The global Cauchy problem for the plate equation in weighted Sobolev spaces
Ascanelli, A.     dettagli >>
Birkhäuser/Springer, Advances in Micro-Local and Time-Frequency Analysis
pp: 41-57, Anno: 2020

Well-posedness for a generalized boussinesq equation
Ascanelli, Alessia; Boiti, Chiara     dettagli >>
Springer International Publishing, Current Trends in Analysis and its Applications
Vol. 2, No. 1, pp: 193-202, Anno: 2015

Well posedness of the Cauchy problem for some degenerate hyperbolic operators
Ascanelli, Alessia; Cicognani, M.     dettagli >>
Birkhäuser, Pseudo-Differential Operators and Related Topics
Vol. 164, No. 1, pp: 23-41, Anno: 2006

The fundamental solution for a second order weakly hyperbolic Cauchy problem
Ascanelli, Alessia; Cicognani, M.     dettagli >>
Birkhauser, Hyperbolic problems and regularity questions
pp: 17-25, Anno: 2006