
Pubblicazioni su rivista internazionale

  • Barbieri, N., Ghisetti, C., Gilli, M., Marin, G. and Nicolli, F. (2016) A Survey of the Literature on Environmental Innovation Based on Main Path Analysis. Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Surveys (accepted 18-02-2016)
  • Crespi, F., Ghisetti, C. and Quatraro, F. (2015) Taxonomy of implemented policy instruments to foster the production of green technologies and improve environmental and economic performance. Eurasian Business Review 5(2), 343-370
  • Ghisetti, C., Pontoni, F. (2015) Investigating policy and R&D effects on environmental innovation: A meta-analysis, Ecological Economics 118, 57-66
  • Ghisetti, C., Marzucchi, A. and Montresor, S. (2015), The open eco-innovation mode. An empirical investigation of eleven European countries Research Policy 44(5), 1080-1093
  • Ghisetti, C. and Rennings K. (2014), Environmental Innovations and Profitability: How does it pay to be green? An empirical analysis on the German Innovation Survey, Journal of Cleaner Production 75, 106-117
  • Ghisetti, C. and Quatraro, F. (2013), Beyond inducement in climate change: Does environmental performance spur environmental technologies? A regional analysis of cross-sectoral differences. Ecological Economics 96, 99-113

Working paper & reports

  • Mazzanti, M.  Antonioli, D., Ghisetti, C., Nicolli, F (2016), Firm Surveys relating Environmental Policies, Environmental Performance and Innovation: Design Challenges and insights from Empirical Application”, OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 103, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • Ghisetti, C., Mancinelli, S., Mazzanti, M. and Zoli, M. “Do financial constraints make the environment worse off? Understanding the effects of financial barriers on environmental innovations” SEEDS Working Paper Series n. 1/2015 (submitted to Climate Policy)
  • Ghisetti, C. and Quatraro, F. (2015) Regulatory push-pull effects on innovation: an evaluation of the effects of the REACH regulation on patents in the chemical sector. WWWforEurope Working Paper n. 91, March 2015
  • Ghisetti, C. and Quatraro, F. (2014) Is green knowledge improving environmental productivity? Sectoral Evidence from Italian Regions. SEEDS Working papers series n. 10/2014 (under review, Ecological Economics)
  • Montresor, S., Ghisetti, C., and Marzucchi, A. (2013), The “green-impact” of the open innovation mode, Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, Policy Brief No. JRC83831.