Curriculum Vitae

1. Family name: Avio
2. First names: Alberto
3. Nationality: Italian

4. Education:

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
• Pisa University Faculty of Law – 1987- Degree in Law
• University of Bologna – 1992 – Ph.D.
• Cambridge University UK – 1996 (three months) - Visiting scholar with a National Council for Research (CNR) scholarship

5. Language skills: (1 to 5 (1 = excellent; 5 = poor))

Language- Reading Speaking Writing
Italian: Mother Tongue
English: 1 3 3

5. Other skills:

• Solicitor (Appeal Court of Firenze Italy - 1992)

6. Present position:

• Full professor of Labour Law and Social Security Legislation at the Faculty of Law of Ferrara University
• Professor in the Doctoral Course (Italian Ph.D.) in Italian and Comparative Social Security Legislation, at the Faculty of Law of Ferrara University.
• Member of the editorial staff of the review Lavoro e Diritto, published by Il Mulino (Bologna) and Diritto della Sicurezza Sociale, published by Il Mulino (Bologna9.

8. Years within the firm/institution: 28 (at 2021)

9. Professional experience:

• 1997- - Faculty of Law of Ferrara University - Professor in the Doctoral Course (Italian Ph.D.) in Italian and Comparative Labour Law.
• 2005-2006 - Participation as researcher of the Ferrara unit to the 2004 National research project on Development of occupation and protection in case of redundancies: a reconciliation between flexibility and stability; the project was financed by the MIUR (Ministry of Education) and coordinated by Prof. Maria Vittoria Ballestrero.
• 2003-2004 - Participation as researcher of the Ferrara unit to the 2002 National research project on Equality and differences in labour law; the project was financed by the MIUR (Ministry of Education) and coordinated by Prof. Maria Vittoria Ballestrero.
• 1993-2002 – Ferrara University – Law Faculty - Researcher at the Chairs of Labour Law and Social Security Legislation.
2002-2019 - Ferrara University - Law Faculty - Associate Professor