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Introduction [a Gender Issues. Translating and Mediating Languages, Cultures and Societies]
Federici, Eleonora; Maci, Stefania     dettagli >>
Peter Lang, Gender Issues. Translating and Mediating Languages, Cultures and Societies
Vol. 281, No. 1, pp: 9-19, Anno: 2021

Introduction. A European Gender and Translation Geography: a diversity of voices for transnational dialogues
Federici, Eleonora; Santaemilia, Jose     dettagli >>
Routledge, New Perspectives on Gender and Translation: New voices for Transnational Dialogues
pp: 10-17, Anno: 2022

Muovere le montagne, o l'umanità può cambiare in meglio?
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
Le Plurali, Muoviamo le montagne
pp: 5-13, Anno: 2021

Special issue: 'Language and translation in the Pacific'
de Marco, A.; Federici, E.; Magnan Park, A.     dettagli >>
Intellect Ltd, Language and Translation in the Pacific
pp: 135-136, Anno: 2019

Introduction. Translating LSP in Literature through a Gender Perspective
Federici, Eleonora; Rogers, Margaret     dettagli >>
Università L'Orientale, Translating LSP in Literature through a Gender Perspective
pp: 1-4, Anno: 2018

Translating counter-memory in Australian Aboriginal texts
Federici, E.     dettagli >>
Routledge, The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Memory
pp: 266-282, Anno: 2022

Feminisms Across the Ocean: Translating Theories and Practices
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
Routledge, New Perspectives on Gender and Translation: New voices for Transnational Dialogues
pp: 123-138, Anno: 2022

"A transnational star is born": Reframing Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie for the Italian reader
Federici, E.     dettagli >>
Taylor and Francis, Reframing Translators, Translarors as Reframers
pp: 217-234, Anno: 2022

"Arriver là ou aucun homme n'est jamais arrivé auparavant": la science (fiction) del femmes
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
Carocci, Femmes des science. Quatre siècles de conquete entre langue et littérature
Vol. 363, No. 1, pp: 150-162, Anno: 2021

Acceptance with a Twist: from Drag Queens to Transgender Persons in U.S and U.K Advertising Campaigns
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
Peter Lang, Gender Issues. Translating and Mediating Languages, Cultures and Societies
Vol. 281, No. 1, pp: 451-470, Anno: 2021

Translation, Contamination, Rebirth: Jhumpa Lahiri's 'other words'
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
Peter Lang, Il terzo spazio. La traduzione nelle parole di chi scrive
pp: 45-63, Anno: 2021

Il potere alle donne: da Mary Shelley a Naomi Alderman
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
Morlacchi editore, Il corpo dell'altro. Percorsi su diversità ed esclusione nel Frankenstein di Mary Shelley
pp: 101-127, Anno: 2020

In the chinks of the academia machine: teaching translation and feminism in Italy
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
Comares editorial, Translatum Nostrum. La traduccion y la interpretacion en el ambito humanistico
pp: 105-118, Anno: 2020

Theorizing Women's Transnational Literatures: Shaping new female identities in Europe through writing and translation
Federici, Eleonora; Fortunati, Vita     dettagli >>
Central European University Press, Times of Mobility. Transnational Literature and Gender in Translation
pp: 47-78, Anno: 2019

Speaking Bodies: Ursula K. Le Guin's Linguistic Revision of Gender
Federici, E.     dettagli >>
Morlacchi University Press, The Body Metaphor: Cultural Images, Literary Perceptions, Linguistic Representations
Vol. 5, No. 1, pp: 167-196, Anno: 2018

Writing, Translation, Self-Translation? Italian Canadian authors’ accent
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
Aracne editrice, Translation and Creativity. Readers, Writers, Processes
Vol. 7, No. 1, pp: 280-301, Anno: 2018

A European Map of Feminist Translation: Searching for New Methods and Practices
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
University of Latvia Press, Gender and Translation
pp: 74-92, Anno: 2018

Whodunit? Agatha Christie's Detective Fiction and the 'Oblique' Translation of Murder on the Orient Express under Fascism
Federici, Eleonora     dettagli >>
Cambridge Scholars, Foreign Women Authors under Fascism and Francoism. Gender, Translation and Censorship
pp: 36-60, Anno: 2018

Space, Time and Body: the Genderization of the Chronotope
Federici, E.; Bernardelli, A.     dettagli >>
Morlacchi University Press, The Body Metaphor: Cultural Images, Literary Perceptions, Linguistic Representations
Vol. 5, No. 1, pp: 141-165, Anno: 2018

Masculinity and Gay-Friendly Advertising: A Comparative Analysis between the Italian and U.S Market
Federici, E.; Bernardelli, A.     dettagli >>
Palgrave Macmillan, Queering Masculinities in Language and Culture
pp: 43-64, Anno: 2018

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