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Chiorboli C., Bignozzi C.A., Indelli M.T., Rampi M.A., Scandola F.:
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Tosato M.L., Piazza R., Chiorboli C., Passerini L., Pino A., Cruciani G., Clementi S.,:
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Chiorboli C., Piazza R., Carassiti V., Passerini L., Tosato M.L.:
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Scandola F., Argazzi R., Bignozzi C.A., Chiorboli C., Indelli M.T., Rampi M.A.:
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Bignozzi C.A., Chiorboli C., Murtaza Z., Jones W.E.; Meyer T.J.:
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Chiorboli C., Piazza R., Carassiti V., Passerini L., Tosato M.L.:
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Bignozzi, C.A.; Chiorboli, C.; Indelli, M.T.; Scandola, F.; Bertolasi, V.; Gilli, G.
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Bignozzi, C.A.; Argazzi, R.; Chiorboli, C.; Scandola, F.; Dyer, R.B.; Schoonover, J.R.;
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"Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy of Electronically Excited Polychromophoric Ruthenium(II) Complexes".
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Chiorboli, C.; Piazza, R.; Carassiti, V.; Tosato, M.L.:
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Tosato M.L.; Marchini, S.; Passerini, L. ; Pino, A.; Hoglund, M.; Chiorboli, C.; Piazza, R.
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Piazza, R.; Pino, A.; Marchini, S.; Passerini, L.; Chiorboli, C.; Tosato, M.L.
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Carassiti, V.; Chiorboli, C.; Piazza, R.
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Chiorboli, C.; Piazza, R.; Carassiti, V.
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Carassiti, V.; Allegrini, A.; Cecinato, A.; Chiorboli, C.; Ciccioli, P.; De Santis, F.; Febo,
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Chiorboli, C.; Piazza, R.; Carassiti, V.; Passerini, L.; Pino, A.; Tosato, M-L; Riganelli,D.
"A Model for the Tropospheric Persistency of Hydrohaloalkanes"
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Ammon, U.; Chiorboli, C.; Dümler, W; Gramp, G.; Scandola, F.; Kisch, H.
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Carassiti, V.; Chiorboli, C.; Piazza, R.; Pino, A.
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Chiorboli, C.; Grammatica, P; Piazza, R.; Pino, A.; Todeschini, R.
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SAR & QSAR in Environ. Res. 7, 133-150, 1997.

Chiorboli, C.; Piazza, R.; Todeschini, R.
"Modelling of the Rate Constant of the Reaction of OH Radical with Hydrohaloalkanes: Application of WHIM Molecular Descriptors"
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Ishow, E.; Gourdon, A.; Launay, J-P.; Lecante, P.; Verelst, M.; Chiorboli, C.; Scandola,
F.; Bignozzi C.A.
“Tetranuclear Tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c:3",2"-h:2"',3"'-j] phenazine (tpphz) Ruthenium Complex: Synthesis, Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering and Photophysical Studies”
Inorg. Chem. 1998, 37, 3603-3609.

Chiorboli, C.
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Ishow, E.; Gourdon, A.; Launay, J-P.; Chiorboli, C.; Scandola, F.
“Synthesis, Mass Spectrometry and Spectroscopic Properties of a Dinuclear Ruthenium Complex Comprising a 20 Å Long Fully Aromatic Bridging Ligand.”
Inorg. Chem. 1999, 38, 1504-1510.

Chiorboli, C.; Bignozzi, C.A.; Scandola, F.; Ishow, E.; Gourdon, A.; Launay, J-P.
“Photophysics of Dinuclear Ru(II) and Os(II) Complexes Based on the Tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2’,3’-c:3”,2”-h:2’’’-3’’’-j]phenazine (tpphz) Bridging Ligand.”
Inorg. Chem. 1999, 38, 2402-2410.

F. Scandola, C. Chiorboli, M. T. Indelli, M. A. Rampi,
"Covalently Linked Systems Containing Metal Complexes" in: Electron Transfer in Chemistry"
V.Balzani, Ed.; Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2001. Volume III, Chapter 2.3, p. 337-408.

R. Argazzi, E. Bertolasi, C. Chiorboli, C. A. Bignozzi, M. K. Itokazu, N. Y. Murakami
"Intramolecular Energy Transfer Processes in Binuclear Re-Os Complexes"
Inorg. Chem. 2001, 40, 6885-6891.

C. Chiorboli, M. A.. J. Rodgers, F. Scandola,
“Ultrafast Processes in Bimetallic Dyads with Extended Aromatic Bridges. Energy and Electron Transfer Pathways in Tetrapyridophenazine-Bridged Complexes”
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 483-491

M. T. Indelli, M. Ghirotti, A. Prodi, C. Chiorboli, F. Scandola, N. D. McClenaghan, F.
Puntoriero, and S. Campagna.
“Solvent Switching of Intramolecular Energy Transfer in Bichromophoric Systems: Photophysics of (2,2¢-Bipyridine)tetracyanoruthenate(II)/ Pyrenyl Complexes”
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 5489-5497.

C. Chiorboli, S. Fracasso, F. Scandola, S. Campagna, S. Serroni, R. Konduri, F. M.
“Primary charge separation in photoinduced multielectron storage systems. A dinuclear ruthenium(II) species featuring a charge-separated state with a lifetime of 1.3 µs”
Chem. Commun., 2003, 1658–1659.

F. Puntoriero, S. Serroni, M. Galletta, A. Juris, A. Licciardello, C. Chiorboli, S.
Campagna, F. Scandola.
“A New Heptanuclear Dendritic Ruthenium(ii) Complex Featuring Photoinduced Energy
Transfer Across High-Energy Subunits”
ChemPhysChem 2005, 6, 129 – 138.

A. Prodi, C. Chiorboli, F. Standola, E. Iengo, E. Alessio, R. Dobrawa, F. Wurthner
“Wavelength-Dependent Electron and Energy Transfer Pathways in a side to Face
Ruthenium Porphyrin/Perylene Bisimide Assembly”
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 1454-1462.

C. Chiorboli, M. T. Indelli, F. Scandola “Photoinduced Electron/Energy Transfer Across Molecular Bridges in Binuclear Metal Complexes” Top. Curr. Chem. 2005, 257, 63-102

C. Chiorboli, S. Fracasso, M. Ravaglia, F. Scandola, S. Campagna, K. L. Wouters, R. Konduri, F. M. MacDonnell “Primary Photoinduced Processes in Bimetallic Dyads with Extended Aromatic Bridges. Tetraazatetrapyridopentacene Complexes of Ruthenium(II) and Osmium(II)” Inorg. Chem., 2005, 44, 8368-8378.

Iengo E, Zangrando E, Bellini M, Alessio E, Prodi A, Chiorboli C, Scandola F “Pyridylporphyrin metallacycles with a slipped cofacial geometry: Spectroscopic, x-ray, and photophysical characterization”
Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 9752-9762

M. Galletta, F. Puntoriero, S. Campagna, C. Chiorboli, M. Quesada, S. Goeb, R. Ziessel
“Absorption Spectra, Photophysical Properties, and Redox Behavior of Ruthenium(II) Polypyridine Complexes Containing Accessory Dipyrromethene-BF2 Chromophores” J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 4348-4358.

M. Busby, C. Chiorboli, F. Scandola “Relaxation Dynamics and Transient Behavior of Small Arenethiol Passivated Gold Nanoparticles”, J. Phys. Chem. B., 2006 110, 6020-6026

F. Scandola, C. Chiorboli, A. Prodi, E. Iengo, E. Alessio, “Photophysical properties of metal-mediated assemblies of porphyrins” Coord. Chem. Rev. 2006, 250, 1471–1496.

Marco Ghirotti, Peter F. H. Schwab, Maria Teresa Indelli, Claudio Chiorboli, Franco Scandola “p-Carborane: a New Cage Spacer for Photoactive Metal Polypyridine Dyads” Inorg. Chem, 2006, 45, 4331-4333.

Philippe P. Lainé, Fethi Bedioui, Frédérique Loiseau, Claudio Chiorboli, Sebastiano Campagna “Conformationally Gated Photoinduced Processes within Photosensitizer – Acceptor Dyads Based on Osmium(II) Complexes with Triarylpyridinio-Functionalized Terpyridyl Ligands. Insights from Experimental Study” . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128,

M. Ghirotti, C. Chiorboli, M.T. Indelli, F. Scandola, M. Casanova, E. Iengo, E. Alessio
Energy transfer pathways in pyridylporphyrin Re(I) adducts
Inorganica Chimica Acta 360, 2007, 1121–1130.

Matthew Polson, Claudio Chiorboli, Sandro Fracasso, Franco Scandola
Site-specific electronic couplings in dyads with MLCT excited states. Intramolecular energy transfer in isomeric Ru(II)–Ru(II) cyclometalated complexes
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2007, 6, 438–443.