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PRIN 2020 NASA4SHA Project: A combined regional velocity field of Northern Italy
Caputo, Riccardo; Brighenti, F.; Russo, D.; Pellegrinelli, A.     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 1, No. 3, pp: 25-27, Anno: 2024

Active transpressive faulting along the High Atlas Mountains: the 8 September 2023, MW 6.8, Morocco earthquake
Caputo, Riccardo     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 56-58, Anno: 2024

First evidence of Holocene activity and surface diplacement of the Budoia-Aviano Thrust System in north-eastern Italy, unravelled through the integration of geological, geophysic and paleoseismological analyses
Patricelli, Giulia; Poli, Maria Eliana; Falcucci, Emanuela; Gori, Stefano; Paiero, Giovanni; Rizzo, Enzo; Marchesini, Andrea; Caputo, Riccardo     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
EGU, EGU2024
pp: 1-2, Anno: 2024

What does the seismic record of a World War II bomb-explosion look like? observations from a controlled detonation in 26 november 2023 near Ferrara, Italy
Caputo, Riccardo; Brighenti, F     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 3, No. 2, pp: 23-25, Anno: 2024

Imaging the buried Mirandola and Casaglia anticlines in the Po Plain, northern Italy, based on HVSR frequencies and amplitudes analysis
Caputo, Riccardo     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 3, No. 2, pp: 133-135, Anno: 2024

The 8 September 2023, MW 6.8, Morocco Earthquake: A Deep Transpressive Faulting Along the Active High Atlas Mountain Belt
Cheloni, D.; Famiglietti, N. A.; Tolomei, C.; Caputo, R.; Vicari, A.     details >>

Journal contribution (publication in journal)
Vol. 51, No. 2, pp: 1-10, Anno: 2024

Geodetic modelling of the 2023 Mw 7.8 and 7.6 Turkiye earthquake sequence
Caputo, Riccardo     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 59-62, Anno: 2024

One-dimensional numerical approach VERSUS experimental quantifications of site effect parameters: the Ferrara test area
Caputo, Riccardo     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 2, No. 2, pp: 23-25, Anno: 2024

New palaeoseismological evidence of coseismic surface rupture across the Carnic Prealpine front (NE Italy): the Budoia-Aviano Thrust System
Caputo, Riccardo; Patricelli, G.; Rizzo, E.     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 185-186, Anno: 2024

Multiscale geophysical investigation on the Budoia-Aviano thrust system (NE Italy): first results
Caputo, Riccardo; Rizzo, Enzo; Patricelli, G.; Boldrin, P.; Mucchi, F     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 203-204, Anno: 2024

Rheological behaviour along the Hellenic Wadati-Benioff zone
Caputo, Riccardo; Russo, D.     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 214-216, Anno: 2024

Rheological Modelling and seismotectonics of seismogenic sources in the Durres area (Albania)
Caputo, Riccardo; Russo, D.; Maggini, M.     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 171-176, Anno: 2023

A multidisciplinary approach for exploring shallow geothermal resources: the Mirandola case study
Caputo, Riccardo; Rapti, D.     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Book of Abstracts
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 952-954, Anno: 2023

Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismotectonics in the External Zagros: The Case of the 2021 Fin Doublet, Iran
Golshadi, Zeinab; Famiglietti, Nicola Angelo; Caputo, Riccardo; Soltanimoghadam, Saeed; Karimzadeh, Sadra; Memmolo, Antonino; Falco, Luigi; Vicari, Annamaria     details >>

Journal contribution (publication in journal)
Vol. 15, No. 12, pp: 1-20, Anno: 2023

Soil-building resonance effect in the urban area of Villa d’Agri (Southern Italy)
Gangone, G.; Gallipoli, M. R.; Tragni, N.; Vignola, L.; Caputo, R.     details >>

Journal contribution (publication in journal)
Vol. 21, No. 7, pp: 3273-3296, Anno: 2023

Seismic imaging of fluid-filled inherited structures of the Northern Thessaly (Greece) seismic gap
Napolitano, F.; Amoroso, O.; De Novellis, V.; Adinolfi, G. M.; De Matteis, R.; Sansosti, E.; Russo, D.; Caputo, R.; Convertito, V.     details >>

Journal contribution (publication in journal)
Vol. 11, No. 1, pp: 1-10, Anno: 2023

Is the Mesochori Fault a Key Structure for Understanding the Earthquake Activity during the 2021 Damasi Earthquakes in Northern Thessaly, Greece?
Koukouvelas, Ioannis K.; Caputo, Riccardo; Nikolakopoulos, Konstantinos G.; Kyriou, Aggeliki; Famiglietti, Nicola Angelo     details >>

Journal contribution (publication in journal)
Vol. 13, No. 11, pp: 1-20, Anno: 2023

A 3D rheological model for the Aegean Region: Mechanical layering and seismotectonic implications
Maggini, M.; Russo, D.; Caputo, R.     details >>

Journal contribution (publication in journal)
Vol. 175, No. 1, pp: 1-19, Anno: 2023

La recherche des séismes du passé proche et lointain par l’apport combiné des sciences de la nature et des sciences historiques
Helly, B.; Caputo, R.     details >>

Contribution in book
Archaeopress, Living with seismic phenomena in the Mediterranean and beyond between Antiquity and the Middle Ages
pp: 155-166, Anno: 2022

Caratterizzazione della struttura crostale coinvolta nella sequenza della Tessaglia del marzo 2021
Napolitano, F.; Amoroso, O.; De Novellis, V.; Adinolfi, G. M.; Convertito, V.; De Matteis, R.; Sansosti, E.; Caputo, R.     details >>

Atto di Convegno (Proceedings)
OGS, Atti
pp: 200-204, Anno: 2022

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