the Mediterranean Group for the Study of Diabetes. Rome (Italy) March 5-8, 1998; 94.
Solini A, Passaro A, D’Elia K, Pareschi PL, Carantoni M, Fellin R. Factors influencing plasma homocysteine as determenant of cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus. XIII International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism. Florence (Italy) May 30-June 3, 1998; 109.
Carantoni M, Zuliani G, Palmieri E, Bader G, Volpato S, Mezzetti A, Passaro A, Fellin R. Insulin resistance and aging: relationship with plasma cholesterol, Lp(a) and Apo(a) isoforms in a very old population. XIII International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism. Florence (Italy) May 30-June 3, 1998; 113.
Vergnani L, Ricci F, Manzoli N, Vigna GB, Passaro A, Donegà P, Malinski T, Fellin R. Effect of HDL on nitric oxide generation in ox-LDL and LDL-treated endothelial cells. XIII International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism. Florence (Italy) May 30-June 3, 1998; 92.
Vergnani L, Ricci F, Manzoli N, Vigna GB, Passaro A, Donegà P, Malinski T, Fellin R. Effect of HDL on nitric oxide generation in ox-LDL and LDL-treated endothelial cells. European Atherosclerosis Society 70th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society. Geneva, (Switzerland), September 6-9, 1998; 91.
Passaro A, Solini A, D’Elia K, Pareschi PL, Calzoni F, Carantoni M, Fellin R. Factors influencing plasma homocysteine as determenant of cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus. 34th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Barcelona (Spain) September 8-12, 1998. Diabetologia 1998; 41 (Supplement 1) A337.
Passaro A, Solini A, D’Elia K, Pareschi PL, Calzoni F, Carantoni M, Fellin R. Plasma homocysteine and cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes: role of metabolic control and duration of disease. XV National Congress of the Italian Society on Haemostasis and Thrombosis (SISET). Naples (Italy) 10–13 September 1998. Thrombosis Research 1998; 91(supplement 1): S70.
Vergnani L, Ricci F, Manzoli N, Vigna GB, Passaro A, Donegà P, Malinski T, Fellin R. Effect of different lipoprotein fractions and ox-LDL on nitric oxide and super-oxide production in endothelial cells. VII European Symposium on Metabolism. Insulin resistance, metabolic diseases and diabetic complications. Padova. September 30 - October 3, 1998; 35.
Vergnani L, Ricci F, Manzoli N, Vigna GB, Passaro A, Donegà P, Malinski T, Fellin R. Effect of lipoprotein composition and oxidation on nitric oxide production in endothelial cells. The Vascular Endothelium; PISA (Italy) October 19, 1998. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 1998; 52 (7/8): 321.
1997 Vergnani L, Hatrik S, Ricci F, Manzoli N, Zuliani G, Vigna GB, Passaro A, Donegà P, Malinski T, Fellin R. Effect of native low density lipoproteins on nitric oxide and superoxide production by endothelial cells. 68Th Meething of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS). Brugge (Belgium) May, 7-10 1997. Atherosclerosis, Volume 130, Supplement 1, May 1997, Page S16
Vergnani L, Ricci F, Manzoli N, Vigna GB, Donega P, Passaro A, Malinski T, Fellin R. Effect of lipoprotein composition and oxidation of nitric oxide production in endothelial cells. Biomedecine and Pharmacotherapy 12/1997; 52(7):321-321.

1996 Vigna GB, Passaro A, Donegà P, Cattin L, Fonda M, Fonda M, G. Marotta, Mancini M, Fellin R, Piliego T. Post-prandial effect of genfibrozil vs simvastatin in hypercholesterolemic subjects: an ongoing study. 66Th Congress of the European Atheroscleerosis Society. Florence (Italy) July 13-17, 1996; 233.
Vigna GB, Pansini F, Albertazzi P, Bonaccossi G, Donegà P, Passaro A, Bosi C, Ferrazzini S, Fellin R and Mollica G. Effects of isolated soy protein on plasma lipoproteins in postmenopausal women. 2nd International Symposium Women’s Health and Menopause: Risk Reduction Strategies. Florence (Italy) December 4-7, 1996; 34.
Vigna GB, Passaro A, Donegà P, Cattin L, Fonda M, Fonda M, Mancini M, Fellin R, Piliego T. Post-prandial effects of genfibrozil vs simvastatin in hypercholesterolemic subjects: an ongoing study. XII International Symposium on Drags Affecting Lipid Metabolism. Huston (Texas) November 7-10, 1995; 127.
1994 Carantoni M, Vigna GB, Passaro A, U. Taddeo, Fellin R. Hypothyroidism prevalence in dyslipidemic females. X International Symposium on Atherosclerosis. Montreal (Canada) October 9-14, 1994. Atherosclerosis 1994; 109: 123-124.

2013 Passaro A, Sanz JM, D. Francesconi, Morieri ML, S. Poma,Dalla Nora E, Zuliani G, PANGeA group. The effect of 14 days of bed rest on the lipid and inflammatory profile on the elderly. 27° congresso nazionale S.I.S.A. Roma 27-29 novembre 2013. GIORNALE ITALIANO dell'ARTERIOSCLEROSI - Anno 4 • N.4/2013:103
Sanz JM, G. Baroni, Marcello C, Dalla Nora E, Zuliani G, Passaro A. Nesfatin-1 correlated with the relationship between birth weight and weight at the 50th percentile in babies from GDM. 27° congresso nazionale S.I.S.A. Roma 27-29 novembre 2013. GIORNALE ITALIANO dell'ARTERIOSCLEROSI - Anno 4 • N.4/2013:113
Soavi C, Bonetti F, Magon S, Passaro A, Gallerani M, Zuliani G. Patologie associate a rischio di delirium in pazienti anziani ospedalizzati. 58° congresso nazionale SIGG. Torino, 27-30 novembre 2013
2012 Morieri ML, Guardigni V, Dalla Nora E, Cultrera R, Soavi C, Zuliani G, Passaro A. A tricky management of comorbidities. 113th National Congress of the Italian Society of Internal Medicine, Rome, 20-22 October 2012., Roma; 10/2012
Brombo G, Volpato S, Secchiero P, Passaro A, Bosi C, Zauli G, Zuliani G. Association of soluble tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosisinducing ligand (TRAIL) with central adiposity and atherogenic lipid profile 113th National Congress of the Italian Society of Internal Medicine, Rome, 20-22 October 2012. Internal and Emergency Medicine 12/2012; 7(4):4):S361–S568.
2011 Morieri ML, Sanz JM, Dalla Nora E, Minzoni A, Di Vece F, Lodi E, Sighinolfi L, Zuliani G, Passaro A. Fatty-acid binding protein-4 and lipocalin-2 correlation with HIV-related metabolic abnormalities. 25° congresso nazionale S.I.S.A. Roma, 30 novembre, 03 dicembre 2011. GIORNALE ITALIANO dell'ARTERIOSCLEROSI - Anno 4 • N.4/2011:80
Di Vece F, Dalla Nora E, Zuliani G, Passaro A. A 47-year-old woman with dyspnea and jaundice. 112th National Congress of the Italian Society of Internal Medicine Rome, 22-25 October 2011. Intern Emerg Med (2011) 6 (Suppl 2):S191–S392
Morieri ML, De Palma P, Lodi E, Zuliani G, Passaro A. Severe multi-organ complications in young adult after bariatric Surgery. 112th National Congress of the Italian Society of Internal Medicine Rome, 22-25 October 2011. Intern Emerg Med (2011) 6 (Suppl 2):S191–S392
Passaro A, Dalla Nora E, Sanz JM, Bosi C, Morieri ML, Di Vece F, Lodi E, Fellin R, Zuliani G. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (Bdnf) Levels In Subjects With Different Forms Of Cognitive Impairment And With Or Without Type 2 Diabetes. 56° National congress. SIGG 2011. Firenze (Italia), 29 novembre – 03 dicembre 2011
2010 Dalla Nora E, Di Vece F, Sanz JM, Bosi C, Morieri ML, Fellin R, Passaro A. Effect of green tea supplementation on insulin sensitivity and ATPIII metabolic syndrome components in a cohort of non diabetic women. XXIV congresso nazionale - ROMA, 24/27 NOVEMBRE 2010. GIORNALE ITALIANO dell'ARTERIOSCLEROSI - Anno 1 • N.0/2010:65
Di Vece F, Dalla Nora E, Sighinolfi L1, Sanz JM, Bosi C, Lodi E, Fellin R, Passaro A. Efficacy of lifestyle interventions in tackling metabolic abnormalities associated with antiretroviral therapy in HIV patients. XXIV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE - ROMA, 24/27 NOVEMBRE 2010. GIORNALE ITALIANO dell'ARTERIOSCLEROSI - Anno 1 • N.0/2010:67
2009 Di Vece F, Sanz JM, Dalla Nora E, Marcello C, Minzoni A, Carniel A, Bosi C, Fellin R, Passaro A. Nesfatin 1 positively correlates with bmi and fat mass in humans, a novel adipokine? XXIII National Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis (SISA). 25 November 2009 - 28 November 2009. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases Volume 19, Issue 1, Supplement 1, Page S10
Dalla Nora E, Marcello C, Di Vece F, Sanz JM, Bosi C, C. Bolognesi, Fellin R, Passaro A. PPARg2 PRO12ALA polymorphism affects adipose tissue distribution and interacts with ACE I/D polimorphism on the modulation of body weight. XXIII National Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis (SISA). 25 November 2009 - 28 November 2009. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases Volume 19, Issue 1, Supplement 1, Page S8-S9.
2008 E. Dalla Nora, Marcello C, J. M. Sanz, C. Bosi, C. Bolognesi, F. Di Vece, L. Testoni, R. Fellin, A. Passaro. Nitrites production is altered in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (huvec) derived from women with gestational hypertension: a model of endothelial dysfunction. XXII National congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis (SISA). 19 November 2008 - 22 November 2008. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases Vol. 18 Supplement 1, Page S43
Passaro A, Mari E, Dalla Nora E, Marcello C, Di Vece F, Sanz JM, Bosi C, C. Bolognesi, M. Cavalieri, L. Testoni, Fellin R. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in elderly subjects with different forms of cognitive impairment and with or without type 2 diabetes. XXII National congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis (SISA). 19 November 2008 - 22 November 2008. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases Vol. 18 Supplement 1, Pages S53-S54
2007 Dalla Nora E, Passaro A, A. Vanini, C. Bolognesi, J. Sanz, Marcello C, Fellin R. Short term effect of four different macronutrient oral loads on metabolic profile and flow mediated vasodilatation in healthy young men. XXIth National Congress, Italian Society, for the Study, of Atherosclerosis. 21-24 november 2007, Perugia, Italy. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Disease, 2007, Volume 18, Issue 1, page S7.
S. Calzavarini, Passaro A, Volpato S, C. Casari, A. Poli, F. Marangoni, P. Caruso, Fellin R, R. Paletti, F. Bernardi. Moderate alcohol intake and hemostaic and inflammatory markers in middle-aged women: a controlled study. XXIth National Congress, Italian Society, for the Study, of Atherosclerosis. 21-24 november 2007, Perugia, Italy. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Disease, 2007, Volume 18, Issue 1, page S2.
Libanore M, Adamo C, Rossi MR, Passaro A, Battaglia G, Salmi R, Catarini D, Guzzinati I, Chierici F, Wienand U, Ghinelli F. Incidenza di batteriemie correlate a catetere venoso centrale temporaneo in medicina interna: studio clinico prospettico. Infezioni in Medicina, atti del VIII Congresso Nazionale IBAT 2007. 5-7 giugno 2007, Napoli, Italia.
Libanore M, Adamo C, Rossi MR, Antonioli PM, Passaro A, Wienand U, Ghinelli F. Incidence of central venous catheter (CVC) infections among internal medicine department patients. I Congresso AMIT, Argomenti in Malattie Infettive e Tropicali. 8-9 marzo 2007, Milano, Italia.
2006 Dalla Nora E, Passaro A, Marcello C, Mari E, Volpato S, A. Salemi, C. Bolognesi, Bosi C, Fellin R. Association between ACE gene insertion/deletion (ACE I/D) polymorphism, PPAR-gamma pro12ala (pro12ala) polymorphism and ATPIII metabolic syndrome components in a cohort of obese subjects. XXth National Congress, Italian Society, for the Study, of Atherosclerosis. 16-19 November 2006, Bologna, Italy. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Disease, 2006, Volume 16, Supplement 1, page S6.
2005 Vigna GB, Passaro A, Bonomo K, Anfossi G, Fellin R, Trovati M. Iperlipemia massiva transitoria in paziente con diabete tipo 2. V Convegno SISA Sezione Regionale Emilia Romagna. Ferrara, Italia. 4 Novembre 2005.
Candiotto M, Passaro A, Smorgon C, Mari E, Marcello C, Fellin R. Adipose tissue is an important determinant of chronic low-grade inflammation and is associated with carotid intima-media thickness. XIXth National Congress, Italian Society, for the Study, of Atherosclerosis. November 2005 Venice, Italy . Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 2005, Volume 15, Supplement 1, Pages S7.
2004 Volpato S, Zuliani G, Vigna GB, Corsi AM, Giacomini V, Bandinelli S, Passaro A, Bosi C, Fellin R, Ferrucci L. Lipoproteina(a) e rischio di morte per tutte le cause in soggetti anziani free-living: lo studio inChianti. 49° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Gerontologia e Geriatria. 3-7 novembre 2004, Firenze. Italia.
2003 Zamboni PF, Passaro A, Cavallesco NG, Fellin R. Empiema pleurico recidivante in soggetto con diabete misconosciuto. XVIII Convegno Esperienze Cliniche in Medicina Interna. San Marino 10 Maggio 2003; 61.
2002 Solini A, Chiozzi P, Passaro A, Morelli A, Fellin R, Di Virgilio F. Una ridotta funzione dei recettori purinergici P2Y è associata ad un ridotto trasporto del glucosio nel diabete tipo 2. 19° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia. Verona (Italia) 22-25 Maggio 2001. Diabete 2002; 14 (supplemento 1): 28.
Zamboni PF, Calzoni F, Dalla Nora E, Smorgon C, Passaro A, Fellin R, Solini A. Funzione endoteliale e fase post-prandiale in soggetti sani: relazione con lo spessore medio-intimale carotideo. 19° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia. Verona (Italia) 22-25 Maggio 2002. Diabete 2001; 14 (supplemento 1): 71.
Passaro A, Calzoni F, Pareschi PL, Dalla Nora E, Zamboni PF, Fellin R, Solini A. Effetto del controllo metabolico sui livelli plasmatici di omocisteina in pazienti con diabete tipo 2:studio prospettico a tre anni. 19° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia. Verona (Italia) 22-25 Maggio 2002. Diabete 2001; 14 (supplemento 1): 73.
Passaro A, Dalla Nora E, Fellin R. Il diabete mellito nell’anziano. 4rd International Congress “The Ageing Society”. Roma 25-27 Ottobre 2002; 110.
2001 Dalla Nora E, Passaro A, Calzoni F, Zamboni PF, Fellin R, Solini A. L'atorvastatina riduce i livelli sierici di citochine nei pazienti diabetici di tipo 2: studio doppio-cieco placebo-controllato. XV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi (S.I.S.A.), 29 novembre-1 dicembre 2001 Roma:
Passaro A, Calzoni F, Pareschi PL, Dalla Nora E, Zamboni PF, Alberti L, Fellin R, Solini A. Effetto del controllo metabolico sui livelli plasmatici di omocisteina in pazienti con diabete tipo 2: studio prospettico a 3 anni. XV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi (S.I.S.A.), 29 novembre-1 dicembre 2001 Roma:
Solini A, Chiozzi P, Passaro A, Morelli A, Dalla Nora E, Di Virgilio F. L'ATP extracellulare attiva il sistema TGF-GLUT1 in fibroblasti di pazienti con diabete tipo 2. XV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi (S.I.S.A.), 29 novembre-1 dicembre 2001 Roma:
Zamboni PF, Passaro A, Dalla Nora E, Smorgon C, Alberti L, Fellin R, Solini A. Determinanti di ispessimento medio-intimale carotideo in una coorte di donne sane in età post-menopausale. XV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi (S.I.S.A.), 29 novembre-1 dicembre 2001 Roma:
2000 Passaro A, Calzoni F, Alberti L, Zamboni PF, Fellin R, Solini A. Fattori che influenzano i livelli plasmatici di leptina in pazienti obesi con diabete di tipo 2. 18° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia. Bari (Italia) 17-20 Maggio 2000. Diabete 2000; 12 (supplemento 1): 86.
Zamboni PF, Simone M, Calzoni F, Alberti L, Passaro A, Solini A, Fellin R. Valutazione della sensibilità insulinica in soggetti non diabetici portatori di ipertrofia o neoplasia prostatica. 18° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia. Bari (Italia) 17-20 Maggio 2000. Diabete 2000; 12 (supplemento 1): 60.
1999 Passaro A, Gallerani M, Alberti L, Cuneo A, Solini A, Fellin R. Febbre di ndd: su un caso di linfoma di difficile diagnosi. XI Convegno Esperienze Cliniche in Medicina Interna, Società Italiana di Medicina Interna. Senigallia (Italia) 20 Novembre 1999; 45.
Passaro A, Vanini A, Calzoni F, Alberti L, Zamboni PF, Fellin R, Solini A. Polimorfismo della metilentetraidrofolato reduttasi e aterosclerosi carotidea in donne anziane non diabetiche. XIII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi. Milano 3-5 dicembre 1999; 43.
Passaro A, Vanini A, Calzoni F, Alberti L, Zamboni PF, Fellin R, Solini A. MTHFR mutation and carotid atherosclerosis in aging non diabetic women. XIII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi; Milan (Italy) 3 - 5 Dicembre 1998; Atherosclerosis 1999; 151 (supplement 1): S26.
1998 Passaro A, D’Elia K, Pareschi PL, Pellicano F, Carantoni M, Solini A. Il compenso metabolico influenza i livelli plasmatici di omocisteina in pazienti diabetici di tipo II. 17° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia. Bologna (Italia) 13-16 Maggio 1998. Diabete 1998; 10 (supplemento 1):91.
D’Elia K, Passaro A, Carantoni M, Solini A, Fellin R. La escrezione renale di albumina è marker di aterosclerosi carotidea in donne anziane non diabetiche. 17° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia. Bologna (Italia) 13-16 Maggio 1998. Diabete 1998; 10 (supplemento 1):154.
Carantoni M, Zuliani G, Palmieri E, Bader G, Volpato S, Mezzetti A, Passaro A, Fellin R, Associazione Medica Sabin. Insulino-resistenza ed invecchiamento: relazione con i livelli plasmatici di colesterolo, LP(A) ed isoforme di APO(A) in una popolazione di ultraottuagenari. 17° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia. Bologna (Italia) 13-16 Maggio 1998. Diabete 1998; 10 (supplemento 1):85.
Passaro A, Solini A, D’Elia K, Pareschi PL, Calzoni F, Carantoni M, Fellin R. Omocisteina e rischio di malattia coronarica nel diabete tipo 2: ruolo del compenso metabolico e della durata di malattia. XV Congresso Nazionale Società Emostasi e Trombosi. Napoli (Italia) 10-13 Settembre1998; 105.
Passaro A, Solini A, D’Elia K, Pareschi PL, Calzoni F, Carantoni M, Fellin R. Factors influencing plasma homocysteine as marker of chd in type 2 diabetes. XII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi; Trieste (Italy) 30 Novembre- 3 Dicembre 1998; Atherosclerosis 1998; 145 (supplement 1): S11.
1997 Passaro A, Solini A, D’Elia K, Bader G, Fellin R. Sensibilità insulinica ed alterazioni elettrocardiografiche in donne normali in età post-menopausale. Giornate Diabetologiche Pavesi. Pavia (Italia) 13-15 Ottobre 1997. Diabete 1997; 9 (supplemento 2): 80.
1996 Vergnani L, Hatrik S, Passaro A, Zuliani G, Vigna GB, Manzoli N, Ricci F, Malinski T, Fellin R. Effect of native low density lipoproteins on nitric oxide relase by endothelial cells. 10Th National Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis (SISA). Rome (Italy) December 2-3, 1996;
G.C. Cocchi, Passaro A, F. Romagnoni, Volpato S, Fellin R (Per il G.I.F.A. -Gruppo Italiano di Farmacovigilanza nell’Anziano-). Reazioni avverse della polifarmacoterapia in utenti di residenza sanitaria assistita. Seminario di Aggiornamento Controversie Clinico-Terapeutiche in Medicina Geriatrica. Cento (Italia) 22 settembre 1995; 97-102.
Passaro A, Volpato S, F. Romagnoni, Fellin R (Per il G.I.F.A. - Gruppo Italiano di Farmacovigilanza nell’Anziano-). Le benzodiazepine nella terapia del vecchio: quantità e qualità della prescrizione. Seminario di Aggiornamento Controversie Clinico-Terapeutiche in Medicina Geriatrica. Bologna (Italia) 29 settembre 1995; 81- 87.
1994 Vigna GB, N. Stucci, Carantoni M, Passaro A, Fellin R. Alterazioni del metabolismo lipidico in corso di diabete mellito. 8° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Aterosclerosi. Roma (Italia) 8-10 dicembre 1994; 77.

1999 - Award of the Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Aterosclerosi for Young Researchers
2003 - Award by the Scientific Committee for the Best Proceeding at the conference “Affective, Behavior and Cognitive Disorders in the Elderly”.

Since 1991 she has worked at the Institute of Internal Medicine, first as a resident in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, and later in regards of the PhD in Medical Physiopathology.
From 2nd April 2001 to 1st May 2003 she has worked for the “Sant’Anna Hospital” of Ferrara at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the University of Ferrara, Section of Internal Medicine II.
Consultant in the field of Endocrinological and Metabolic Diseases, at the University Teaching Hospital of Ferrara, Section of Internal Medicine, until 14th November 2004.
Currently works as a physician at the University Unit of Internal Medicine, University Teaching Hospital of Ferrara.
Responsible for the Outpatient Services for the Study of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome for the University Unit of Internal Medicine, University Teaching Hospital of Ferrara.
Responsible for the Parenteral Nutrition Services and placement of Central Venous Catheter (CVC) for the Medical Department, University Teaching Hospital of Ferrara, and in particular Head of the high-specialization Inpatient Unit “Gestione della Nutrizione Parenterale e Applicazione di Catetere Venoso Centrale (CVC)”.
Supervisor for the Quality and Verification of Results for the Medical Department, University Teaching Hospital of Ferrara.
Expert Consultant at the clinic of the Center for the Study of Metabolic Diseases and Atherosclerosis.
Since 2011, Member of the Joint Committee faculty-students of the Medicine School of the University of Ferrara.

Ferrara, 8th April 2014
Angelina Passaro MD, PhD