
Born 7/nov/66 in Ferrara. 

1991 - graduated cum laude in physics (Univ. Ferrara) 
summer 1991 - graduate student at Fermi National Laboratories (Batavia - Ill. - USA) 
1996 - PhD. in particle physics (Univ. Ferrara) 
nov. 1996/oct. 1998 - Fellow at CERN (European Lab. for Particle Physics), Geneva, Switzerland, working in the NA48 experiment.
since nov. 1998 - joined the Ferrara INFN group as responsible for computing and networking.

1998/2002 - Professor for the courses "Linguaggi di Programmazione" and "Laboratorio Linguaggi di Programmazione" 
since 2003 - Professor for the course "Sistemi Operativi 1"
since 2006 - Professor for the course "Laboratorio di Sicurezza di Reti"

I have partecipated in various particle physics experiments (E760 at Fermilab; NA48, LHCb, NA62 at Cern) mainly working 
on data acquisition and electronics topics. Since 2008 I am involved in the SuperB project of INFN (Istituto Nazionale di
Fisica Nucleare) following the computing and data acquisition aspects of the project.  I'm also involved in the INFN Grid
project. Main areas of interest are data acquisition, authentication/authorization issues, collaborative tools.

I'm the author of more than 70 articles and supervisor of several thesis.