Born in Rovigo on 11 February 1961, he graduated in Law in July 1985 - with a thesis in Constitutional Law (Professor: Prof. Lorenza Carlassare) at the University of Ferrara with the score of 110/110 and Lode.
In 1990 he earned the PhD in Constitutional Law and General Public Law at the University of Milan (III Cycle) and in the same year he won the competition for the role of Research Assistant on Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Ferrara.

In February 2001, he became Associate Professor in Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Ferrara. In November 2004, Prof. Pugiotto was confirmed as Full Professor of Constitutional Law.

Since 1999, he has promoted - together with Prof. Roberto Bin, Giuditta Brunelli, Paolo Veronesi and (since 2008) Andrea Guazzarotti - the annual “preemptive” seminars in Ferrara. The acts are published in the Amicus curiae books (Giappichelli, Torino):

Since October 2001, he has been member of the Executive Committee of the journal Constitutional Papers (The mill, Bologna) and, since June 2002, of the Executive Committee of the magazine for professional legal training Studium juris (Cedam, Padua)

From November 2003 to October 2007, he was member of the Research Council of the University of Ferrara and of the Academic Senate of the University of Ferrara.

Since June 2007, he has been the scientific coordinator of the "Training School for a conscious constitutional culture", established in Rovigo in 2008 at the 60th anniversary of the entry into force of the Italian Constitution. The School is promoted by the Department of Legal Science, University of Ferrara, in collaboration with public and private realities of Rovigo, under the patronage of the President of the Republic:

Since October 2010, he has been the scientific coordinator of the biennial Project of Excellence "With the Constitution on the bench", selected and financed by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Padova and Rovigo, aimed at implementing teaching tools (documentary film on DVD, training manual, platform service, an anthology of lessons) for teachers of “Citizenship and the Constitution”.

Since January 2010, he has been the Coordinator of the PhD Program in Constitutional Law of the University Institute of Advanced Studies (IUSS) Ferrara-1391, University of Ferrara.


Author of two books:
- Sindacato di costituzionalità e “diritto vivente. Genesi, uso, implicazioni, Giuffrè, Milano 1994, VI-702;
- La legge interpretativa e i suoi giudici. Strategie argomentative e rimedi giurisdizionali, Giuffrè, Milano.

Edited eighteen books, such as:
- Immunità politiche e giustizia penale, Giappichelli, Torino 2005 (edited by R. Orlandi-A. Pugiotto);
- Ai confini del "favor rei". Il falso in bilancio davanti alle Corti costituzionale e di giustizia, Atti del Seminario, Ferrara 6 maggio 2005, (edited by R.Bin-G.Brunelli-A.Pugiotto-P.Veronesi), Giappichelli, Torino 2005, X-388;
- La grazia contesa. Titolarità ed esercizio del potere di clemenza individuale, Atti del Seminario, Ferrara 24 febbraio 2006, (edited by R. Bin-G. Brunelli-A. Pugiotto-P.Veronesi), Giappichelli, Torino 2006, XXXII-340;
- "Effettività" e "seguito" delle tecniche decisorie della Corte costituzionale, (edited by R. Bin-G.Bruneli- A.Pugiotto-P. Veronesi), Esi, Napoli 2006, XXX-739;
- All'incrocio tra Costituzione e CEDU. Il rango delle norme della Convenzione e gli effetti interni delle sentenze di Strasburgo, Atti del Seminario, Ferrara 9 marzo 2007, (edited by R. Bin-G. Brunelli- A. Pugiotto- P. Veronesi), Giappichelli, Torino 2007, XXIII-270;
- Dalla provetta alla Corte. La legge n. 40 del 2004 di nuovo a giudizio, Atti del Seminario, Ferrara 18 aprile 2008 (edited by R. Bin-G. Brunelli- A. Guazzarotti- A. Pugiotto- P. Veronesi), Giappichelli, Torino 2008, XXVII-232;
- Legalità penale e crisi del diritto, oggi. Un percorso interdisciplinare, edited by A. Bernardi- B. Pastore- A. Pugiotto, Giuffrè, Milano 2008, X-248;
- Dalla provetta alla Corte. La legge n. 40 del 2004 di nuovo a giudizio, Atti del Seminario, Ferrara 18 aprile 2008, edited by R. Bin- G. Brunelli- A. Guazzarotti- A. Pugiotto- P. Veronesi, Torino, Giappichelli, 2008, XXVII-232 (e-book);
- Il lodo ritrovato. Una quaestio ed un referendum sulla legge n. 124 del 2008, Atti del Seminario di Ferrara 27 marzo 2009, edited by R. Bin- G. Brunelli- A. Guazzarotti- A. Pugiotto- P. Veronesi, Torino, Giappichelli, 2009, XXVI-306 (e-book);
- Il diritto costituzionale come regola e limite al potere. Scritti in onore di Lorenza Carlassare, edited by G. Brunelli- A. Pugiotto- P. Veronesi, voll. I-V, Napoli, Jovene, 2009, LV-2383;
- La «società naturale» e i suoi “nemici”. Sul paradigma eterosessuale del matrimonio, Atti del Seminario di Ferrara 26 febbraio 2010, edited by R. Bin- G. Brunelli- A. Guazzarotti- A. Pugiotto- P. Veronesi, Torino, Giappichelli, 2010, XXVI-402 (e-book);
- Commentario breve al diritto di famiglia, a cura di A. Zaccaria, II ed, Padova, Cedam, 2011 (condirezione per la sezione Diritto costituzionale: pp.1-37).

Author of over a hundred of publications (including essays, case notes, communications to conferences, contributions to commentaries) regarding the system of sources of law, constitutional organization and the relationship between powers, the constitutional process and judgment of the Constitutional Court, mechanisms of guarantee of the rights, the memory, the constitutional dimension of pain and its execution.