
Current Academic Position

Associate Professor at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Ferrara, Italy


Ph.D. in Mathematics, 05.03.2004.
University of Naples, Thesis "Existence and Stability of Transonic Shock Waves in the Hydrodynamic Model For Semiconductors", advisor Prof. Pierangelo Marcati, supervisor Prof. Angelo Alvino.

University Degree in Mathematics, 22.12.1999.
University of L'Aquila, December 22th, 1999, 110 over 110 cum laude, Advisor Prof. Pierangelo Marcati, Thesis "Stabilità degli shock multidimensionali" (Stability of Multidimensional Shocks).


Ph.D. supervisor

  1. N. Dymski - Ph.D. student at Instytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej, Lublin, Poland, Thesis "Prawa zachowania w modelowaniu zjawisk kolektynych" (Conservation laws in the modelling of collective phenomena), discussed on 11.10.2019
  2. M. Benyahia Ph.D. student at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy, Thesis "A two-phase transition model in trac ow modelling and point constraint on the density flux" discussed cum laude on 25.07.2018


Stage for students of 4th year secondary school

  1. 14.06.2019 Dinamiche delle folle in caso di panico (Crowd dynamics in panic situations) for the Stage di Matematica di Unife at the University of Ferrara, Italy, 10-14.06.2019
  2. 15.06.2018 Dinamiche delle folle in caso di panico (Crowd dynamics in panic situations) for the Stage di Matematica di Unife at the University of Ferrara, Italy, 11-15.06.2018


Stage for teachers of secondary school

23.10.2019 Modelli microscopici e macroscopici per il traco veicolare: teoria ed applicazioni (Microscopic and macroscopic models for vehicular trac: theory and applications) for the Corso di formazione insegnanti - Scienza per l'ambiente e lo sviluppo sostenibile at the University of Ferrara, Italy, 26.09-29.10.2019


  1. 2020 Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca (FAR), University of Ferrara, Italy, research title Legami tra ODE e PDE: sviluppo di modelli macroscopici per il traco veicolare e/o pedonale con flussi discontinui. (Links between ODE and PDE: development of macroscopic models for vehicular and/or pedestrian trac with discontinuous flows)
  2. 2019 Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca (FAR), University of Ferrara, Italy, research title Equazioni alle derivate parziali di tipo iperbolico: teoria ed applicazioni. (Hyperbolic partial differential equations: theory and applications)
  3. 2017-2021 Fondo di Finanziamento per le Attività Base di Ricerca (FFABR), Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (Ministry of Education, University and Research), Italy
  4. 2018 Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca (FAR), University of Ferrara, Italy, research title Leggi di conservazione, modelli macroscopici per il traco stradale, quello pedonale e per i ussi di gas attraverso valvole. (Conservation laws, macroscopic models for vehicular and pedestrian trac, gas ow through valves)
  5. 2017 Finanziamento della ricerca scientica sul Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca (FAR), University of Ferrara, Italy, research title Leggi di conservazione iperboliche: teoria ed applicazioni (Hyperbolic conservation laws: theory and applications)
  6. 06-12.2009 INdAM (Italian National Institute of Higher Mathematics) research fellowship at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland
  7. 10.2007-09.2008 INdAM research fellowship at the University of Brescia, Italy
  8. 2005 HYKE research fellowship
  9. 2000-2003 University of Naples fellowship
  10. 1995-1999 University of L'Aquila scholarship


Coordinator of Scientic Projects

  1. 2019-2020 Coordinator of the research project Leggi di conservazione di tipo iperbolico: teoria ed applicazioni (Hyperbolic conservation laws: theory and applications), Finanziamento della ricerca scientica sul Fondo per l'Incentivazione alla Ricerca (FIR), University of Ferrara, Italy
  2. 2019 Coordinator of the research project Equazioni alle derivate parziali di tipo iperbolico o non locale ed applicazioni (Partial differential equations of hyperbolic type or non-local and applications), Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (National Institute of Higher Mathematics) F. Severi, Italy
  3. 2017-2018 Coordinator of the research project Modelli macroscopici per il traco veicolare o pedonale (Macroscopic models for vehicular or pedestrian trac), Finanziamento della ricerca scientica sul Fondo per l'Incentivazione alla Ricerca (FIR), University of Ferrara, Italy
  4. 2017 Coordinator of the research project Equazioni iperboliche con termini nonlocali: teoria e modelli (Hyperbolic equations with non local terms: theory and applications), Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (National Institute of Higher Mathematics) F. Severi, Italy
  5. 2012-2014 Coordinator of the research project Modele Matematyczne dla Ruchu Pieszych (Mathematical Models for Pedestrian Flows), Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Polish National Center of Research), research grant n. DEC-2011/01/B/ST1/03965
  6. 2011-2012 Coordinator of the Polish-French exchange program POLONIUM, Crowd Motion Modeling and Management, project 25065UG


Membership in Scientic Projects and Groups

  1. 2020 Participation to the research group GNAMPA (National Group of Analysis, Probability and their Applications) Dalla Buona Posizione alla Teoria dei Giochi nelle Leggi di Conservazione (From Well Posedness to Game Theory in Conservation Laws), coordinator Prof. R.M. Colombo, Brescia University.
  2. 2018-2020 Participation to the research project Matematyka podejsc wieloskalowych w naukach o zyciu i naukach spolecznych (Mathematics of multi-scale approaches in life and social sciences), Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Polish National Center of Research), research grant n. 2017/25/B/ST1/00051, coordinator prof. dr hab. Miroslaw Andrzej Lachowicz, University of Warsaw, Poland.
  3. 2017-2020 Participation to the research group GNAMPA (National Group of Analysis, Probability and their Applications) Equazioni differenziali e sistemi dinamici (Dierential equations and dynamical systems)
  4. 2015-2016 Participation to the research project FAR Modelli macroscopici di ussi di traco: analisi qualitativa ed implementazione (Macroscopic models for trac ows: qualitative analysis and applications), coordinators Prof. L. Malaguti and Prof. A. Corli, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
  5. 2014 Participation to the research group GNAMPA (National Group of Analysis, Probability and their Applications) Analisi qualitativa di soluzioni di equazioni ellittiche e di evoluzione (Qualitative analysis of solutions of elliptic equations and of evolution), coordinator Dr. B. Volzone, Parthenope University of Naples.
  6. 2014-2015 Participation to the Polish-French exchange program POLONIUM Hiperboliczne prawa zachowania: teoria i zastosowania w naukach o Ziemi i zdrowiu publicznym (Nonlocal nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws: modelling, analysis, approximations), coordinators Dr. A. Swierczewska-Gwiazda, University of Warsaw, and Prof. Boris Andreianov, University of Besançon.
  7. 2012 Participation to the research project Modelowanie silnie nieliniowych zjawisk typu tloku w ukladach opisywanych nieliniowymi prawami zachowania (Modeling strongly nonlinear phenomena in crowds with nonlinear systems described by behavior rules)
  8. 2008-2015 Participation to the research group GNAMPA (National Group of Analysis, Probability and their Applications) Equazioni differenziali e sistemi dinamici (Dierential equations and dynamical systems)
  9. 2007-2009 Participation to the research project PRIN (Research Programs of Relevant National Interest) Equazioni della dinamica dei uidi di tipo iperbolico e leggi di conservazione (Equations of fluid dynamics of hyperbolic type and conservation laws) 2007, coordinator Prof. P. Secchi, Brescia
  10. 2007-2009 Associated to CNR, IAC (Institute for the Applications of Calculus) M. Picone of Rome for the program research Metodi quantitativi per il manufacturing (Quantitative Methods for Manufacturing), coordinator Prof. B. Piccoli, Rome
  11. 2005-2007 Participation to the research project PRIN (Research Programs of Relevant National Interest) Dinamica dei Fluidi e Leggi di Conservazione (Fluid Dynamic and Conservation Laws) 2005, coordinator Prof. P. Secchi, Brescia
  12. 2005-2007 Participation to the research project PRIN (Research Programs of Relevant National Interest) Analisi Asintotica per Sistemi Iperbolici Nonlineari (Asymptotic Analysis for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems) 2005, coordinator Prof. P. Marcati, L'Aquila
  13. 2005-2006 Participation to the research group GAM (Group of Mathematical Analysis) of L'Aquila, coordinator Prof. P. Marcati, L'Aquila
  14. 2005 Participation to the research group GNAMPA (National Group of Analysis, Probability and their Applications) Flussi di traco: modelli e controllo (Trac Flow: Modeling & Control), coordinator Prof. R.M. Colombo, Brescia
  15. 2004-2008 Participation to the research group HCL (Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Applications), coordinator Prof. R.M. Colombo, Brescia
  16. 2005 Participation to the INdAM project Trac ows and optimization on complex networks , coordinator Prof. B. Piccoli, Rome
  17. 2004-2005 Participation to the INdAM intergroup project Onde non lineari e applicazioni ai uidi comprimibili, incomprimibili e al trasporto di particelle cariche (Nonlinear waves and applications to compressible and incompressible uids and to the transport of charged particles), coordinator Prof. R. Natalini, Rome
  18. 2002-2004 Participation to the European project HYKE (Hyperbolic and Kinetic Equations), global coordinator Prof. N. Mauser, Wien


Referee for the following government agency
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (National Science Center), ul. Królewska 57, 30-081 Cracow, Poland Scientic committees

Chairman of the following scientic committee

Agnieszka Tanas (Ph.D advisor Prof. Jurij Kozicki). Procedure open on 18/01/2016.


Member of the following scientic committee

  1. Nikodem Dymski. Procedure completed on 11/10/2019.
  2. Szymon Dudek (Ph.D advisor dr hab. Leszek Olszowy). Procedure completed on 26/11/2018.
  3. Rafal Nalepa (Ph.D advisor Prof. Józef Bana±). Procedure completed on 19/06/2017.


Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Member of Organizing Committees

  1. 08-10.09.2021 Present Research Trends in Conservation Laws , Rome, Italy (Conference postponed due to COVID-19 outbreak)
  2. 22-23.11.2019 The geometry of Banach spaces, random dynamical systems and dierential equations, L'Aquila, Italy
  3. 14-15.02.2019 Macroscopic Modeling of Vehicular and Pedestrian Trac , Reggio Emilia, Italy
  4. 10-12.09.2018 Interactive workshop on hyperbolic equations , Ferrara, Italy
  5. 18-22.09.2017 8. Forum Matematyków Polskich , Lublin, Poland
  6. 28.06.2008 Conservation Laws and Applications , Brescia, Italy
  7. 01.03.2007 Around Hyperbolic Conservation Laws , Brescia, Italy
  8. 02-08.06.2002 Advances on Nonlinear PDEs, L'Aquila, Italy


Member of Scientic Committees

  1. 14-15.02.2019 Macroscopic Modeling of Vehicular and Pedestrian Trac , Reggio Emilia, Italy
  2. 10-12.09.2018 Interactive workshop on hyperbolic equations , Ferrara, Italy


Session Organizer

30.09-05.10.2018 Multiscale Approaches and the Semigroup Environments , in the conference Semigroups
of Operators: Theory and Applications, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland


Invited speaker

  1. 07-09.05.2018 Conservation laws and undercompressive shocks: theory and applications to pedestrian flows in the 21st AnnualWorkshop on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lviv, Ukraine
  2. 09.03.2016 Conservation laws with point constraints on the ow and their applications in the Analysis and Control on Networks: trends and perspectives, Padua, Italy



  1. 17.06.2019 Phase transition models for vehicular trac in the BIOMATH19, Bedlewo, Poland
  2. 03.10.2018 On the micro-to-macro limit for 1D scalar conservation laws in the Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
  3. 08.07.2018 Microscopic approximations of macroscopic models for trac ows in the The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Dierential Equations and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan
  4. 16.03.2018 Many-particle approximation of conservation laws in 1D and application to trac ows in the From individual based models to structured population level description, Bedlewo, Poland
  5. 07.09.2017 Microscopic approximations of conservation laws in 1D in the IperPV2017, Pavia, Italy
  6. 13.07.2017 Many particle approximations for conservation laws in the Aggregation-Diusion PDEs: Variational Principles, Nonlocality and Systems, Anacapri, Italy
  7. 14.06.2017 Many-particle approximation of conservation laws in 1D in the Joint Steering Committee Meeting of the IRSES Projects DIONICOS and STREVCOMS, Lviv, Ukraine
  8. 09.03.2017 Many particle approximation of macroscopic models for vehicular and pedestrian flows in the INdAM Workshop: Transport Modeling and Management, Rome, Italy
  9. 08.09.2016 Microscopic approximations of macroscopic models for vehicular and pedestrian ows in the XXII National Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, Sandomierz, Poland
  10. 01.08.2016 A deterministic particle approximation for non-linear conservation laws in the XVI International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems. Theory, Numerics, Applications, Aachen, Germany
  11. 27.01.2016 Macroscopic models for pedestrian ows with non-local point constraints in the Nonlocal Aspects in Mathematical Biology, Bedlewo, Poland
  12. 07.01.2016 Macroscopic models for trac with point constraints on the ow in the TRAM3 Terminus, INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée, France
  13. 22.10.2015 Conservation laws with point constraints on the ow in the 16th Italian Meeting on Hyperbolic Equations, L'Aquila, Italy
  14. 09.06.2015 Discrete Lagrangian approximation for nonlinear scalar conservation laws in the Micro and Macro Systems in Life Sciences, Bedlewo, Poland
  15. 09.02.2015 Constrained conservation laws and their applications to tracs in the Contemporary topics in
  16. conservation laws, Besançon, France
  17. 10.07.2014 On the CR model and its applications at the bottlenecks in the SIMAI 2014, MSP-Discrete and continuous models for pedestrian movements, Taormina, Italy
  18. 29.08.2013 On the Hughes' model for pedestrian ows and nonlocal exits in the Modeling with Measures: from Structured Populations to Crowd Dynamics, Leiden, Netherlands
  19. 12.07.2013 Nonlocal constraints and applications to crowd dynamics in the Tenth meeting on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Recent results and Research perspectives, L'Aquila, Italy
  20. 13.06.2013 Non-local constraints and crowd dynamics in the Hyperbolic Techniques for Phase Dynamics, Oberwolfach, Germany
  21. 28.06.2012 On the Management of Vehicular Trac in the 14th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Padua, Italy
  22. 21.04.2012 On the modelling and management of trac in the meeting Sesja Sprawozdawczo-Szkoleniowa Użytkowników KDM, Sterdyn, Poland
  23. 28.09.2011 Mathematical Modelling for Pedestrian Flows in the workshop The role of multiscale structure in biological systems, Warsaw, Poland
  24. 29.11.2010 Macroscopic models for pedestrian and vehicular trac in the workshop Mathematical Methods for Muliscale Description in the Applied Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  25. 14.04.2010 Pedestrian Flow in the meeting Sesja Sprawozdawczo-Szkoleniowa Użytkowników KDM, Goniadz, Poland
  26. 26.02.2010 Pedestrian modeling in the meeting Dzie« ICM na MIMUW, Warsaw, Poland
  27. 21.05.2009 Pedestrian Flow Modeling in the meeting 4th Polish-Japan Days, Madralin, Poland
  28. 12.02.2009 Second-order elasticity in the meeting XIII Incontro Nazionale sulle Equazioni Iperboliche, Bari, Italy
  29. 17.07.2008 On continuum models for pedestrian ows and Braess' paradox in the meeting Sixth meeting on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Recent results and Research perspectives, L'Aquila, Italy
  30. 28.06.2008 On continuum models for pedestrian ows and Braess' paradox in the meeting Conservation Laws and Applications, Brescia, Italy
  31. 24.09.2007 Un modello macroscopico per ussi pedonali (A Macroscopic Model for Pedestrian Flows) in the meeting Applicazioni avanzate GPS-GIS per l'individuazione degli itine-rari stradali in ambito urbano ed extraurbano, Brescia, Italy
  32. 22.06.2007 Weakly nonlinear surface waves in van der Waals-like uids in the meeting Fifth meeting on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Recent results and Research perspectives, S.I.S.S.A.-I.S.A.S. Trieste, Italy
  33. 13.09.2006 Well posedness of balance laws with non characteristic boundary in the meeting XII Incontro Nazionale sulle Equazioni Iperboliche, Padua, Italy
  34. 21.10.2004 Buona positura di leggi di bilancio con bordo (Well Posedness of Balance Laws with Boundary) in the meeting XI Incontro Nazionale sulle Equazioni Iperboliche, Pisa, Italy
  35. 22.06.2004 A model for pedestrian ow in the meeting Third meeting on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Recent results and Research perspectives, S.I.S.S.A.-I.S.A.S. Trieste, Italy


Attended Conferences and Workshops

  1. 09-13.09.2019 Anomalies in Partial Dierential Equations, Rome, Italy
  2. 16-22.06.2019 BIOMATH19, B¦dlewo, Poland
  3. 14-15.02.2019 Macroscopic Modeling of Vehicular and Pedestrian Trac , Reggio Emilia, Italy
  4. 30.9-5.10.2018 Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
  5. 10-12.09.2018 Interactive workshop on hyperbolic equations , Ferrara, Italy
  6. 05-09.07.2018 The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Dierential Equations and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan
  7. 07-09.05.2018 21st Annual Workshop on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lviv, Ukraine
  8. 12-16.03.2018 From individual based models to structured population level description, Bedlewo, Poland
  9. 18-22.09.2017 8. Forum Matematyków Polskich, Lublin, Poland
  10. 06-08.09.2017 IperPV2017, Pavia, Italy
  11. 10-14.07.2017 Aggregation-Diusion PDEs: Variational Principles, Nonlocality and Systems, Anacapri, Italy
  12. 14-16.06.2017 Joint Steering Committee Meeting of the IRSES Projects DIONICOS and STREVCOMS, Lviv, Ukraine
  13. 14-16.06.2017 20th Annual Workshop on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lviv, Ukraine
  14. 06-10.03.2017 INdAM Workshop: Transport Modeling and Management, Rome, Italy
  15. 13-15.02.2017 Ideal Fluids and Transport, Warsaw, Poland
  16. 05-09.09.2016 XXII National Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, Sandomierz, Poland
  17. 01-05.08.2016 XVI International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems. Theory, Numerics, Applications, Aachen, Germany
  18. 22-25.06.2016 Lublin-Italian Friends, UMCS Lublin, Poland
  19. 09-11.03.2016 Analysis and Control on Networks: trends and perspectives, Padova, Italy
  20. 26-30.01.2016 Nonlocal Aspects in Mathematical Biology, Bedlewo, Poland
  21. 06-08.01.2016 TRAM3 Terminus, INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée, France
  22. 22-24.10.2015 16th Italian Meeting on Hyperbolic Equations, L'Aquila, Italy
  23. 08-12.06.2015 Micro and Macro Systems in Life Sciences, B¦dlewo, Poland
  24. 01-05.06.2015 Collective dynamics in gradient ows and entropy driven structures, L'Aquila, Italy
  25. 22-24.05.2015 Control of Partial Differential Equations @GSSI, L'Aquila, Italy
  26. 09-12.02.2015 Contemporary topics in conservation laws, Besançon, France
  27. 07-10.07.2014 SIMAI 2014, MSP - Discrete and continuous models for pedestrian movements , Taormina, Italy
  28. 26-30.05.2014 Sesja Sprawozdawczo-Szkoleniowa Użytkowników KDM, Jachranka, Poland
  29. 26-30.08.2013 Modeling with Measures: from Structured Populations to Crowd Dynamics , Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands
  30. 11-12.07.2013 Tenth meeting on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Recent results and Research perspectives , L'Aquila, Italy
  31. 09-15.06.2013 Hyperbolic Techniques for Phase Dynamics , Oberwolfach, Germany
  32. 02-07.09.2012 Applied Partial Differential Equations in Physics, Biology and Social Sciences: Classical and Modern Perspectives, Bellaterra, Spain
  33. 25-29.06.2012 14th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Padua, Italy
  34. 19-21.04.2012 Sesja Sprawozdawczo-Szkoleniowa Użytkowników KDM, Sterdy«, Poland
  35. 21-23.11.2011 Conference of the European GDR Control of PDEs , Marseille, France
  36. 27-29.09.2011 The role of multiscale structure in biological systems , Warsaw, Poland
  37. 29.11.2010 Mathematical Methods for Multiscale Description in the Applied Sciences , Warsaw, Poland
  38. 14-16.04.2010 Sesja Sprawozdawczo-Szkoleniowa Użytkowników KDM, Goni¡dz, Poland
  39. 26.02.2010 Dzien ICM na MIMUW, Warsaw, Poland
  40. 01-03.09.2009 Mathematical modelling of cellular biosystems , Warsaw, Poland
  41. 19-21.05.2009 4th Polish-Japan Days, Madralin, Poland
  42. 11-13.02.2009 XIII Incontro Nazionale sulle Equazioni Iperboliche , Bari, Italy
  43. 15-16.12.2008 Data driven modelling and optimization , Warsaw, Poland
  44. 17-19.07.2008 Sixth meeting on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Recent results and Research perspectives , L'Aquila, Italy
  45. 28.06.2008 Conservation Laws and Applications , Brescia, Italy
  46. 13-15.03.2007 Mathematical modelling of cellular biosystems , Warsaw, Poland
  47. 14-15.06.2007 Applicazioni avanzate GPS-GIS per l'individuazione degli itinerari stradali in ambito urbano ed extraurbano, Brescia, Italy
  48. 21-22.06.2007 Fifth meeting on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Recent results and Research perspectives, S.I.S.S.A.-I.S.A.S. Trieste, Italy
  49. 14-15.06.2007 14th International Conference: Live and Walk in the City , Brescia, Italy
  50. 28.5-1.6.2007 International Workshop on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems , Rome, Italy
  51. 01.03.2007 Around Hyperbolic Conservation Laws , Brescia, Italy
  52. 08-10.11.2006 Structure preserving schemes for evolution equations , Lyon, France
  53. 13-15.09.2006 XII Incontro Nazionale sulle Equazioni Iperboliche , Padua, Italy
  54. 19-20.04.2006 Trac Flow Modeling & Management, Brescia, Italy
  55. 13-14.06.2005 Fourth meeting on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Recent results and Research perspectives , S.I.S.S.A.-I.S.A.S. Trieste, Italy
  56. 13-15.04.2005 A-HYKE2: Around HYperbolic and Kinetic Equations3 , Rome, Italy
  57. 20-22.10.2004 XI Incontro Nazionale sulle Equazioni Iperboliche , Pisa, Italy
  58. 22.06.2004 Third meeting on Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Recent results and Research perspectives, S.I.S.S.A.-I.S.A.S. Trieste, Italy
  59. 14-17.04.2004 A-HYKE2: Around HYperbolic and Kinetic Equations , Paris, France
  60. 27-28.09.2003 Dispersive Equations in Mathematical Physics , L'Aquila, Italy
  61. 07-09.10.2002 Aspects of Shock Wave Theory , Leipzig, Germany
  62. 05-08.06.2002 Advances on Nonlinear PDEs, L'Aquila, Italy



  1. 29.11.2019 On the micro-to-macro limit for 1D conservation laws, University of Padua, Italy
  2. 26.04.2018 Introduction to trac modelling , Lublin University of Technology, Lublin Poland
  3. 15.12.2016 Conservation laws with general point constraints on the ow and their applications , University of Catania, Italy
  4. 28.10.2015 Conservation laws and applications , UMCS Lublin, Poland
  5. 04.08.2015 Nonclassical theory for conservation laws and its applications to crowd dynamics , University of Pretoria, South Africa
  6. 17.07.2015 Conservation laws and their applications to crowd dynamics , University of Gda«sk, Poland
  7. 10.06.2015 Macroscopic models for pedestrian ows through bottlenecks , University of Zielona Góra, Poland
  8. 29.01.2015 Conservation laws with point constraints on the ow and their applications , AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland
  9. 20.11.2014 Conservation laws with point constraints on the flow, University of Ferrara, Italy
  10. 23.10.2014 On the Aw, Rascle, Zhang model for vehicular tracs and constraints , Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
  11. 17.04.2014 Existence results for Hughes' model for pedestrian flows , Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
  12. 27.02.2014 Everything Flows, ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland
  13. 06.02.2014 On the Hughes' model for pedestrian ows , University of Ferrara, Italy
  14. 21.05.2013 Modeling Pedestrian Evacuation Process , University of Bath, UK
  15. 09.05.2013 Crowd Dynamics and Conservation Laws with Non-Local Constraints , ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland
  16. 09.04.2013 Initial-Boundary Value Problems with Constraint , Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
  17. 18.05.2012 Trac optimization , ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland
  18. 03.05.2011 Macroscopic Models for Pedestrian Flows: Theory, Applications and Numerical Simulations, University of L'Aquila, Italy
  19. 4,5.10.2010 Pedestrian Flows: Theory and Applications , University of L'Aquila, Italy
  20. 11.03.2010 Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Crowd Dynamics , INRIASophia Antipolis, France
  21. 16.06.2009 Pedestrian Simulation for Trac Management , ICM, Warsaw, Poland
  22. 04.03.2009 Crowd Dynamics, IM PAN, Warsaw, Poland
  23. 15.01.2009 Pedestrian ows, University of Warsaw, Poland
  24. 20.11.2008 Stability for Rayleigh surface waves in a half-innite elastic medium , IM PAN,Warsaw, Poland
  25. 25.03.2008 On continuum models for pedestrian ows , ICM, Warsaw, Poland
  26. 06.12.2007 On the Stability of Semilinear Semigroups with Respect to their Generators , University of Warsaw, Poland
  27. 08.02.2005 Pedestrian ow and non classical shocks , Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
  28. 30.04.2004 Flussi pedonali e shocks non classici (Pedestrian ows and non classical shocks), University of Brescia, Italy


Visiting Professorship

01.03-31.09.2016 Department of Engineering Sciences and Methods, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia


(Long) Research Visits

  1. 21.07-21.08.2017 Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, invited by Prof. Yurij Holovatch
  2. 09.06-08.07.2017 Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, invited by Prof. Yurij Holovatch
  3. 13.09-27.09.2016 Department of Engineering Sciences and Methods, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, invited by Prof. Luisa Malaguti
  4. 30.06-21.07.2016 Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté, France, invited by Dr.hab. Ulrich Razafison
  5. 02.03-23.03.2016 Department of Engineering Sciences and Methods, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, invited by Prof. Luisa Malaguti
  6. 01.09-30.09.2015 ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland, invited by Dr. Maria Gokieli
  7. 16.06-16.07.2015 Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté, France, invited by Prof. Boris Andreianov, Dr. Carlotta Donadello and Dr.hab. Ulrich Razason
  8. 07.04-06.06.2015 Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy, invited by Prof. Pierangelo Marcati
  9. 03.03-25.04.2014 Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté, France, invited by Prof. Boris Andreianov and Dr. Carlotta Donadello
  10. 20.02-19.04.2013 Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté, France, invited by Prof. Boris Andreianov and Dr. Carlotta Donadello
  11. 14.11-03.12.2011 INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée, France, invited by Dr. Paola Goatin
  12. 22.10-16.12.2007 University of Warsaw, Poland, invited by Dr.hab. Agnieszka ‘wierczewska-Gwiazda
  13. 02.07-03.08.2007 University of Warsaw, Poland, invited by Dr.hab. Agnieszka ‘wierczewska-Gwiazda
  14. 01.02-31.03.2005 University of Lyon 1, France, invited by Prof. Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage


Postgraduate seminars

  1. 15.12.2016 "Conservation laws with general point constraints on the flow and their applications", University of Catania, Italy
  2. 28.10.2015 "Conservation laws and applications", UMCS Lublin, Poland
  3. 04.08.2015 "Nonclassical theory for conservation laws and its applications to crowd dynamics", University of Pretoria, South Africa
  4. 17.07.2015 "Conservation laws and their applications to crowd dynamics", University of Gdansk, Poland
  5. 10.06.2015 "Macroscopic models for pedestrian flows through bottlenecks", University of Zielona Gora, Poland
  6. 29.01.2015 "Conservation laws with point constraints on the flow and their applications", AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland
  7. 20.11.2014 "Conservation laws with point constraints on the flow", University of Ferrara, Italy
  8. 23.10.2014 "On the Aw, Rascle, Zhang model for vehicular tracs and constraints", Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon, France
  9. 17.04.2014 "Existence results for Hughes' model for pedestrian flows", Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon, France
  10. 27.02.2014 "Everything Flows", ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland
  11. 06.02.2014 "On the Hughes' model for pedestrian flows", University of Ferrara, Italy
  12. 21.05.2013 "Modeling Pedestrian Evacuation Process", University of Bath, UK
  13. 09.05.2013 "Crowd Dynamics and Conservation Laws with Non-Local Constraints", ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland
  14. 09.04.2013 "Initial-Boundary Value Problems with Constraint", Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon, France
  15. 18.05.2012 "Traffic optimization", ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland
  16. 03.05.2011 "Macroscopic Models for Pedestrian Flows: Theory, Applications and Numerical Simulations", University of L'Aquila, Italy
  17. 4,5.10.2010 "Pedestrian Flows: Theory and Applications", University of L'Aquila, Italy
  18. 11.03.2010 "Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Crowd Dynamics", INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
  19. 16.06.2009 "Pedestrian Simulation for Trac Management", ICM, Warsaw, Poland
  20. 04.03.2009 "Crowd Dynamics", IM PAN, Warsaw, Poland
  21. 15.01.2009 "Pedestrian  flows", University of Warsaw, Poland
  22. 20.11.2008 "Stability for Rayleigh surface waves in a half-infinite elastic medium", IM PAN, Warsaw, Poland
  23. 25.03.2008 "On continuum models for pedestrian flows", ICM, Warsaw, Poland
  24. 06.12.2007 "On the Stability of Semilinear Semigroups with Respect to their Generators", University of Warsaw, Poland
  25. 08.02.2005 "Pedestrian flow and non classical shocks", Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
  26. 30.04.2004 "Flussi pedonali e shocks non classici" (Pedestrian flows and non classical shocks), University of Brescia, Italy