Les villes arabes inscrites au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO. Essai de comparaison
Pini, Daniele
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Comité International pour la Sauvegarde et la Promotion de la Vieille Ville d'Hebron, Institut du Monde Arabe,
Actes du Colloque "Patrimoine Historique et Architectural d’Hébron"
pp: 26-36, Anno: 2014 |
The Historic Urban Landscapes: a comprehensive approach to conservation
Pini, Daniele
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Islamic Urban Heritage - Research, Preservation and management. Summers School, Turkey June 20 - July 17, 2012
pp: 13-20, Anno: 2013 |
Preservation and management of historic cities. The "inventory" as a tool for conservation planning.
Pini, Daniele
ISLAMIC URBAN HERITAGE Research, Preservation and Management. Summer School 2011, Istanbul
pp: 11-32, Anno: 2011 |
The Mediterranean City: the diversities of a common space
Pini, Daniele
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Van Leer Jerusalem Institute,
The cross-cultural city: urban context and cultural diversity
pp: ...-..., Anno: 2010 |
Protecting and reviving of the historic urban fabric.
The inventory as a tool for urban conservation: case studies in Sana’a and Jerusalem
Pini, Daniele
Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities, Riyadh
IRCICA, Istanbul,
pp: ...-..., Anno: 2010 |
Medinas, entre patrimoine et pauvreté
Pini, Daniele
Quelle place des habitants dans la politique urbaine ? Un regard Nord/Sud. Hommage à Françoise Navez-Bouchanine
pp: ...-..., Anno: 2009 |
Etudes de cas : Salé, Tétouan, Marrakech et Essaouira
Pini, Daniele
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Ministere de l'Urbanisme, Habitat, Amenagement du Territoire du Royaume du Maroc, World Bank,
Stratégies de développement des villes historiques marocaines
pp: ...-..., Anno: 2009 |
New Design in Heritage Settings
Pini, Daniele
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Royal Society of Arts,
Angus Millar Lecture 2008
pp: ...-..., Anno: 2008 |
The St. John Hospital in Jerusalem:an opportunity for multidisciplinary analyses and professional training
Pini, Daniele; Alessandri, Claudio; BRICCOLI BATI, Silvia; Tralli, Antonio Michele
CSAAR - The Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region,
CSAAR - Responsibilities and Opportunities in Architectural Conservation: Theory, Education, and Practice
pp: 1-10, Anno: 2008 |
Heritage conservation as a tool for sustainable urban development
Pini, Daniele
INTA, Ministry of Housing,
The contribution of heritage to sustainable urban development
pp: 1-9, Anno: 2006 |
Il rapporto tra pubblico e privato
Pini, Daniele
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INU Emilia Romagna,
Una nuova urbanistica è possibile. Catalogo della 4° Rassegna Urbanistica Regionale
pp: 1-7, Anno: 2006 |