Correlations of Electrical Properties and Molecular Structure Measured by Junctions Incorporating Self Assembled Monolayers
Rampi, Maria Anita     dettagli >>
Mohamed Mottaleb, Nano Technology Insight
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: PL45-PL46, Anno: 2005

Self Assembled Monolayers organized between two Metal Surfaces. Correlation between Electrical Properties and Molecular Structure.
Rampi, Maria Anita     dettagli >>
Geo-Centers, Inc, Naval Reaserch Laboratory, “Molecular-scale Electronics VII”
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: PL 8-PL9, Anno: 2005

Gatoing Current Flowing throuh Molecular Jnctions
Rampi, Maria Anita     dettagli >>
University of Menchester, Molecular Wires and nanoscale Conductors
Vol. 23, No. 1, pp: KNL 23-KNL24, Anno: 2005