Curriculum Alessia Finotti

Short Biography

Prof. Alessia Finotti is Associate Professor in Biochemistry at the University of Ferrara (Italy), Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology.

She has worked at Ferrara University since 2005 (from 2005 to 2012 at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, currently at the Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology).

She is  Professor of "Cellular and Molecular Therapies”, Professor of "Molecular and Recombinant Technologies", "Applied Biochemistry" and "Biopharmaceutical Chemistry" (Degrees in Biotechnology/Chmistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies).

Her research interests are focused on the molecular basis of human hereditary diseases and cancer, gene therapy, pharmaceutical biology and pharmacogenomics.

In particular: (a) study of microRNAs involved in human pathologies for the development of new approaches capable of modify gene expression; (b) study of transcription factors in gene transcriptional regulation; (c) biomedical and biotechnological applications of peptide nucleic acids (PNA) and structural analogues directed against mRNA and microRNA; (d) molecular strategy to modify gene expression in the treatment of cancer, thalassemia, cystic fibrosis; (e) PNA as molecular probes for innovative diagnosis tools; (f) biological evaluation of novel compounds as inducers of erythroid differentiation for possible use in the therapy of hematological diseases as beta-thalassemia; (g) proteomics and transcriptomics analysis in erythroleukemia cultured cells and in erythroid precursors isolated from beta-thalassemia patients peripheral blood; (h) Identification of changed levels in circulating (plasma) microRNA in auto-hemotransfused athletes; (i) in vitro diagnostic systems for colorectal cancer early diagnosis, prognosis, patient follow-up and therapy efficacy assessment based on molecular analysis of peripheral blood (liquid biopsy); (l) generation and characterization of transgenic mice for human beta globin gene with beta-thalassemic mutations; (m) Read-through strategy for the treatments of genetic rare diseases caused by nonsense mutations.

She is the author of more than 130 papers published in peer-reviewed International Journals, 8 book chapters, and she is co-inventor of patents concerning the development of novel systems for nucleic acids/peptide nucleic acids (PNA) delivery. Furthermore, she participated as internal and external collaborator in national and international projects (FFC, PRIN, European projects, WADA program, CARIPARO, AIRC, Telethon).


Curriculum Vitae


2005   Ph.D. Research Doctorate in Biotechnology, University of Ferrara.

2001   Master Degree in Chemistry and in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technologies, University of   Ferrara,   (110/110 magna cum laude).



From June 2024   Associate Professor, Scientific Disciplinary Group (SDG) 05/BIOS-07 - Biochemistry,  Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SDS) BIOS-07/A – Biochemistry, University of Ferrara, Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Ferrara, Italy.

2021-2024           Assistant Professor (RTD-B) in Biochemistry, SSD BIO/10, University of Ferrara, Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Ferrara, Italy.

2016-2021:          Assistant Professor (RTD-A) in Biochemistry, SSD BIO/10, University of Ferrara, Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Ferrara, Italy.

2005-2016:          Post-doctoral fellow/Research fellow at Ferrara University, Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ferrara, Italy.



Professor of the Courses: Applied Biochemistry (Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technologies Degree), Cellular and Molecular Therapies, Recombinant and Molecular Technologies, Omics and Molecular Diagnosis, Advanced Biomolecular Technologies; Biopharmaceutical Chemistry (Biotechnology Degree) Biomolecular Drugs (Pharmacy Degree); Molecular Biology of the Cell (Biological Sciences Degree).


FUNDING (Most recent)

-Wakunaga Project 2024-2026, Title: Effects of Aged Garlic Extract (AGE) and its constituents S-allyl cysteine (SAC) and S-1-propenyl-1-cysteine (S1-PC) on the expression of pro-inflammatory genes involved in Cystic Fibrosis, in COVID-19 “Cytokine Storm”, in “long-COVID-19” and in PASC (Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19) (InflammoAGE). Role: Co-proponent in collaboration with International Polyamines Foundation ‘ETS-ONLUS’.

-2024-2026: FAR Project 2024. Title: Modulation of gene expression with “miRNA-targeting” approaches and genome editing strategies, alone or in combined treatments with synthetic and natural-derived pharmaceutical drugs, for the development of novel therapeutic protocols in biomedicine.  Role: PI.

-2024-2026: FIRD Project 2024. Title: Combining the "microRNA therapeutics" strategy with the use of natural products for counteracting hyper-inflammatory networks in human pathologies (miR-NaP), Role: PI.

-2023-2024 CIB (Consorzio Interuniversitario Biotecnologie) Project finanziato dal MIUR ex D.M. 1059 del 09/08/2021 “L’innovazione delle Biotecnologie nell’Era della Medicina di Precisione, dei Cambiamenti climatici edell’Economia Circolare”. Research topic: Gene Editing and XNA-therapeutics for precision medicine of rare genetic diseases.

-2023-2025 (FAR 2023). Principal Investigator (PI) FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica).

Modulation of gene expression with the “miRNA-targeting” approach, alone or in combined treatments using pharmacological drugs, for the development of novel therapeutic protocols in biomedicine.

-2022-2024 (FAR 2022). Principal Investigator (PI) FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica). Targeting intracellular RNAs involved in the development and progression of solid tumors: switching off the activity of oncomiRNAs, oncolong non-coding RNAs and oncomessenger RNAs with suitably delivered DNA/RNA based oligonucleotides and analogs.

-2020-2023 (FAR 2020 e 2021): Principal Investigator (PI) FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica) project. Title: Development of CRISPR/Cas9 based Genome Editing strategies for genetic diseases alone or in combined treatments with other gene therapy approaches (ComboGenE).

-2018-2023: Internal Collaborator/Member of Operative Unit. Project AIFA-2016-02364887 funded by Italian Medicines Agency.  Title: Treatment of beta-thalassemia patients with Rapamycin (Sirolimus): from pre-clinical research to a clinical trial (THALA-RAP).

-2020-2023 (FIR 2020) Principal Investigator (PI) FIR (Fondo per l’incentivazione alla ricerca MIUR) project. Title: Use of microRNA targeting strategies combined with natural derived compounds with antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic activities: in-vitro study of antitumoral effects on colon-rectal cancer, glioblastoma and breast  carcinoma cellular models (NaturalMiR-Combo).

-2021-2022: Coordinator (PI) Progetto FISR 2020 - COVID PRIMA FASE (Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MUR) Fondo Integrativo Speciale per la Ricerca (FISR) - Project n° FISR2020IP_04128. Combining targeting of the microRNA/transcription factor network with a PNA-based antisense approach for SARS-CoV-2: tackling viral expression and the cytokine storm of COVID-19 (COVID-miRNAPNA).

-2021-2022 CIB (Consorzio Interuniversitario Biotecnologie) Project finanziato dal MIUR ex D.M.n.442 dd 10/08/2020_L’innovazione delle Biotecnologie nell’era della pandemia Covid-19. Title: Tackling COVID-19 “Cytokine storm” with low molecular weight compounds and molecules mimicking microRNAs (agomiRNAs) interacting with pro-inflammatory mRNAs.

-2020-2021: Principal Investigator (PI) of the project funded by Associazione Italiana Sindrome di Shwachman (AISS), Prot 10/2020.Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Italian Research Grant 2020. Title of the Project: Combined approaches for Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome: microRNA targeting, gene editing and read-through correction (miRCOMBO-SDS).

-2019-2020: External Collaborator of project FFC #7/2019 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica). Title: Targeting the signalling network controlling proteostasis and inflammation to rescue F508del-CFTR.

-2018-2020: Internal Collaborator of project FFC #7/2018 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica). Title: Revealing the microRNAs-transcription factors network in cystic fibrosis: from microRNA therapeutics to precision medicine (CF-miRNA-THER).

-2018-2020 (Far 2018 and 2019) Principal Investigator (PI) FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica) project. Title: Theranostic approaches: microRNAs targeting in: (a) genetic diseases (cystic fibrosis, beta-thalassemia, and Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome); (b) blood infusion in athletes and (c) neoplastic diseases.

-2018-2020: Co-investigator of project from Wellcome Trust Innovator Award 2018[AF2] , Project n° 208872/Z/17/Z. Title: A personalized medicine approach for beta-thalassemia patients: testing sirolimus in a first pilot clinical trial (Sirthalaclin).

-2018-2019: Principal Investigator (PI) FIR (Fondo per l’incentivazione alla ricerca MIUR) project. Title: Peptide Nucleic Acids for genome editing in beta-thalassemia.

-2018-2019: Co-Investigator WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) Research Grant. Title:  Development of microRNA based protocols for detection of autologous blood transfusion in sport.

-2016-2018: Internal Collaborator of project FFC #1/2016 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica). Title: New generation trimethylangelicin (TMA) analogues for selective modulation of defective CFTR or inflammation.

-2015-2018: Group Leader position in coordinating and experimental design of WP1, Task 1.2 (Specifications of colorectal cancer biomarkers and samples requirements) and WP4, Task 4.1 (Recruitment and validation of clinical samples for microRNAs), European Project Progetto n° 633937-H2020-PHC-2014-two-stage-ULTRAsensitive PLAsmonic devices for early CAncer Diagnosis (ULTRAPLACAD), 2015-2018.

-2017-2018: (FAR 2017) Principal Investigator (PI) FAR (Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca Scientifica) project. Title: Biosensors and novel technological platforms for liquid biopsy and circulating miRNAs analysis.

-2016-2017: Principal Investigator (PI) FIR (Fondo per l’Incentivazione alla Ricerca MIUR) project. Title: MicroRNA profiling in liquid biopsy from patients with Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome: identification of molecular basis of the pathology and novel prognostic biomarkers.

-2016-2017: Internal Collaborator FFC3#2016 (Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica) project. Title: MicroRNA Therapeutics in CF: Targeting CFTR and inflammation networks (MicroRNA-CF).



- Coordinator of an Operative Unit at Ferrara University for the Interuniversity Consortium for Biotechnology (CIB).

- Academic tutor and supervisor of the Ph.D. student Dr. Federica Di Padua (Life Science and Biotechnology, Cycle XL),

- Supervisor and relator/correlator for more than 100 Degree Thesis.



-Molecular strategies to modulate gene expression in the treatment of genetic rare diseases (e.g. beta-thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome);

-Study of microRNAs involved in human pathologies for the development of new approaches of microRNA targeting and miRNA replacement;

-Proteomics and transcriptomics (microRNA and mRNA NGS) analysis in genetic diseases (cystic fibrosis, beta-thalassemia, Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome) and in neoplastic pathologies (glioblastoma, colon cancer);

-Biomedical and biotechnological applications of peptide nucleic acids (PNA) and structural analogues directed against mRNA and microRNA;

-Development of novel therapeutic strategies using microRNA targeting and combined approaches (miRNA and antitumoral drugs) in genetic diseases and oncology;

-Identification of novel therapeutic antiinflammatory approaches against SARS-Cov-2 cytokine storm;

-Development of innovative systems for the delivery of biodrugs;

-Gene editing in beta-thalassemia:

-Read-through strategy for the treatments of genetic rare diseases caused by nonsense mutations;

-Biological evaluation of novel compounds as inducers of erythroid differentiation in the therapy of hematological diseases;



Co-inventor of two Patents concerning the development of novel systems for nucleic acids/peptide nucleic acids (PNA) delivery:

- Patent N°102017000139871, 14 Feb 2020, title “Transfection agents for microRNA and antagomiRNA”

- Patent N°102017000139872, 14 Feb 2020, title “Transfection agents for peptide nucleic acids (PNA)”



-Coordinator of an Operative Unit at Ferrara University for the Interuniversity Consortium for Biotechnology (CIB).

-From 2024  Vice Director, Member of the Steering Committee  and the Scientific Committee of the Center “Chiara Gemmo e Elio Zago per la Ricerca sulla Talassemia”, University of Ferrara, Italy.

-From 2020  Member of the Steering Committee (Vice Director for Instru[AF2] ments & Technological resources) of the Research Center for Innovative Therapies for Cystic Fibrosis, Ferrara University, Italy

-From 2022  Member of the Life Sciences and Biotechnology Ph.D. Academic Board at Ferrara University.

-2016-2022  Member of the Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Ph.D. Academic Board at Ferrara University.

-Other membership: American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT), International Society of Precision Cancer Medicine (ISPCM), Stem Cell Research (SCR) Italy Association, Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB).

-2015-date  Scientific Reviewer for:  ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies, Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, Assay and Drug Development Technology, Cancer Gene Therapy, Frontiers in Genome Editing, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Molecular Oncology, Plos One, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, International Journal of Molecular Medicine, Oncology Letters, Molecular Medicine Reports, Molecular Biotechnology, African Journal of Biotechnology, Amino Acids, Genomics Data, Cell & Gene Therapy Insight, Biomedical Reports, European Journal of Inflammation, Human Molecular Genetics.

-2016-date   Member of the Editorial Board of “Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine” journal (Online ISSN: 1792-1015), and Editorial Board of “Oncology Letters” (Online ISSN: 1792-1082).



- Assignee of Eligibilities from Italian MIUR for the Associate Professor positions in General Biochemistry, in Molecular Biology, and in Clinical Biochemistry-Clinical Molecular Biology

- Title of “Cultore della materia” (Expert in teaching) for the disciplinary scientific sector (SSD) of Biochemistry, Ferrara University, Italy

- Winner of the prize entitled "Prof. Paolo Bianco Award" for the best abstract and poster presented at "VII Meeting Stem Cell Research Italy", Bologna, Italy, June 21th-23th, 2016.



Oral communications at 15 National/International Conferences/Meetings. Member of the Organization Board and Scientific Board of 4 National/International Conferences/Meeting.


SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (Updated: December 2024, from Scopus)

More than 136 full article publications in peer-reviewed International Journals (h-index 32, total citations 2775; Source: Scopus); 8 book chapters, more than 50 abstracts/meeting abstracts published in indexed journals.


WOS/Researcher ID: C-6268-2012,

Scopus Author ID: 6506289571



Santoro DF, Marconi G, Capomaccio S, Bocchini M, Anderson AW, Finotti A, Confalonieri M, Albertini E, Rosellini D.

Polyploidization-driven transcriptomic dynamics in Medicago sativa neotetraploids: mRNA, smRNA and allele-specific gene expression.

BMC Plant Biol. 2025 Jan 25;25(1):108. doi: 10.1186/s12870-025-06090-z


Finotti A, Gambari R.

Perspectives in MicroRNA Therapeutics for Cystic Fibrosis.

Noncoding RNA. 2025 Jan 12;11(1):3. doi: 10.3390/ncrna11010003


Gambari R, Gamberini MR, Cosenza LC, Zuccato C, Finotti A.

A β-Thalassemia Cell Biobank: Updates, Further Validation in Genetic and Therapeutic Research and Opportunities During (and After) the COVID-19 Pandemic.

J Clin Med. 2025 Jan 6;14(1):289. doi: 10.3390/jcm14010289


Gasparello J, Papi C, Marzaro G, Macone A, Zurlo M, Finotti A, Agostinelli E, Gambari R.

Aged Garlic Extract (AGE) and Its Constituent S-Allyl-Cysteine (SAC) Inhibit the Expression of Pro-Inflammatory Genes Induced in Bronchial Epithelial IB3-1 Cells by Exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein and the BNT162b2 Vaccine.

Molecules. 2024 Dec 16;29(24):5938. doi: 10.3390/molecules29245938


Gambari R, Finotti A.

Interplay of TLR4 and SARS-CoV-2: Possible Involvement of microRNAs [Letter].

J Inflamm Res. 2024 Nov 1;17:7963-7964. doi: 10.2147/JIR.S501862. eCollection 2024


Gambari R, Finotti A.

Therapeutic Relevance of Inducing Autophagy in β-Thalassemia. Review.

Cells. 2024 May 25;13(11):918. doi: 10.3390/cells13110918.


Zurlo M, Zuccato C, Cosenza LC, Gamberini MR, Finotti A, Gambari R.

Increased Expression of α-Hemoglobin Stabilizing Protein (AHSP) mRNA in Erythroid Precursor Cells Isolated from β-Thalassemia Patients Treated with Sirolimus (Rapamycin).

J Clin Med. 2024 Apr 24;13(9):2479. doi: 10.3390/jcm13092479.


Traeger-Synodinos J, Vrettou C, Sofocleous C, Zurlo M, Finotti A, Gambari R, International Hemoglobinopathy Research Network (INHERENT).

Impact of α-Globin Gene Expression and α-Globin Modifiers on the Phenotype of β-Thalassemia and Other Hemoglobinopathies: Implications for Patient Management.

Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Mar 17;25(6):3400. doi: 10.3390/ijms25063400.


Zuccato C, Cosenza LC, Tupini C, Finotti A, Sacchetti G, Simoni D, Gambari R, Lampronti I.

New Synthetic Isoxazole Derivatives Acting as Potent Inducers of Fetal Hemoglobin in Erythroid Precursor Cells Isolated from β-Thalassemic Patients.

Molecules. 2023 Dec 19;29(1):8. doi: 10.3390/molecules29010008.


Zurlo M, Gasparello J, Verona M, Papi C, Cosenza LC, Finotti A, Marzaro G, Gambari R.

The anti-SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine suppresses mithramycin-induced erythroid differentiation and expression of embryo-fetal globin genes in human erythroleukemia K562 cells.

Exp Cell Res. 2023 Dec 15;433(2):113853. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2023.113853.


Cosenza LC, Marzaro G, Zurlo M, Gasparello J, Zuccato C, Finotti A, Gambari R.

Inhibitory effects of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and BNT162b2 vaccine on erythropoietin-induced globin gene expression in erythroid precursor cells (ErPCs) from β-thalassemia patients.

Exp Hematol. 2024 Jan;129:104128. doi: 10.1016/j.exphem.2023.11.002.


Finotti A, Gasparello J, Zuccato C, Cosenza LC, Fabbri E, Bianchi N, Gambari R.

Effects of Mithramycin on BCL11A Gene Expression and on the Interaction of the BCL11A Transcriptional Complex to γ-Globin Gene Promoter Sequences.

Genes (Basel). 2023 Oct 11;14(10):1927. doi: 10.3390/genes14101927.


Zurlo M, Zuccato C, Cosenza LC, Gasparello J, Gamberini MR, Stievano A, Fortini M, Prosdocimi M, Finotti A, Gambari R.

Decrease in α-Globin and Increase in the Autophagy-Activating Kinase ULK1 mRNA in Erythroid Precursors from β-Thalassemia Patients Treated with Sirolimus.

Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Oct 10;24(20):15049. doi: 10.3390/ijms242015049.


Gambari R, Zuccato C, Cosenza LC, Zurlo M, Gasparello J, Finotti A, Gamberini MR, Prosdocimi M.

The Long Scientific Journey of Sirolimus (Rapamycin): From the Soil of Easter Island (Rapa Nui) to Applied Research and Clinical Trials on β-Thalassemia and Other Hemoglobinopathies.

Biology (Basel). 2023 Sep 2;12(9):1202. doi: 10.3390/biology12091202.


Gasparello J, Papi C, Zurlo M, Volpi S, Gambari R, Corradini R, Casnati A, Sansone F, Finotti A.

Cationic Calix[4]arene Vectors to Efficiently Deliver AntimiRNA Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNAs) and miRNA Mimics.

Pharmaceutics. 2023 Aug 10;15(8):2121. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15082121.


Finotti A, Gambari R.

Combined approaches for increasing fetal hemoglobin (HbF) and de novo production of adult hemoglobin (HbA) in erythroid cells from β-thalassemia patients: treatment with HbF inducers and CRISPR-Cas9 based genome editing.

Front Genome Ed. 2023 Jul 17;5:1204536. doi: 10.3389/fgeed.2023.1204536. eCollection 2023.


Gamberini MR, Zuccato C, Zurlo M, Cosenza LC, Finotti A, Gambari R.

Effects of Sirolimus Treatment on Fetal Hemoglobin Production and Response to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: A Case Report Study.

Hematol Rep. 2023 Jul 12;15(3):432-439. doi: 10.3390/hematolrep15030044.


Gasparello J, Marzaro G, Papi C, Gentili V, Rizzo R, Zurlo M, Scapoli C, Finotti A, Gambari R.

Effects of Sulforaphane on SARS‑CoV‑2 infection and NF‑κB dependent expression of genes involved in the COVID‑19 'cytokine storm'.

Int J Mol Med. 2023 Sep;52(3):76. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2023.5279.


Tupini C, Zurlo M, Gasparello J, Lodi I, Finotti A, Scattolin T, Visentin F, Gambari R, Lampronti I.

Combined Treatment of Cancer Cells Using Allyl Palladium Complexes Bearing Purine-Based NHC Ligands and Molecules Targeting MicroRNAs miR-221-3p and miR-222-3p: Synergistic Effects on Apoptosis.

Pharmaceutics. 2023 Apr 24;15(5):1332. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15051332.


Papi C, Gasparello J, Zurlo M, Cosenza LC, Gambari R, Finotti A.

The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Gene (CFTR) Is under Post-Transcriptional Control of microRNAs: Analysis of the Effects of agomiRNAs Mimicking miR-145-5p, miR-101-3p, and miR-335-5p.

Noncoding RNA. 2023 Apr 18;9(2):29. doi: 10.3390/ncrna9020029.


Zurlo M, Gasparello J, Cosenza LC, Breveglieri G, Papi C, Zuccato C, Gambari R, Finotti A.

Production and Characterization of K562 Cellular Clones Hyper-Expressing the Gene Encoding α-Globin: Preliminary Analysis of Biomarkers Associated with Autophagy.

Genes (Basel). 2023 Feb 23;14(3):556. doi: 10.3390/genes14030556.


Bezzerri V, Gentili V, Api M, Finotti A, Papi C, Tamanini A, Boni C, Baldisseri E, Olioso D, Duca M, Tedesco E, Leo S, Borgatti M, Volpi S, Pinton P, Cabrini G, Gambari R, Blasi F, Lippi G, Rimessi A, Rizzo R, Cipolli M.

SARS-CoV-2 viral entry and replication is impaired in Cystic Fibrosis airways due to ACE2 downregulation.

Nat Commun. 2023 Jan 10;14(1):132. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-35862-0.


Zurlo M, Nicoli F, Proietto D, Dallan B, Zuccato C, Cosenza LC, Gasparello J, Papi C, d'Aversa E, Borgatti M, Scapoli C, Finotti A, Gambari R.

Effects of Sirolimus treatment on patients with β-Thalassemia: Lymphocyte immunophenotype and biological activity of memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.

J Cell Mol Med. 2023 Feb;27(3):353-364. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.17655.


Zuccato C, Cosenza LC, Zurlo M, Breveglieri G, Bianchi N, Lampronti I, Gasparello J, Scapoli C, Borgatti M, Finotti A, Gambari R.

The rs368698783 (G>A) Polymorphism Affecting LYAR Binding to the Aγ-Globin Gene Is Associated with High Fetal Hemoglobin (HbF) in β-Thalassemia Erythroid Precursor Cells Treated with HbF Inducers.

Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jan 1;24(1):776. doi: 10.3390/ijms24010776.


Gasparello J, Papi C, Zurlo M, Gambari L, Manicardi A, Rozzi A, Ferrarini M, Corradini R, Gambari R, Finotti A.

MicroRNAs miR-584-5p and miR-425-3p Are Up-Regulated in Plasma of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Patients: Targeting with Inhibitor Peptide Nucleic Acids Is Associated with Induction of Apoptosis in Colon Cancer Cell Lines.

Cancers (Basel). 2022 Dec 25;15(1):128. doi: 10.3390/cancers15010128.


Cosenza LC, Zuccato C, Zurlo M, Gambari R, Finotti A.

Co-Treatment of Erythroid Cells from β-Thalassemia Patients with CRISPR-Cas9-Based β039-Globin Gene Editing and Induction of Fetal Hemoglobin.

Genes (Basel). 2022 Sep 26;13(10):1727. doi: 10.3390/genes13101727.


Prosdocimi M, Zuccato C, Cosenza LC, Borgatti M, Lampronti I, Finotti A, Gambari R.

A Rational Approach to Drug Repositioning in β-thalassemia: Induction of Fetal Hemoglobin by Established Drugs.

Wellcome Open Res. 2022 Jun 23;7:150. doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17845.2. eCollection 2022. Review


Papi C, Gasparello J, Zurlo M, Manicardi A, Corradini R, Cabrini G, Gambari R, Finotti A.

Combined Treatment of Bronchial Epithelial Calu-3 Cells with Peptide Nucleic Acids Targeting miR-145-5p and miR-101-3p: Synergistic Enhancement of the Expression of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) Gene.

Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Aug 19;23(16):9348. doi: 10.3390/ijms23169348.


Zuccato C, Cosenza L.C, Zurlo M, Gasparello J, Papi C, D’Aversa E, Breveglieri G, Lampronti I, Finotti A, Borgatti M, Scapoli C, Stievano A, Fortini M, Ramazzotti E, Marchetti N, Prosdocimi M, Gamberini MR, Gambari R.

Expression of γ-globin genes in β-thalassemia patients treated with sirolimus: results from a pilot clinical trial (Sirthalaclin)

Ther Adv Hematol. 2022 Jun 21;13:20406207221100648. doi: 10.1177/20406207221100648. eCollection 2022.


Zurlo M, Romagnoli R, Oliva P, Gasparello J, Finotti A, Gambari R.

Synergistic Effects of A Combined Treatment of Glioblastoma U251 Cells with An Anti-miR-10b-5p Molecule and An AntiCancer Agent Based on 1-(3',4',5'-Trimethoxyphenyl)-2-Aryl-1H-Imidazole Scaffold.

Int J Mol Sci. 2022 May 26;23(11):5991. doi: 10.3390/ijms23115991.


Gasparello J, Papi C, Zurlo M, Cosenza LC, Breveglieri G, Zuccato C, Gambari R, Finotti A.

Teaching during COVID-19 pandemic in practical laboratory classes of applied biochemistry and pharmacology: A validated fast and simple protocol for detection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike sequences.

PLoS One. 2022 Apr 6;17(4):e0266419. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0266419. eCollection 2022.


Zurlo M, Nicoli F, Borgatti M, Finotti A, Gambari R.

Possible effects of sirolimus treatment on the long‑term efficacy of COVID‑19 vaccination in patients with β‑thalassemia: A theoretical perspective.

Int J Mol Med. 2022 Mar;49(3):33. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2022.5088. Epub 2022 Jan 21.


Gasparello J, Papi C, Zurlo M, Gambari L, Rozzi A, Manicardi A, Corradini R, Gambari R, Finotti A.

Treatment of Human Glioblastoma U251 Cells with Sulforaphane and a Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) Targeting miR-15b-5p: Synergistic Effects on Induction of Apoptosis.

Molecules. 2022 Feb 15;27(4):1299. doi: 10.3390/molecules27041299.