
CV Dr. Armaroli English

In 2002 he obtained his Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering at the University of Ferrara.

In 2004 he obtained his Master's degree in Communications Engineering at the University of Ferrara.

In 2008 he obtained the PhD degree in Engineering (curriculum Information) for his research work at the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara and (in joint supervision) at IMEP (today IMEP-LAHC) laboratory of the 'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France), submitting his thesis "Modeling and characterization of guiding micro-structured devices for integrated optics".

After his doctoral studies, he collaborated with the University of Ferrara (2009-2011), the Max-Planck-Instut für die Physik des Lichts (Erlangen, Germania) from 2012 to 2014, FOTON institute at Lannion (France), as a teaching assistant at ENSSAT from 2014 to 2016, the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Geneva (Switzerland) from 2016 to 2020, and the PhLAM laboratory (CNRS-University of Lille, France) from 2020 to 2023.

From March 2023 he works as Assistant Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara.

He authored more than 30 publications in peer-reviewed journal. His research interests include:

  • Nonlinear waves
  • Nonlinear optics
  • Optical fibers
  • Integrated optics
  • Surface water waves
  • Mathematical and numerical methods
He taught classes to Master students in Physics in Germany and Switzerland, to Engineering students in France on both basic and advanced topics.