Numerical experiments with the extended virtual element method for the Laplace problem with strong discontinuities
Benvenuti, E.; Chiozzi, A.; Manzini, G.; Sukumar, N.     dettagli >>
LOS ALAMOS National laboratory,
Anno: 2018

Internal Length Scales in Damaged Solids: and elastoplastic fluid saturated porous media. Griffith and Gioda G. (Eds), CISM course on Advanced numerical applications and plasticity in geomechanics, 1-23, Springer Verlag Wien New York.
Benvenuti, Elena; Loret, B.     dettagli >>
Springer Verlag,
pp: 1-23, Anno: 2000

Enhanced Computational Nonlocal Models for Damaging Materials.
Benvenuti, Elena     dettagli >>
Università di Trento,
Anno: 2000