
Present Position:-Since 1997,  Dr Campioni is currently  Biologist as Clinical Pathologist   at  the Hematology Section, Departement of Medical Sciences, University Hospital, Ferrara, Italy-since 2013-   Professor at the University of Ferrara-Medical School for  “Technical approaches in Regenerative Medicine”. Previous Professional assignments:1993-1995:  Winner of a Fellowship sponsored by the Italian Minister of Health Rome- Italy. Research activity carried out on AIDS research area (1993-1995) at the Institute of Microbiology -University of Ferrara- Italy1995-1996: Post-Doc fellowship as principal investigator in Oncogenesis and AIDS research area (BK-tat transgenic mouse) at the Institute of Microbiology -University of Ferrara- Italy)1996-1997: Ministero Pubblica Istruzione- as a  high school Teacher in Biology Employment and research/clinical experienceMain  scientific research activities.  Dr. Campioni main research activities include: hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cell biology research studies, bone marrow microenvironment, angiogenesis and stem cell plasticity in course of pathology, immunophenotyping of normal and leukemic cells.  She is involved as stem cell biologist performing tissue cultures, cloning, expansion of normal and neoplastic cells, and immunophenotyping of  hemopoietic and non hemopoietic stem cells, neoplastic cells by multicolour flow cytometry. Personal notes  :-Dr. Campioni   has served as a peer-Reviewer for different International Journals especially for Elsevier Editors Abroad experiences-Dr. Campioni has had a professional experience at the Laboratoire de Neurobiologie at  CNR Marseille, France (1990).-Dr. Campioni has had a professional experience at St. Jude Children Research Hospital of Memphis to study the engraftment of bone marrow derived stem cells in transplantation and in particulary the study of mesenchymal stem cells (2001)Projects- Dr. Campioni is actually involved also as  Investigator in different Italian and International projects concerning stem cell biology  in haematology, cardiology, and rheumatology . Teaching activities in Hematology:-since 1999-   Teaching activity as “laboratory tutor” in Hematology for Medical Biotechnologists, Biologist at Hematology Section of  University of Ferrara   (1999-2012) and is currently teaching as expert in stem cell culture and immunophenotyping -since 2004-  Teaching activity as expert of mesenchymal cells  in course of hematological malignancies in different University Masters and  up-dating courses (Congresses)  - 2008-2013 Teaching activity as expert for immunophenotypical characterization of mesenchymal and endothelial stem cells in the Italian Group of Cytometry (GIC)-2013 Professor of “Technical approches in Regenerative Medicine” at the Medical School- University of Ferrara-Italy  Membership:• Member of the  Italian Group of Flow Cytometry (GIC)• Member of the Committeee of the Department of the Biomedical Science and Advanced Therapies , University of Ferrara • Member of  ISCT -2012 Member of The Board for the Research at S.Anna Hospital -FerraraShe is author of more than 80 original papers in different international Journals: