


Bosellini A,. 1967 - La tematica deposizionale della Dolomia Principale. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., v.86,133-169

Bosellini A. and Ginsburg R.N., 1971 - Form and internal structure of Recent algal nodules (rhodolites) from Bermuda. Journal of Geology, v.79, n.6, 669-682.
Bosellini A. and Hardie L.A., 1973 - Depositional theme of a marginal marine evaporite. Sedimentology, v.20, 5-27.
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Bosellini A. and Rossi D., 1974 - Triassic carbonate buildups of the Dolomites, Northern Italy. SEPM Spec. Publ. 18, 209-233.
Bosellini A. and Winterer E.L., 1975 - Pelagic limestone and Radiolarite of the Tethyan Mesozoic: a genetic model. Geology, v.3, n.5, 279-282.
Bosellini A., Masetti D. and Sarti M., 1981 - A Jurassic “Tongue of the Ocean” infilled with oolitic sands: the Belluno Trough, Venetian Alps, Italy. Marine Geology, v.44, 59-95.
Winterer E.L. and Bosellini A., 1981 - Subsidence and Sedimentation on a Jurassic Passive Continental Margin, Southern Alps, Italy. AAPG Bull., v.65, n.3, 394-421.
Bosellini A., 1984 - Progradation geometries of carbonate platforms: examples from the Triassic of the Dolomites, Northern Italy. Sedimentology, v.31, n.1, 1-24.
Bosellini A., 1986 - East Africa continental margins. Geology, v.14, n.1, 76-78.
Hardie L.A., Bosellini A. and Goldhammer R.K., 1986 - Repeated subaerial exposure of subtidal carbonate platforms, Triassic, Northern Italy: evidence for high frequency sea level oscillations on a 104 year scalePaleoceanography, v.1, n.4, 447-457.
Bosellini A., 1989 - Dynamics of Tethyan carbonate platforms. SEPM Spec. Publ. 44, 3-13.
Bosellini A., 1992 - The Continental Margins of Somalia: structural evolution and sequence stratigraphy. AAPG Memoir 53, 185-205.
Bosellini A., Neri C. and Luciani V., 1993- Platform margin collapses and sequence stratigraphic organization of carbonate slopes: Cretaceous-Eocene, Gargano Promontory, southern Italy. Terra Nova, v.5, 282-287.
Bosellini A., 1993 - Sequence Stratigraphy in Carbonate Successions: some Italian examples. Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Paper OTC 7107, 249-255.
Bosellini A. and Parente M., 1994 - The Apulia Platform margin in the SalentoPeninsula (Southern Italy). Giornale di Geologia, v.56, 167-177.
Cobianchi M., Luciani V. and Bosellini A., 1997 - Early Cretaceous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera from northern Gargano (Apulia, Italy). Cretaceous Research, v.18 249-293.
Morsilli M. and Bosellini A., 1997 - Carbonate facies zonation of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Apulia Platform margin (Gargano Promontory, SouthernItaly). Riv. It. Paleont. Strat. v.103, 193-205.
Bosellini A., Russo A., Fantozzi P.L., Assefa G. and Solomon T., 1997 – The Mesozoic Succession of the Mekele Outlier (Tigre Province, Ethiopia). Mem. Sc. Geologiche, v.49, 95-116.
Bosellini A., 1998 – Scalloped vs faulted carbonate platform margins and the origin of basinal megabreccias. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., v.53, 63-74.
Bosellini A., Russo A. and Schroeder R., 1999 – Stratigraphic evidence for an Early Aptian sea-level fluctuation: the Graua Limestone of south-eastern Ethiopia. Cretaceous Research, v.20, 783-791.
Bosellini A., Bosellini F.R., Colalongo M.L., Parente M. and Russo A., 1999 – Stratigraphic architecture of the Salento coast from Capo d’Otranto to S.Maria di Leuca (Apulia, Southern Italy). Riv. Ital..Paleont.,Strat., v.105, 397-416.
Bosellini A., Morsilli M. and Neri C., 1999 - Long-term event stratigraphy of the Apulia Platform margin (Upper Jurassic to Eocene, Gargano, southern Italy). Journ. Sed. Research, v.69, 1241-1252.
Morsilli M., Rusciadelli G., Vichi G. and Bosellini A., 2000 – Gravity-driven processes: control on margin architecture and slope evolution in a Cretaceous carbonate platform (Montagna della Maiella, Italy). AAPG Bull., v.84, p. 1467 (abstract).
Bosellini A., Morsilli M. and Neri C., 2000 – The eastern margin of the Apulia Platform: the Gargano transect. Field Trip Guide Book (46 pp), SEPM Working Group 4, Vieste.
Bosellini A., Russo A. and Assefa G., 2001 – The Mesozoic succession of Dire Dawa, Harar Province, Ethiopia. Journ. African Earth Sciences, v.32, 403-417.
Morsilli M., Rusciadelli G. and Bosellini A., 2002 – Large-scale gravity-driven structures: control on margin architecture and related deposits of a Cretaceous carbonate platform (Montagna della Maiella, Central Apennines, Italy). Boll. Soc. Geol. It., spec. vol., 619-628.
Gartner GLB, Morsilli M., Schlager W. and Bosellini A., 2002 – Toe-of-slope of a Cretaceous carbonate platform in outcrop, seismic model and offshore seismic data (Apulia, Italy). Int. Journ. Earth Sciences, v.91, 315-330.
Bosellini A., 2002 – Dinosaurs “re-write” the geodynamics of the eastern Mediterranean and the paleogeography of the Apulia Platform. Earth Science Reviews, v. 59, 211-234.
Bosellini A., Gianolla P. and Stefani M., 2003 – Geology of the Dolomites. Episodes, v.26, 181-185.
Bosellini A., 2004 - The western passive margin of Adria and its carbonate platforms. Spec. Vol. It. Geol. Soc. for IGC 32, Florence
Marella C., Caputo R. and Bosellini A., 2004 – Growth and subsidence of carbonate platforms: numerical modeling and application to the Dolomites, Italy. Annals of Geophysics, v.47, 1581-1595.