


Specialization and KIBS in the Euro area: a vertically integrated sector perspective, 2020, (with C. Di Berardino, G. Onesti), International Review of Applied Economics, 34(2), 267-290

Innovation persistence in times of crisis: an analysis of Italian firms, 2019, (with S. Montresor), Small Business Economics, online-first

Information communication technologies and environmental innovations in firms: joint adoptions and productivity effects, 2018, (with G. Cecere, M. Mazzanti), Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(11), 1905-1933

Waste performance, waste technology and policy effects, 2018, (with F. Caratù, F. Nicolli), Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(11), 1883-1904

Backing Environmental Innovations through Information Technology Adoption. Empirical Analysis of Innovation-Related Complementarities in Firms, 2018, (with M. Gilli, M. Mazzanti, F. Nicolli), Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(1), 141-163

Pain shared, pain halved? Cooperation as a coping strategy for innovation barriers, 2017, (with Marzucchi A., Savona M.), The Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(4), 841-864

Flexible pay systems and labour productivity: Evidence from manufacturing firms in Emilia-Romagna, 2017, (with R. Antonietti, P. Pini), International Journal of Manpower, 38(4), 548-566

Towards a green economy through innovations: The role of trade union involvement, 2017, (with M. Mazzanti), Ecological Economics, 131, 286-299

The Effect of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations on Academics’ Entrepreneurial Intention, 2016, (with F. Nicolli, L. Ramaciotti, U. Rizzo), Adminstrative Sciences, 6(4), 1-18

Are Regional systems greening the economy? Local spillovers, green innovations and firms’ economic performance, (with S. Borghesi, M. Mazzanti), 2016, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 25(7), 692-713

Innovation adoption and training activities in SMEs, (with E. Dellatorre), 2016, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(3), 311-337

Outsourcing and firm productivity in a specific local production system. Evidence from Reggio Emilia (Italy) (with Mazzanti M., Montresor S., Pini P.), 2015, Growth and Change, 46(2), 292-320

Industry–research co-operation within and across regional boundaries. What does innovation policy add? (with Marzucchi A., Montresor S.), 2015, Papers in Regional Science, 94(3), 499-524

Analysing the Interactions of Energy and climate policies in a broad Policy ‘optimality’ framework. The Italian case study (with S. Borghesi, A. D’Amato, M. Gilli, F. Nicolli, M. Mazzanti), 2014, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 11(3-4), 205-224

Regional innovation policy and innovative behaviour. Looking for additional effects (with Marzucchi A., Montresor S.), 2014, European Planning Studies, 22(1), 64–83.

La debolezza dell’attività innovativa delle imprese Italiane, 2013, Economia & Lavoro, anno XLVII, 10-15

Is environmental innovation embedded within high-performance organizational changes? The role of human resource management and complementarity in green business strategies (with Mancinelli S., Mazzanti M.), 2013, Research Policy, 42, 975-988.

Innovation Strategies and Economic Crisis: Evidence fromFirm-level Italian Data (with Bianchi A., Mazzanti M., Montresor S. Pini P.), 2013, Economia Politica, XXX(1), 15-49.

Evaluating the Additionality of Innovation Policy. A Review Focused on the Behavioural Dimension (with Marzucchi A.), 2012, World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, special issue “Evaluating the Effect of Public Policies on Corporate R&D and Innovation: Processes and Behaviours, Measurement Methods and Indicators”, 9(2/3/4), 124-148.

Valutazione di una politica regionale a sostegno dell’innovazione in Emilia-Romagna (with Bianchi A. e Pini P.), 2011, Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale, XII(2), 239-258.

Innovation, Workers Skills and Industrial Relations: Empirical Evidence from Firm-level Italian Data, (with Manzalini R., Pini P.), 2011, Journal of Socio Economics, 40(3), 312-326.

Innovation, Industrial Relations and Employee Outcomes: Evidence from Italy (with. Mazzanti M., Pini P), 2011, Journal of Economic Studies, 38(1), 66-90.

The impact of production offshoring on the skill composition of manufacturing firms: Evidence from Italy, (with Antonietti R.), 2011, International Review of Applied Economics, 25(1), 87-105.

Crisi economica e performance d’impresa: il ruolo dell’innovazione in un contesto produttivo locale, (with Bianchi A., Mazzanti M., Pini P.), 2010, Economia e Società Regionale, 109(1), 177-206.

Productivity, Innovation Strategies and Industrial Relations in SMEs. Empirical evidence for a local production system in Northern Italy, (with Mazzanti M. e Pini P.), 2010, International Review of Applied Economics, 24(4), 453-482.

Produttività, innovazione e relazioni industriali: fattori di crescita dell’Emilia-Romagna (with Bianchi A., Mazzanti M. e Pini P.), 2010, Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale, XI(2), 137-183.

I limiti del modello contrattuale dopo l’Accordo Quadro del 2009, (with Pini P.), 2010, E.R.E., 28(4), 79-92.

Contrattazione e salari: i limiti dell’Accordo Quadro, (with Pini P.), 2009, Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale, 2, annoX, 151-164.

Techno-organisational strategies, environmental innovations and economic performances. Micro-evidence from a SME-based industrial district, (with Mazzanti M.), 2009, Journal of Innovation Economics, 1(3), 145-168.

Industrial Relations, Techno-Organizational Innovation and Firm Economic Performance, 2009, Economia Politica, 1, 21-52.

Innovation, Working Conditions and Industrial Relations. Evidence for a Local Production System, (with Mazzanti M. e Pini P.), 2009, Economic and industrial Democracy, 30(2), 157-181.

Impresa, relazioni industriali e innovazione. Dieci anni di indagini sui sistemi produttivi locali dell’Emilia Romagna, (with Pini P.), 2009, E.R.E., 1(1), 86-100.

Innovazione tecno-organizzativa e relazioni industriali in un contesto locale, 2007, Economia e Società Regionale, anno XXV(4), 67-100.

Partecipazione diretta, partecipazione indiretta e innovazioni tecnico-organizzative. Alcuni risultati per il sistema locale di Reggio Emilia (with Paolo Pini), 2005, Quaderni Rassegna Sindacale, IV(2), 195-225.

Adoption of Techno-Organizational Innovations and Industrial Relations in Manufacturing Firms: An Analysis for a Local Industrial System, (with Mazzanti M., Pini P. e Tortia E.),2004, Economia Politica, XXI(1), 11-52.

Dinamiche innovative e performance d’impresa: analisi cluster per un sistema industriale locale (with Paolo Pini), 2004, Istituzioni e Sviluppo Economico, 2(1), 65-104.



Strategie di innovazione e risultati economici. Un’indagine sulle imprese manifatturiere dell’Emilia-Romagna (with Bianchi A., Mazzanti M., Montresor S., Pini P.), Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2011.

Dinamiche innovative, relazioni industriali, performance nelle imprese manifatturiere. II^ Indagine sul sistema locale di Reggio Emilia, (with Delsoldato L., Mazzanti M., Pini P.), Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007.


Saggi su volumi


La crisi del lavoro in Europa ed in Italia. Per un cambio di rotta” (con Pini P.). In: (a cura di): Andrea Califano, Giulia Pinotti, Politiche nella crisi – Interpretazione della crisi e prassi politica. p. 47-76, 2014, Pavia:Pavia University Press


Does outsourcing increase labour productivity? Evidence for a local production system in Emilia Romagna (Italy)”, (con Mazzanti M., Montresor S., Pini P.) in Dallago B., Guglielmetti C. (a cura di), Local Economies and Global Competitiveness, Palgrave – MacMillan, London, 2011, pp.257-279.


Innovation, Industrial Relations and Working Conditions – Evidence form Two Italian Local Production Systems”, (con Mazzanti M., Pini P.) in Garibaldo F., Telljohann F. (a cura di), The ambivalent character of participation. New tendencies in worker participation in Europe, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 2010, pp.375-400.


Environmental innovation drivers and economic performances in industrial systems”, (con Mazzanti M., Zoboli R.), in Mazzanti M., Montini A. (eds), Environmental efficiency, environmental policy and economic performances, Routledge, London, 2010, pp.11-42.


Production offshoring and the skill mix of Italian manufacturing firms: a counterfactual analysis” (con Antonietti R.), in Leoncini R. e De Liso N. (eds), Internationalization, Technological Change and The Theory Of The Firm, Routledge, London, 2010, pp.210-238.


“Politiche di innovazione e performance economiche: il sistema industriale di Reggio Emilia”, (con Mazzanti M., Pini P.) in Albertini S., Leoni R. (a cura di), Innovazioni organizzative e pratiche di lavoro nelle imprese industriali del Nord, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009, pp.379-410.


Altre pubblicazioni


Firm Surveys relating Environmental Policies, Environmental Performance and Innovation: Design Challenges and insights from Empirical Application”, OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 103, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2014-2015 (con Ghisetti C:, Mazzanti M., Nicolli F.)


We Need An Industrial And Innovation Policy For Europe (con Paolo Pini),. SOCIAL EUROPE JOURNAL, 2015, vol. 2015, p. 1-3


La crisi del lavoro. (con Paolo Pini) IL MULINO, 2014, vol. 64, p. 474-483


Retribuzioni e produttività: un nuovo modello di contrattazione per fermare il decline (con Paolo Pini) . PRISMA, 2014, vol. 5, p. 78-92


Contrattazione, dinamica salariale e produttività: ripensare obiettivi e metodi (con Paolo Pini). QUADERNI DI RASSEGNA SINDACALE. LAVORI, 2013, vol. 14, p. 39-93


Un accordo sulla produttività pieno di nulla (di buono) (con Paolo Pini), QUADERNI DI RASSEGNA SINDACALE. LAVORI, 2012, vol. 4, p. 9-24,



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