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Introduction to _Nella Larsen's Latters, 1917-1935_
Giulia Fabi, M.     details >>
Odoya, Nella Larsen's Letters, 1917-1935.
pp: 9-14, Anno: 2022

Postfazione di _Sabbie mobili_
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
Casa Editrice Le Lettere, Sabbie mobili
pp: 175-185, Anno: 2014

Early Black Feminist SF and Future Fiction.
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
Routledge, The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction
pp: 325-331, Anno: 2023

Racial Passing.
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
Cambridge University Press, Race in American Literature and Culture
pp: 165-178, Anno: 2022

African American Novels and the New Slavery in the New South
Fabi, m. giulia     details >>
Cambridge University Press, African American Literature in Transition, 1900–1910
Vol. 7, No. 1, pp: 99-123, Anno: 2021

“What Irene Redfield Remembered:" Making It New in Nella Larsen’s Passing.
Giulia Fabi, M.     details >>
Peter Lang, Erasure and Recollection: Memories of Racial Passing
Vol. 44, No. 1, pp: 165-190, Anno: 2021

"Historicizing (the New) Jim Crow: Notes on Recovering Early African American Speculative Fiction"
Fabi, M. Giulia     details >>
Odoya, Il critico e lo scrittore
pp: 85-96, Anno: 2017

Un giardino peculiare: la “natura” della schiavitù in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, Written by Himself (1845)
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
LED Edizioni Universitarie, Il paesaggio americano e le sue rappresentazioni nel discorso letterario
pp: 41-50, Anno: 2016

“In Some…Determined Way a Little Flaunting": Teaching with Nella Larsen’s Letters
Fabi, Maria Giulia; Mclendon, J. Y.     details >>
The Modern Language Association of America (MLA), Approaches to Teaching the Novels of Nella Larsen
pp: 161-168, Anno: 2016

The Mark Within: Parody in James Weldon Johnson’s The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man.
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
W. W. Norton, The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man: Norton Critical Edition
pp: 370-387, Anno: 2015

Narrazione della vita di Frederick Douglass: Introduzione
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
Marsilio, Narrazione della vita di Frederick Douglass, uno schiavo americano, scritta da lui stesso
pp: 9-34, Anno: 2015

"To Fashion the Wonderful Garment:" W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Quest of the Silver Fleece and Nella Larsen’s Quicksand
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
University of Minnesota Press, Extravagances. Habits of Being 4
pp: 243-261, Anno: 2015

“The Black Muckraker in J. McHenry Jones’s Hearts of Gold: Rediscovered Texts, Pedagogy, and the Progressive Era.”
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
Ila Palma, Modes and Facets of the American Scene
pp: 55-64, Anno: 2014

"Sexual Violence and the Black Atlantic: On Alice Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy."
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
UnCUT/VOICES Press, Waging Empathy: Alice Walker, Possessing the Secret of Joy, and the Global Movement to End FGM
pp: 75-86, Anno: 2014

“Jim Crow and the House of Fiction: Charles W. Chesnutt’s and Sutton E. Griggs’s Last Novels.”
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
The University of Georgia Press, Jim Crow, Literature, and the Legacy of Sutton E. Griggs
pp: 214-253, Anno: 2013

“Of the Coming of Grace: African American Utopian Fiction, The Black Woman Intellectual, and Lillian B. Jones Horace’s Five Generations Hence.”
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
Texas A&M University Press, Recovering Five Generations Hence: The Life and Writing of Lillian Jones Horace.
pp: 163-191, Anno: 2013

“’New and Unknown Ways of Living and Dressing’: W. E. B. Du Bois, Nella Larsen, and the Quicksand of Intertextuality.”
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
Ila Palma, Abito e identità. Ricerche di storia letteraria e culturale
Vol. 12, No. 1, pp: 155-199, Anno: 2012

"An Era of Change:" Charles W. Chesnutt, the New South, and the Ironic Economy of _The Colonel's Dream_.
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
Loffredo Editore, Metamorfosi. Continuita' e discontinuita' nelle culture americane.
pp: 125-143, Anno: 2011

"Exile and Utopia in Pauline E. Hopkins's Of One Blood"
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
Loffredo Editore, Lo sguardo esiliato. Cultura europea e cultura americana fra delocalizzazione e sradicamento
pp: 141-159, Anno: 2008

"Reading Black Women Writers"
Fabi, Maria Giulia     details >>
University of Illinois Press, New Black Feminist Criticism, 1975-2000
pp: 69-78, Anno: 2007

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