Transforming industrial policy for the digital age: Production, territories and structural change
Bianchi, Patrizio; Ruiz Durán, Clemente; Labory, Sandrine     details >>
Edward Elgar,
pp: 1-230, Anno: 2019

Revitalising Lagging Regions: Smart Specialisation and Industry 4.0
Barzotto, M; Corradini, C.; Fai, F. M.; Labory, S.; Tomlinson, P.     details >>
Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), REGIONAL STUDIES POLICY IMPACT BOOKS
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 1-91, Anno: 2019

Industrial policy for the manufacturing revolution: Perspectives on digital globalisation
Bianchi, Patrizio; Labory, Sandrine     details >>
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.,
pp: 1-176, Anno: 2018

Towards a New Industrial Policy
Bianchi, Patrizio; Labory, Sandrine     details >>
McGrawHill Education,
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 1-187, Anno: 2016

Industrial Policy after the Crisis: Seizing the Future
Bianchi, Patrizio; Labory, Sandrine     details >>
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.,
pp: 1-168, Anno: 2011

Le nuove politiche industriali dell'Unione europea
Bianchi, Patrizio; Labory, Sandrine     details >>
Il Mulino, Manuali
Anno: 2009