Pietromaria Davoli holds a Full Professorship of Architectural Technology in the Department of Architecture at the University of Ferrara, Italy. Director of the Research Center “Architettura>Energia” of the Department of Architecture.

Master Degree in Architecture with honours and publication worthy at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Florence, Italy (1990); PhD in Technology of Architecture (1995) at the Department of Methods and Processes of Building Production, Florence University.

He teaches (since 1995) the course of Technology of Architecture in the Architecture Construction 1 Studio (Laboratory of Architecture Construction 1) at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Architecture/Department of Architecture.
He also taught at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Parma, Italy.
Coordinator of the integrated International Programs for a Join Double Master Degree between the University of Ferrara and the Pontificia Universidade Catòlica do Paranà (PUCPR, Brazil).
Coordinator of design workshops at the University (in particular: scientific coordinator of workshop "Quali(ci)ty: redesign and energy efficiency for a sustainable quality of life", MADE EXPO 2012, Milan).
Visiting Professor (2014) at the PUCPR University, Brazil.

He teaches energy efficiency and retrofit of the architectural heritage at “post lauream” and professional education courses.

Member of “Sustainability Council” and “Research Council” of the University of Ferrara.
From 2010 he is the delegate of the Department of Architecture of Ferrara, for the activity with GBC_Green Building Council Italia (for the elaboration and management of LEED protocols).

He participates in the following scientific boards:
• Academic Board (XV-XVIII courses) of Doctorate in Technology of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara;
• Academic Board of IDAUP_International PhD Architecture and Urban Planning (University of Ferrara - Department of Architecture, Polis University – Tirana, University of Malta - Faculty for the Built Environment), XIX-XXXI courses;
• UNI Group – GL 20 “External rendering and internal plastering” (1995);
• Regional Committee for technical rules of public residential building”, Region of Emilia Romagna (1997);
• National commission “Education and scientific research” of the National Council of Architects;
• “Recupero Tour – Ristrutturare, Risanare, Riqualificare”, EdicomEdizioni Eventi, 2014.
• FutureBuild Expo 2014-2015 (Parma, Italy) and FutureBuild Meetings (2014-2015- several Italian cities);
• Program Working Group for the 1st edition of the International Conference and Expo “Greenbuild Europe & The Mediterranean” (GBC - Green Building Council, United States and Italy, Verona, Italy, 2015).

His main research and editorial production fields are:
• relationships between environment, architecture (from the spontaneous pre-industrial) and sustainable technologies, particularly for energy efficiency control in new buildings;
• technological innovation with specific interest in timber building systems;
• environmentally sustainable and energy efficient refurbishment, requalification and functionalization of historic heritage.

He was speaker at National and International conferences, such as:
• “Borgo-clima: energetic and environmental retrofitting of the historic fabric”, a the “I – SMC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. Sustainable environment in the Mediterranean region: from housing to urban and land scale Construction”, Naples, 2012;
• “Archittetura-Energia. Italian experiences of historic buildings refurbishment. Simplified protocols for the energy survey and retrofit of historical settlements”, at the “XXXVIè Curset Jornades Internacionals sobre la Intervenció en el Patrimoni Arquitectònic. Valors patrimonials i eficiència energètica: Conflictes i solucions / XXXVI edition of the International Conference on Intervention in Heritage Buildings. Heritage Building and Energy Efficiency: Conflicts and Solutions”, organized by “Agrupació d'Arquitectes per a la Defensa i la Intervenció en el Patrimoni Arquitectònic” (AADIPA) and “Collegi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), 2013, Barcellona, Spain;
• "A requalificação efficiency and ambiental dos edificios Italianos, specialy do Patrimônio histórico. Método, estudos and projetos", Central Auditorium of PUCPR-Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, 2014, Curitiba, Brasil.

He participates in scientific research group at local, national and international level.
Current scientific research responsibility:
• “Unife sostenibile. Screening energetico del patrimonio edilizio dell’Ateneo di Ferrara e proposte preliminari per la fase di intervento / Sustainable Uni-Fe. Energy audit of the building stock of the University of Ferrara and preliminary retrofit proposals”, Research Centre Architettura>Energia of the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara;
• Design research “Building integration of innovative semitransparent photovoltaic devices: a PV shed for the recharge of electrical bicycles”, Research Centre Architettura>Energia of the Department of Architecture and Department of Physics, University of Ferrara;
• “INNO-ZEB_INNOvative active and passive technologies for nearly Zero Energy Buildings”, 2014-2016 (Principal Investigator), Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara, with international partnership (School of Architecture, Tianjin University, Weijin Rd. Nankai Districts, Tianjin, People's Republic of China; National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland, New Zealand; School of Architecture, University of Minho, Portugal).
• National Working Group (“change leader” of stakeholders core group), “GBC Italy”, for the European Project “ BUILD UPON (HORIZON 2020)”, Europe Regional Network of the World Green Building Council (2015-2017).

Planner and Designer (as coordinator of the “Internal technical design team”, Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara) of the scientific restoration of Palazzo Tassoni in Ferrara, which is the new expansion of the Faculty of Architecture.

He has been awarded several architectural public competitions.

Associate member of the professional firm “Laboratorio di Architettura - Architetti Associati / Laboratory of Architecture - Associated Architects”, based in Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Member of the scientific editorial board of several magazines, among which:
• “Recupero e conservazione” (publisher: De Lettera Editore, Milano, Italy);
• “L'Ufficio Tecnico” (publisher: Maggioli Editore, Rimini);
• “Architettare” (publisher: Maggioli Editore, Rimini/ Pacini Editore S.p.A, Pisa Ospedaletto).

He is the author of over 150 scientific papers, articles and books, in particular:
• (1993) “Architettura senza impianti: aspetti bioclimatici dell'architettura preindustriale”, Alinea, Firenze, pp. tot. 150.
• (1996) “Intonaci. Requisiti, criteri progettuali, esecuzione, prestazioni”, Hoepli, Milano, tot. pp. 136 (124).
• (2001) Costruire con il legno. Requisiti, criteri progettuali, esecuzione, prestazioni, Hoepli, Milano, tot. pp. 266 (252). ISBN: 8820327457;
• (2005) “Involucri lignei nell'architettura residenziale: innovazione tecnologica ed espressiva”, in: AA.VV., “Abitare il futuro. Città, Quartieri, case”, Cuore Mostra SAIE 2005, BolognaFiere, Be-Ma, Milano, pp.254-261.
• (2008) “Nuovi rapporti simbiotici per l’integrazione “virtuosa” fra costruzione ed impianti”, in: AA.VV., “L'Italia si trasforma. + Qualità - Energia per costruire sostenibile”, BE-MA editrice, Milano, pp. 162-175. ISBN 9788871432915.
• (2010, editor and co-author) “Il recupero energetico ambientale del costruito”, Maggioli Editore, Rimini, pp. Tot. 196. Introduction of Mark Gillot (Associate Professor, Co-Director of the Institute of Sustainable Energy Technology, Department of Architecture and the Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham). Preface of Graziano Trippa, Dean of Faculty of Architecture, University of Ferrara. ISBN 978-88-387-5756-3..
• (2011, co-author) “Energy retrofit and indoor environmental requalification of existing school buildings. Method and tools for operating procedures”, in: “World Renewable Energy Congress – Sweden “Future Trends and Applications in Renewable Energy Technologies and Sustainable Development”, 8-13 may 2011, Linkoping, Sweden”, Linköping University Electronic Press, Editor Professor Bahram Moshfegh, Linköping, Sweden, pp. 1829-1836. ISBN 978‐91‐7393‐070‐3.
• (2012) “Borgo_clima: energetic and environmental retrofitting of the historic fabric”, in: De Joanna P., Francese D., Passaro A. (edited by), “Sustainable Mediterranean Construction. Sustainable environment in the Mediterranean region: from housing to urban and land scale construction”, proceeding of I SMC, International Cittam Conference on “Sustainable environment in the Mediterranean region: from housing to urban and land scale Construction”, Napoli 12-14 febbraio 2012, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 345-351, ISBN: 978-88-204-1436-8.
• (2012, co-author) “Diagnosis of a Real Housing Envelope (DRHousE). Metodi per la valutazione dello stato di fatto energetico negli edifici storici”, in: Piva S., Bottarelli M. (editors), “VI Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Gestione Energia, 11-12 giugno 2012, Ferrara, Atti del congresso”, Casa Editrice Tresogni, Ferrara, pp. 11-15, ISBN: 9788897320043.
• (2012, co-author) “La riqualificazione energetico-ambientale del tessuto storico. Un borgo eco-sensibile per tradurre il sisma in opportunità / Energy and environmental refurbishment of the historical settlement. A sustainable village to translate earthquake into opportunities”, in Russo Ermolli S., D'Ambrosio V. (editors), “The Building Retrofit Challenge. Programmazione, progettazione e gestione degli interventi in Europa / Planning, design and management of the interventions in Europe”, Firenze, Alinea, pp. 49-56 e (English translation) 177-179. ISBN 9788860556714.
• (2012, co-author) “Metodologie per l’indagine e la riqualificazione energetico-ambientale dei borghi storici appenninici, tra istanze di sostenibilità e salvaguardia dei valori testimoniali / Methodologies for energy-environmental investigation and refurbishment of Apennines historic villages between sustainability and protection issues”, in: Bellomo M. et al. (Editors), “Abitare il nuovo/abitare di nuovo ai tempi della crisi. Inhabiting the future. Inhabiting the new/inhabiting again in time of crisis”, proceeding of “Giornate Internazionali di Studio “Abitare il Futuro” 2a Edizione, Napoli, 12-13 dicembre 2012”, Clean, Napoli, pp. 1505-1518. ISBN: 978-88-8497-236-1.
• (2012, co-author) “Quali(ci)ty. Redesign and energy efficiency for a sustainable quality of life”, in: “OfARCH - Speciale MADE EXPO, International magazine of architecture and design”, pp. 24-37. ISSN 1827-6547.
• (2012, co-author) “Quali(ci)ty: una città inclusiva, efficiente e sostenibile/ Quali(ci)ty: a city that is welcoming, efficient and sustainable”, in: “OfARCH, International magazine of architecture and design”, n. 124, pp. 50-55. ISSN 1827-6547.
• (2013, co-author) “Metodi di diagnosi energetica e proposte di intervento per il miglioramento prestazionale negli aggregati storici. L’esempio dei borghi Appenninici”, in: Lucchi E., Pracchi V. (editors), “Efficienza energetica e patrimonio costruito. La sfida del miglioramento delle prestazioni nell’edilizia storica”, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, pp. 249-259.
• (2013, co-author) “A Systemic Approach for Preliminary Proposals of Sustainable Retrofit in Historic Settlements - The Case Study of Villages Hit by Earthquake”, in “The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment. Official conference proceedings”, vol. 1, Brighton (UK), 4-7 luglio 2013, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Nagoya, Japan, p. 280-296, ISSN: 2188-1146.
• (2014, co-author) “Preliminary audit and performance improvement in retrofitting historic cultural heritage. Case studies of villages hit by earthquake in the Apennines / Indagini preliminari e scenari di miglioramento prestazionale nella riqualificazione del patrimonio culturale di interesse storico. Il caso studio dei borghi appenninici colpiti da sisma”, in: “Edifici di valore storico: progettare la riqualificazione. Una panoramica, dalle prestazioni energetiche alla qualità dell’aria interna / Historical and existing buildings: designing the retrofit. An overview from energy performances to indoor air quality2, Conference proceedings of 49° Convegno Internazionale AiCARR, Roma, 26-28 febbraio 2014, AiCARR, Milano, pp. 759-773. ISBN: 978-88-95620-18-3.
• (2014) “Architettura-Energia. Experiènces italianes en rehabilitaciò”, in: AA.VV., “Valors patrimonials i eficiència energètica: Conflictes i solucions”, proceedings of “XXXVI edition of the International Conference on Intervention in Heritage Buildings. Heritage Building and Energy Efficiency: Conflicts and Solutions”, organized by “Agrupació d'Arquitectes per a la Defensa i la Intervenció en el Patrimoni Arquitectònic (AADIPA)” and “Collegi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)”, Barcelona, 12-15 dicembre 2013, iqualit eBooks, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 78-81. ISBN: 9788494138829.
• (2014, co-author) “Metodi innovativi per la riqualificazione sostenibile del patrimonio edilizio esistente. Un percorso trasversale dall’housing sociale al costruito tutelato / Innovative methods for a sustainable retrofit of the existing building stock. A cross-path from social housing to the listed heritage”, in: “TECHNE”, n. 8, pp. 181-189, ISSN: 2239-0243, DOI: 10.13128/Techne-15073.
• (2014, co-author) “From preliminary audit to sustainable retrofit strategies for historic settlements. A case study”, in: Biscontin G., Driussi G., “Scienza e Beni culturali XXX.2014. Quale sostenibilità per il restauro? Atti del convegno di studi, Bressanone 1-4 luglio 2014”, proceedings of “30° Convegno Internazionale Scienza e Beni culturali”, Edizioni Arcadia Ricerche Srl, Venezia, pp. 177-187, ISBN: 978-88-95409-18-4, ISSN: 2039-9790.
• (2014, co-author) “Instruments for the Calculation of Energy Performance in Historical Buildings, Limits of Applicability and Tuning Proposal”, in: “SMC MAGAZINE” (Sustainable Mediterranean Construction Association), n. ONE, p. 108-114. ISSN on-line: 2420-8213.
• (2014, co-editor and co-author) “Build the future. Progetto e costruzione dell’architettura sostenibile”, Edizioni Infoweb, Milano, tot. pp. 137. ISBN 978-88-940-8740-6.
• (2015) “Procedure di audit energetico preliminare su larga scala e soluzioni di retrofit a supporto della fase di programmazione degli interventi”, in: Perriccioli M. (editor), “RE-Cycling Social Housing. Ricerche progettuali per la rigenerazione sostenibile dell’edilizia residenziale sociale”, CLEAN, Napoli, pp. 54-67. ISBN: 978-88-8497-531-7.
• (2015, co-author) “Riqualificazione profonda del patrimonio edilizio scolastico: l’opportunità offerta dall’Europa e la strategia adottata dall’Italia / Deep renovation of the school building stock: the European opportunity and the Italian strategy”, in: “TECHNE”, n. 9, pp.96-105, ISSN: 2239-0243, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.13128/Techne-16110.
• (2015, co-author) “Costruire nel costruito: il riciclo urbano come strategia di rigenerazione sistemica del tessuto consolidato / Densifying the city: urban recycle as a strategic system to refurbish the built environment”, in: “TECHNE”, n. 10, pp. 186-194, ISSN online: 2239-0243, DOI: 10.13128/Techne-17515.
• (2015, co-author) “Towards a systemic sustainability. An approach for the development and refurbishment at urban scale”, in: Falotico A., Flora F., Moccia F. D., Palestino M.F., Pone S., Rispoli F., Russo M., Russo Ermolli S., Scala P. (editors), “Abitare insieme / Living together. 3° EDIZIONE DI “ABITARE IL FUTURO”. 3° EDITION OF “INHABITING THE FUTURE. Giornate Internazionali di Studio - International Conference””, conference proceedings, 1-2 Ottobre 2015, Napoli, CLEAN Edizioni, Napoli, pp. 1307- 1318. ISBN: 9788884975447.