Theatre in Vietnam as Critique of the Environmental and Social Crisis
Spinozzi, Paola; Cao, Anh     details >>
The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Research Archive, Reclaiming the Future
Vol. 11, No. 1, pp: 1-12, Anno: 2020

The Topos of Ragnarök in the Utopian Thought of William Morris
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
Universitätsverlag Winter, Eddische Götter und Helden. Milieus und Medien ihrer Rezeption / Eddic Gods and Heroes. The Milieux and Media of Their Reception
pp: 187-198, Anno: 2011

Critica d'arte e memoria culturale nell'Italia di W. M. Rossetti
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
Rocco Carabba, I Rossetti e l'Italia
pp: 381-405, Anno: 2010

More [than] Human. The Debate on Post-Humanity at the Intersection of Scientific Thought, Technological Experimentation and Literary Vision
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
Edições Húmus, Utopia e Ciência
Vol. 18, No. 1, pp: 155-166, Anno: 2009

Arts of Representation: Interart Dynamics in Victorian Photography, Painting, and Literature
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
Cafoscarina, Pictures of Modernity: the Visual and the Literary in England, 1850-1930
Vol. 14, No. 1, pp: 51-63, Anno: 2008

Stoicism among the Victorians? The Legacy of Old Norse Sagas in William Morris's Utopian Views of Humanity
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
University of Iceland Press, The Cultural Reconstruction of Places
pp: 186-199, Anno: 2006

The Revival of the Past and the Tension towards the Future in the Urban Imagery of Victorian Utopias
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
Schena, Le Corti e la Città Ideale / Courts and the Ideal City
pp: 133-155, Anno: 2004

Figuring the Otherworldly. Late Victorian Visions of Shakespeare’s Fairy Lore
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
CLUEB, Metamorphosing Shakespeare. Mutual Illumination of the Arts
Vol. 5, No. 1, pp: 93-108, Anno: 2004

The Fixed Period di Anthony Trollope e la pedagogia del ‘giusto’ morire nelle utopie della seconda metà dell’Ottocento inglese
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
Lindau, Perfezione e finitudine. La concezione della morte nell’utopia in età moderna e contemporanea
pp: 227-254, Anno: 2004

A Proto-Modernist Artist-Critic Encounters a Victorian Painter-Poet: Ford Madox Ford on Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
CLUEB, Ford Madox Ford and the Republic of Letters
pp: 80-95, Anno: 2002

Dis/Locating the British Empire in Butler’s Erewhon
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
Compositori, Utopianism / Literary Utopias and National Cultural Identities: A Comparative Perspective
pp: 149-162, Anno: 2001

‘And in the Dark House Was I Loved’: William Morris and Kelmscott Manor
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
Longo, Vite di Utopia
pp: 167-177, Anno: 2000

Figurazioni del passato nella saggistica di William Morris: la storia dell’Inghilterra pre-industriale, un ‘discorso’ sul socialismo
Spinozzi, Paola     details >>
CUEN, Pellegrini della Speranza. William Morris Cent’anni dopo. Edvige Schulte un anno dopo
pp: 231-253, Anno: 1998