Andrea Santoni earned his PhD degree in Engineering Sciences in 2017 from the University of Ferrara, with a dissertation on “Sound Radiation and Sound Transmission in Building Structures”, awarded by the University Institute for Higher Studies, IUSS – Ferrara 1391, as “the best PhD thesis in Engineering in 2017”. In 2015, Andrea joined the Acoustics & Noise Control research team of the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA) in Dübendorf (Zurich, CH) as an academic guest.
Currently, Andrea Santoni works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara, specialising in the fields of fluid-structure interaction in vibro-acoustic and noise control engineering. He conducts research within the Acoustic Research Group, focusing on projects related to numerical and experimental analysis of sound radiation and sound transmission in both building construction and industrial applications. His work also includes the experimental characterization of the physical, elastic, and acoustic properties of solid, porous, and viscoelastic materials, with a primary focus on the optimisation of acoustic treatments.
Andrea is actively engaged in research projects funded by national institutions, public administrations, or private enterprises, involving the application of vibroacoustic techniques for locating leakages in water distribution systems, the investigation of noise generated by machinery for industrial application, such as centrifugal compressors and gearboxes, the analysis the acoustic behaviour of ventilated façade systems, and noise control through passive mitigations and active control systems.
Since 2013, Andrea has regularly collaborated with industrial partners, enterprises, and professionals, providing technical expertise and consultancy services in the field of acoustic and vibration engineering.
2014-2017 |
PhD degree in Engineering Science - University of Ferrara Thesis Title: Sound Radiation and Sound Transmission in Building Structures: Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation. |
2009-2013 |
Master’s degree in Civil Engineering - University of Ferrara Thesis Title: Structure-borne sound: Metodologie di caratterizzazione delle sorgenti sonore strutturali e implementazione dei modelli UNI EN 12354 alle tipologie edilizie italiane. |
2005-2009 |
Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering - University of Bologna Thesis Title: Evoluzione delle tecniche di misura dell’acustica architettonica. "Casa della musica di San Marino". |
Courses and training
2020 | University of Brescia: Frequency response function methods in acoustics and vibration - Prof. U. E. Carlsson (KTH Stockholm). |
2017 | DENORMS Training school: Experimental techniques for acoustic porous materials and meta-materials. |
2016 | EAA Symposium on building acoustics: Towards a better understanding: ratings and predictions. |
2016 | EAA Summer school in acoustics: Numerical methods in acoustics. |
2016 | EAA Summer school in acoustics: 3D Virtual Acoustics. |
2016 | CISM - Marie Curie Graduated School: Smart structures for vibroacoustic control. |
2016 |
eLiquid - Marie Curie Public Technical course: Best engineering training in electric, lightweight and quiet driving. |
2021 |
National scientific qualification for Associate Professor ASN Sector 09/C2 (ING-IND/11). |
2020 |
Full Professional Engineer Civil and Environmental Engineer. |
2017 |
ENTECA accreditation as expert in acoustics Italian accreditation in the national register of expert technicians in acoustics. |
Research projects
2023 – present |
BRIC/INAIL ID11 Development and testing of advanced prototype of noise and vibration control system to safeguard workers’ health. |
2023 – present |
EURIMA/Acoustics of ventilated façades Analysis and optimisation of the sound insulation performance of ventilated façade systems: experimental analysis and development of a prediction model.. |
2022 – present |
BAKER HUGHES/Noise Industrial research project investigating the noise emission of centrifugal compressors and gearboxes, aiming to develop prediction models and optimise mitigations for noise attenuation. |
2021 – present |
MiSE/Water 4.0 Research project aiming to optimise the management of water networks through innovative technologies, including acoustic location of leakages in water distribution systems. |
2020 – 2022 |
BRIC/INAIL ID14 ANC and AVC technologies for workers protection and prevention of extra-auditory noise effects. |
2017 – 2020 |
BRIC/INAIL ID26 Analysis of regulations and standards regarding the noise and vibration exposure of workers |
2013 – 2016 |
CORILA Studio B.6.72 B9–B11 Environmental monitoring of the effects arose from construction activities at the lagoon inlets. |
2013 – 2016 |
VENICE PORT AUTHORITY/Noise from Vessels Acoustic characterisation of cruise and industrial vessels. Experimental noise monitoring; assessment of the actual condition and acoustic simulation for an alternative route of cruise vessels in the lagoon of Venice. |
Work experience
2023 – present |
University of Ferrara: Research Fellow |
2017 – 2022 |
University of Ferrara: Post-doc Researcher |
2014 – 2016 |
PhD Student XXIX Doctoral Course in Engineering Science, Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara. |
2015 |
Academic Guest at EMPA – Swiss Federal Laboratories Occupational skills: experimental and numerical evaluation of the sound power radiated from cross-laminated timber (CLT) plates and material characterisation. |
2013 – present |
Consultant in Acoustic and Vibration Engineering: professional collaboration with various companies and studios, providing consultancy and engineering services related to building, environmental, and room acoustics, and noise and vibration control engineering. |
2018 |
IUSS Best PhD Thesis Best PhD thesis of XXIX Doctoral course in Engineering Science – University Institute for Higher Studies, IUSS – Ferrara 1391. |
2018 |
G. Sacerdote AIA Award est PhD thesis on topics concerning acoustics, Acoustical Society of Italy, AIA. |
2017 |
Best Paper Award for Young Researchers Best paper and presentation at Acoustics’17 in Boston, European Acoustics Association, EAA. |
2017 |
I. Barducci AIA Award Best poster communication for young researcher: presented at AIA national conference, Acoustical Society of Italy, AIA. |
Editorial and reviewing experience
2023 – present |
Associate Editor for Acta Acustica. |
2022 – present |
Member of the Topical Advisory Panel in Applied Sciences. |
2020 – 2022 |
Topical editor in Applied Sciences. |
2017 - present |
Reviewer for several scientific journals: Acoustics, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Applied Acoustics, Applied Sciences, Bio Resources, Building Acoustics, Building and Environment, Buildings, Construction and Building Materials, Energies, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Journal of Building Engineering, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Measurements, Metals, Nature Scientific Reports, SN Applied Sciences, Wood Science and Technology. |
International congresses
2023 | 10th Forum Acusticum, (EAA), Turin, Italy. |
2022 | 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (IIAV), Singapore. |
2021 | EuroNoise 2021 (EAA, SPA), Online e-Congress. |
2021 | 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (IIAV), Online e-Congress. |
2020 | 23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Aachen, Germany. |
2019 | Building Simulation (IBPSA), Rome, Italy. |
2019 | Building Simulation Application (IBPSA), Bozen, Italy. |
2019 | 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (IIAV), Motréal, Canada. |
2018 | 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (IIAV), Hiroshima, Japan. |
2018 | 11th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (EAA), Heraklion, Greece. |
2017 | Acoustics’17, ASA meeting jointed with 8th Forum Acusticum (EAA), Boston, MA - USA |
2016 | 45th International Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering, Hamburg, Germany. |
2016 | EuroRegio2016, (EAA), Porto, Portugal. |
2015 | 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (IIAV), Florence, Italy. |
2015 | 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (EAA), Maastricht, Netherlands. |
2014 | 7th Forum Acusticum, (EAA), Krakow, Poland. |
2013 | 42nd International Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria. |
National congresses
2023 | 49th National Congress of Associazione Italiana Acustica, Ferrara, Italy. |
2022 | 48th National Congress of Associazione Italiana Acustica, Matera, Italy. |
2021 | 47th National Congress of Associazione Italiana Acustica, Online. |
2019 | 46th National Congress of Associazione Italiana Acustica, Pesaro, Italy. |
2018 | 45th National Congress of Associazione Italiana Acustica, Aosta, Italy. |
2017 | 44th National Congress of Associazione Italiana Acustica, Pavia, Italy. |
2014 | 41st National Congress of Associazione Italiana Acustica, Pisa, Italy. |
Scientific production
Author’s updated scientific profile can be found at: