Decomposability, nutrient release and isotopic changes in vascular plant and Sphagnum litter.
Bragazza, Luca; Siffi, Chiara; Gerdol, Renato    
Wageningen University, Carbon in peatlands
pp: 64-64, Anno: 2007

Increasing nitrogen deposition and peat decomposition in European bogs: from C sinks to C sources?
Bragazza, Luca; Freeman, C.    
SWS - Bangor (Wales - UK), Integrating our approaches to wetland science
pp: 20-20, Anno: 2006

A comparison of heavy metal concentrations in bog waters and in the moss Hylocomium splendens: similar conclusions on atmospheric precipitation quality?
Bragazza, Luca    
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Prague, Acid rain 2005
pp: 167-167, Anno: 2005

The consequences of increased atmospheric N inputs on N retention ability of ombrotrophic Sphagnum plants in Europe
Bragazza, Luca; J., Limpens; Gerdol, Renato; P., Grosvernier; M., Hajek; T., Hajek; P., Hajkova; I., Hansen; P., Iacumin; L., Kutnar; H. RYDIN T., Tahvanainen    
Universiteit Utrecht, 7th International wetlands conference
pp: 42-42, Anno: 2004

Nutrient limitation in ombrotrophic Sphagnum plants: what are the consequences of an increasing nitrogen availability?
Bragazza, Luca; Tahvanainen, T; Kutnar, L; Rydin, H; Limpens, J; Hajek, M; Hajek, T; Grosvernier, P; Iacumin, P; Gerdol, Renato    
IUGS, 32nd International Geological Congress, 2004, Abstracts
pp: -------, Anno: 2004

Hydrological regime and effects on environmental conditions in a Swedish and an Italian bog.
Bragazza, Luca; Rydin, H.; Gerdol, Renato    
IAVS, Water resources and vegetation
pp: 41-41, Anno: 2003

The poor-rich gradient in Sphagnum mires: vegetation patterns and ecological mechanisms.
Bragazza, Luca; Gerdol, Renato    
INTECOL, Millenium wetland event
pp: 387-387, Anno: 2000

The role of ecological gradients in species segregation in nutrient-poor mires on the southern Alps in Italy
Bragazza, Luca; Gerdol, Renato    
Opulus Press, Vegetation Science in retrospect and perspective
Vol. 20, No. 1, pp: 71-71, Anno: 1998

Accumulation of trace metals and PAH in the moss Tortula muralis hedw. in the territory of Ferrara (Northern Italy)
Gerdol, Renato; Alberghini, Filippo; Bragazza, Luca; Marchesini, Roberta; Medici, Alessandro; Pedrini, Paola; S., Benedetti; A., Bovolenta; S., Coppi    
Procedings BIOMAP, Abstract book
pp: 183-188, Anno: 2000