C. CORBAU e S. PAGLIARO, 2008, COSTE PREVENIRE, PROGRAMMARE, PIANIFICARE, Atti del convegno di Maratea, 15-17 maggio 2008
C. CORBAU and U. SIMEONI, 2009, Coastal vulnerability related to sea-level rise, Geomorphology, 107 (1-2), 105pp.
International Journals
C. CORBAU, P. CLABAUT, B. TESSIER et H. CHAMLEY, 1993, Modifications morphosédimentaires historiques et récentes du domaine côtier Dunkerquois (France), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 316, série II, p 1573-1580.
C. CORBAU, H. HOWA, B. TESSIER, A. de RESSEGUIER et H. CHAMLEY, 1994. Évaluation du transport sédimentaire sur une plage macrotidale par traçage fluorescent - Dunkerque Est - France, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 319, série II, p 1503-1509.
C. CORBAU, B. TESSIER & H. CHAMLEY, Morphodynamic seasonal evolution of the shoreface and beach system of the Dunkerque macrotidal environment, southernmost North Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 1999, 15 (1), 97-110.
B. TESSIER, C. CORBAU, H. CHAMLEY & J.-P. AUFFRET, 1999. Internal structure of shoreface banks revealed by very high-resolution seismic reflection in a macrotidal environment (Dunkerque). Journal of Coastal Research, 1999, 15 (3), 539-606.
C. CORBAU, P. CIAVOLA, R. GONZALEZ & O. FERREIRA, 2002, Measurements of Cross-Shore Sand fluxes on a Macrotidal Pocket Beach (Saint-Georges Beach, Atlantic Coast, SW France), Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 36, 182-189.
T. HASIOTIS, G. PAPATHEODOROU, G. BOUCKOVALAS, C. CORBAU & G. FERENTINOS, 2002, Earthquake-induced coastal sediment instabilities in the Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece, Marine Geology, 186, 319-335.
C. CORBAU, P. CIAVOLA, R: GONZALEZ & O: FERREIRA, 2002, Measurements of Cross-Shore Sand fluxes on a Macrotidal Pocket Beach (Saint-Georges Beach, Atlantic Coast, SW France), Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 36, 182-189.
R. GONZALEZ, P. CIAVOLA, C. CORBAU, S. FALATI & Ó FERREIRA, 2004, Mixing depth experiments on an estuarine dissipative beach; St. Georges Beach, Gironde (France), accepted for a Special Issue of the Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 41, 43-52.
Y. BALOUIN, P. CIAVOLA, G. ANFUO, C. ARMAROLI, C. CORBAU & U. TESSARI, 2004. Morphodynamics of intertidal sand bars: field studies in the northern Adriatic, NE Italy. SI of Journal of Coastal Research, IAS Brazil.
SIMEONI U., U. TESSARI, CORBAU C., 2006. The weight of human activities on the basin-coast system: the case of Emilia-Romagna Region (Northern Adriatic). - Fluxes of small and medium-size Mediterranean rivers: impact on coastal areas, CIESM, Fluxes of Small and Medium-size Mediterranean rivers: impact on coastal areas, CIESM workshop monographs n° 30, 39-45.
U. SIMEONI, G. FONTOLAN, U. TESSARI, C. CORBAU, 2007. Domains of spit evolution in the Goro area, Po Delta, Italy). Geomorphology, 86: 332-348
SIMEONI U. and CORBAU C., 2007. Editorial “Coastal Vulnerability related to sea level rise, Geomorphology 107 (1-2), 1-2
SIMEONI U. and CORBAU C., 2007. A review of the Po Delta evolution (Italy) related to climatic changes and human impacts. Geomorphology107 (1-2), 64-71.ù
C. CORBAU, SIMEONI U., ARCHETTI R., PERETTI A., FARINA M., 2009. Winter sandy protections of the Northern Adriatic Coast against flooding: preliminary results. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 1194-1198.
SIMEONI U., C. CORBAU, LETIZIA P., 2009. Evolution of geminations along the Goro Spit: first results. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 123-127.
National Journals
U. SIMEONI, E. VALPREDA, C: SCHIAVI & C. CORBAU, 2006: Le dune costiere dell’Emilia-Romagna. Studi Costieri.
C. CORBAU, U. SIMEONI, U. TESSARI, L. MARTINELLI, V. BRUNELLI, K. UTIZI 2008: Approcci metodologici per la valutazione della propensione alla sommersione della costa ferrarese e ravennate. Studi e Ricerche, Autorità di Bacino della Basilicata, 9: 45-54.
V. BRUNELLI, C. CORBAU, U. SIMEONI, U. TESSARI, K. UTIZI 2008: Protezione della costa attraverso interventi di ripristino di dune sui litorali del Faro di Gorino e Lido delle Nazioni (Emilia-Romagna). Studi e Ricerche, Autorità di Bacino della Basilicata, 9: 95-104.
U. SIMEONI, V. BRUNELLI, C. CORBAU, U. TESSARI, K. UTIZI 2008: Intervento di ripristino dell’efficienza della bocca secondaria della Sacca di Goro (Delta del Po). Studi e Ricerche, Autorità di Bacino della Basilicata, 9: 275-284.
SIMEONI U.,CORBAU C., Restauration d’une passé et des fonds de la lagune de Goro (Delta du Po, Italie), Paralia (accepted with major corrections)
Conferences Proceedings
C. CORBAU, B. TESSIER, P. CLABAUT et H. CHAMLEY, 1991, Bilan sédimentaire pluri - décennal du littoral Dunkerquois, 3ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, ASF, Novembre 1991, Brest, FRANCE.
C. CORBAU, B. TESSIER, H. CHAMLEY, P. CLABAUT et E. PELTIER, 1993, Morphosedimentary evolution of the Dunkerque coastal zone, European Union of Geosciences EUG VII, Avril 1993, Strasbourg, FRANCE.
C. CORBAU, H. HOWA, B. TESSIER et A. de RESSEGUIER, 1993, Quantification des flux sédimentaires sur un estran sableux par traçage fluorescent, 4ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, ASF, Novembre 1993, Lille, FRANCE.
P. CLABAUT, C. CORBAU, B. TESSIER et H. CHAMLEY, 1994, Étude de l’évolution historique du littoral Est de Dunkerque, Congrès Régional des A.T.T.F. (Association des Techniciens Territoriaux de France) - “Le littoral : Plaisir des uns, souci des autres” à Dunkerque du 15 au 16 avril 1994.
B. TESSIER, C. CORBAU et JP. AUFFRET, 1995, Internal structures as dynamics pattern indicators of shoreface bank moving in a macrotidal coastal environment (Dunkerque area, North France). IAS - 16th Regional Meeting of Sedimentology - 5ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, April 1995, Aix-les-Bains, FRANCE.
B. TESSIER, C. CORBAU et JP. AUFFRET, 1996, Internal structures as dynamics pattern indicators of shoreface bank moving in a macrotidal coastal environment (Dunkerque area, North France). Tidalites’ 96 - International Conference on Tidal Sedimentology - Savannah, Georgia U.S.A., May 12-16 1996.
C. CORBAU, P. CLABAUT, B. LATTEUX, H. CHAMLEY, 1997, Morphological Evolution of the Shoreface, Beach and Dune System in the Macrotidal Environment of Dunkerque Area, Northern France. 18th regional Meeting of Sedimentology, September 1997, Heidelberg.
C. CORBAU & C. LAZAROU, 1999, Influence of human factors ona beach morphology, Eastern Dunkirk coast, France. 38th Anuual meeting of the British Sedimentological Research Group, 19-22 December 1999, Edinburgh.
T. HASIOTIS, C. CORBAU, G. PAPATHEODOROU, G. FERENTINOS, G. KOUKIS, N. SABATAKAKIS and G. BOUKOVALAS, 2000, Beach stability in the Gulf of Corinth and its implication on the subsidence of Ancient Helike.
C. CORBAU, A. CHALARI, D. CHRISTODOULOU, G. PAPATHEODOROU & G. FERENRINOS, 2001, Examples of sediment instability features and processes in quaternary sediment from Cape Menies, Southern Aegean Sea, Hellenic trench/arc system, In Processes an Effects of Subsurface Sediment Mobilisation on Reservoir to Regional Scale. September 2001, Gent Belgium.
C. CORBAU, P. CIAVOLA, R. GONZALEZ & O: FERREIRA, 2001, Cross-shore profile response models for the description of the behaviour of an intertidal bar-trough system: capabilities and limitations at different time scales, EUROCOAST, April 2001, St. Andrews.
P. CIAVOLA & C. CORBAU, 2002, Modelling in the response of an intertidal bar to “medium energy” events, Solutions to Coastal Disasters ’02, ASCE, February 24-27, 2002, Held.
C. CORBAU, P. CIAVOLA, R: GONZALEZ & O: FERREIRA, 2002, Measurements of Cross-Shore Sand fluxes on a Macrotidal Pocket Beach (Saint-Georges Beach, Atlantic Coast, SW France), International Coastal Symposium meeting, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, 25th – 29th March 2002.
R. GONZALEZ, P. CIAVOLA, C. CORBAU, S. FALATI & Ó FERREIRA, 2002, Mixing depth experiments on a dissipative beach; St. Georges Beach, Gironde (France), International workshop on Sediment Transport in European Estuaries, University of Ferrara, Italy, 9th – 13th September 2002.
P. CIAVOLA, S: FALATI, C. CORBAU, O. PAIREAU & M. COLLINS, 2002, Modulation of wave energy by a linear sand bank in the Gironde Estuary (France): Implications for coastal zone Management, Littoral 2002, September,16-21, 2002, Porto (Portugal).
P. CIAVOLA, L. PERINI, U. CIBIN, C. CORBAU & S: LORITO, 2003, Analysis of the historical evolution of the Emilian-Romagna Coast using geographical information systems, 4° Congresso Europeo sulla cartografia geoscientifica regionale ed i sistemi informatici, 4th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, Giugno 2003, Bologna, ,Italy.
P. CIAVOLA, U. CIBIN, C. CORBAU & L. PERINI, 2003. Mapping of the coastal zone of the Emilia-Romagna Region using geographical Informations Systems, MEDCOAST’03, September 2003, Ravenna, Italy, 2363-2374.
C. CORBAU, U. TESSARI, U. SIMEONI, N. BONORA, S. GRAGNAGNIELLO, A. ZAMARIOLO, M. FARINA, A. PERETTI & L. SARTI, 2004. First results of a beach nourishment in North Adriatic Sea, the first International Conference on the Management of Coastal Recreational Resources, Beaches, Yacht Marinas & Coastal Ecotourism, 20th-23rd October 2004, Malta, 31-39.
Y. BALOUIN, P. CIAVOLA, G. ANFUSO, C. CORBAU & U. TESSARI: 2004. Morphodynamics of intertidal sand bars: field studies in the northern Adriatic, NE Italy, 8th International Coastal Symposium, CTT Mar/UNIVALI, Itajai, SC – Brazil, 54.
U. SIMEONI, E. VALPREDA, C. CORBAU, S. GRAGNAGNIELLO, L. FOZZATI & P. BOTTINI: 2005: Hazard geomorfologico dei beni archeologici nella costa lucana ionca (progetto Archonar), Convegno sul tema: La geoarcheologia: metodi ed applicazioni, Verona, 7-8 luglio 2005.
U. SIMEONI, E. VALPREDA, C. SCHIAVI & C. CORBAU, 2005: A national database on coastal dunes: Emilia-Romagna and southern Veneto littorals (Italy) . In Proceedings of the “6th International Symposium on GIS and Computer Cartography for Coastal Zone Management”, (Ed) David R. Green, 21-23 July 2005, Aberdeen, Scotland (UK), 303-312
SIMEONI U., BENCIVELLI S., BRUNELLI V., CORBAU C., FARINA M., GRAGNANIELLO S., LOVO S., PERETTI A., TESSARI U. 2007: The coast of Ferrara: a laboratori for sand management. Geoitalia 2007, Sesto Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Rimini 12/14 settembre 2007, Epitome, 2, 347 (ISSN 1972-1552).
SIMEONI U., BENCIVELLI S., BRUNELLI V., CORBAU C., GRAGNANIELLO S., LOVO S., TESSARI U. 2007: Identification and management hypothesisi of the sandy deposits of the Sacca di Goro. Geoitalia 2007, Sesto Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Rimini 12/14 settembre 2007, Epitome, 2, 350 (ISSN 1972-1552).
SIMEONI U., CORBAU C., BRUNELLI V., 2008, Ipotesi d’intervento e riqualificazione dell’area di foce del Po di Maistra, Convegno AIGEO Bari, 29 settembre - 2 ottobre, 126-127.
SIMEONI U., BRUNELLI V., CORBAU C., TESSARI U., UTIZI U., 2008, Intervento di ripristino dell’efficienza della bocca secondaria della Sacca di Goro (Delta del Po). In Corbau & Pagliaro(Ed.), Coste: Prevenire, Programmare, Pianificare, Maratea, 275 – 284.
BRUNELLI V., CORBAU C., SIMEONI U., TESSARI U., UTIZI U., 2008, Protezione della costa attraverso interventi di ripristino di dune sui litorali del Faro di Gorino e Lido delle Nazioni (Emilia-Romagna). In Corbau & Pagliaro (Ed.), Coste: Prevenire, Programmare, Pianificare, Maratea, 95-104.
CORBAU C., SIMEONI U., TESSARI U., MARTINELLI L., BRUNELLI V., UTIZI U., 2008, Approcci metodologici per la valutazione della propensione alla sommersione della costa ferrarese e ravennate, In Corbau & Pagliaro (Ed.), Coste: Prevenire, Programmare, Pianificare, Maratea, 45-54.
SIMEONI U.,CORBAU C., 2008, Restauration d’une passe et des fonds de la lagune de Goro (Delta du Po, Italie), In GENIE CIVIL (FRA) (Ed.). Xèmes Journées Nationales Génie Còtier, Sophia Antipolis 14-16/10/2008, 293-302.
ALBERGO G., MESSINA F., SARTI L., CORBAU C. and SIMEONI U., 2009. Aspects of management in reservoirs sedimentation, IAS 2009, Alghero (It) settembre 2009.