Sulla stima della vita a fatica di giunti saldati soggetti a carichi multiassiali ad ampiezza variabile
Benasciutti, Denis; Susmel, Luca; Tovo, Roberto
B. Atzori, L. Susmel,
Progettazione a fatica di giunzioni saldate (e non...). Sviluppi tecnici e problemi applicativi
Anno: 2009 |
Fatigue behaviour of Al 6082-T6 friction stir welded tubular joints under torsional loading
D. G., Hattingh; James, MALCOLM NEIL; Susmel, Luca; Tovo, Roberto
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Trans Tech Publications Ltd,
Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics XIII
Vol. 627, No. 1, pp: 193-196, Anno: 2015 |
On the Static Assessment of Notched Ductile Materials Subjected to Multiaxial Loading
Susmel, Luca; Taylor, David
Gruppo Italiano Frattura, IGF -,
IGF workshop su “Problematiche di Frattura nei Materiali per l’Ingegneria”
pp: 145-150, Anno: 2010 |
The Modified Wöhler Curve Method applied along with the Reference Radius Concept to Design Welded Joints against Multiaxial Fatigue
Susmel, Luca; C. M., Sonsino; Tovo, Roberto
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International Institute of Welding (IIW),
Proceedings of the IIW Conference - Commision XIII
pp: IIW Doc. XIII-2329-10.1-IIW Doc. XIII-2329-10.44, Anno: 2010 |
On the use of the Modified Wöhler Curve Method applied in terms of the Reference Radius Concept to perform the multiaxial fatigue assessment of welded joints
Susmel, Luca; Sonsino, C. M.; Tovo, Roberto
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A. Carpinteri, L. Pook, C. M. Sonsino,
The Ninth International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue & Fracture (ICMFF9)
pp: 144.1-144.8, Anno: 2010 |
Verifica sperimentale della resistenza a fatica di sedili in composito per imbarcazioni da canottaggio
Bettinelli, Stefano; Musi, A.; Susmel, Luca; Tovo, Roberto
Gruppo Italiano Frattura, IGF -,
workshop su “Problematiche di Frattura nei Materiali per l’Ingegneria”
pp: 145-150, Anno: 2010 |
Estimating the notch and mean stress effect in fatigue through the degree of multiaxiality of the local elasto-plastic stress/strain fields
Atzori, B.; Meneghetti, G.; Susmel, Luca; Taylor, David
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A. Carpinteri, L. Pook, C. M. Sonsino,
The Ninth International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue & Fracture (ICMFF9)
pp: 112.1-112.8, Anno: 2010 |
On the use of the Theory of Critical Distances to estimate KIc and ΔKth from experimental results generated by testing standard notches
Susmel, Luca; Taylor, David
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Trans Tech Publications Ltd,
Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics VIII
Vol. 417-418, No. 1, pp: 25-28, Anno: 2010 |
Safe notches: optimising the design and manufacturing of fillets
Taylor, D.; Toso, M.; Kelly, A.; Susmel, Luca
Garret O'Donnell, Kevin Kelly,
Proceddings of "Energy Efficient & Low Carbon Manufacturing"
pp: n.a.-n.a., Anno: 2009 |
Verifica sperimentale della resistenza a fatica di bracci in alluminio saldato per imbarcazioni da canottaggio
Bettinelli, Stefano; Placido, A.; Susmel, Luca; Tovo, Roberto
Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF),
Proceedings of IGF Workshop on “Fatigue of Welded Structures”
pp: 8.1-8.10, Anno: 2009 |
The Modified Wöhler Curve Method to perform the multiaxial fatigue assessment of steel and aluminium welded joints. Part II: The Theory of Critical Distances
Susmel, Luca; Taylor, D.
International Institute of Welding,
Proceedeings of "IIW International Conference"
pp: IIW Doc. XIII-2269-09.1-IIW Doc. XIII-2269-09.23, Anno: 2009 |
The Modified Wöhler Curve Method to perform the multiaxial fatigue assessment of steel and aluminium welded joints. Part I: Nominal and Hot-Spot stresses
Susmel, Luca; Tovo, Roberto
International Institute of Welding,
Proceedings of "IIW International Conference"
pp: IIW Doc. XIII-2268-09.1-IIW Doc. XIII-2268-09.21, Anno: 2009 |
The combined effect of non-zero mean stresses, out-of-phase angles and stress concentrators in metallic materials subjected to multiaxial fatigue loading
Susmel, Luca
Lennart Josefson et al.,
Proceedings of “Design for Fatigue Safety”
pp: 27-31, Anno: 2009 |
On the use of the modified Wöhler curve method to estimate fatigue lifetime of aluminium weldments
Susmel, Luca
pp: O2.2-02.2, Anno: 2008 |
Analisi delle prestazioni di imbarcazioni da canottaggio e indici di efficienza
Bettinelli, Stefano; Placido, A.; Susmel, Luca; Tovo, Roberto
pp: n.a.-n.a., Anno: 2008 |
On the use of the Modified Manson-Coffin Curve Method to estimate low-cycle fatigue lifetime of notched components subjected to multiaxial cyclic loading
Susmel, Luca; Meneghetti, G.; Atzori, B.
pp: 119-124, Anno: 2008 |
A novel approach to predict fatigue lifetime of notched components under multiaxial fatigue loading
Susmel, Luca; Taylor, D.
Sheffield Hallam University,
pp: 74-75, Anno: 2007 |
The modified Manson-Coffin method to estimate low-cycle fatigue damage in notched cylindrical bars
Atzori, B.; Meneghetti, G.; Susmel, Luca; Taylor, D.
Sheffield Hallam University,
pp: 77-79, Anno: 2007 |
A spectral method for multiaxial random loads
Cristofori, Alessandro; Benasciutti, Denis; Susmel, Luca; Tovo, Roberto
Proceedings of: ICMFF8-2007, 8th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture
pp: 20-30, Anno: 2007 |
The Theory of Critical Distances and the estimation of notch fatigue limits: L, a0 and open notches
Susmel, Luca; Taylor, D.; Tovo, Roberto
Tech Science Press,
Advances in Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 81-86, Anno: 2007 |