





Nata a VENEZIA, ITALIA 8 Aprile 1966


Incarico attuale

Dirigente Biologo ULSS12, Laboratorio Analisi, Ospedale Civile Venezia



·        1992 Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Università di Padova

·        1996 Dottorato in Scienze Genetiche, Università di Ferrara

·        2000 Secializzazione in Genetica Medica, indirizzo Tecnico, Università di Ferrara

Esperienze lavorative

·      Dec 1995/ Nov 1997, Post-doc - Human Genetics (Lab. Prof. CA Westbrook), Dpt. Hematology and Oncology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago (USA);

·      Jan 1998/ Dec 2000, Post-doc - Human Genetics (Lab. Prof. SE Antonarakis), Div. Medical Genetics, University of Geneva, Geneva (CH),

·      Jan 2001/ Apr 2001, Group Leader - Medical Genetics, Baschirotto Institute Rare Diseases, Vicenza (IT),

·      May 2001/ Dec 2003, Post-doc - Human Genetics (Lab. Prof. C Foresta), Dpt Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Padova, Padova (IT);

·      2004 – 2005 Group Leader - Medical Genetics, Centro per la Crioconservazione Gameti Maschili, Padova University Hospital, Padova (IT),

·      2005 – 2007 Maitre-Assistant, Dpt. Medical Genetics and Development, University of Geneva, Geneva (CH)


Esperienze di insegnamento

·      2000/2001 – 2001/2002 - Ferrara (IT), University of Ferrara, Biology: Genomics (10 hours integration of Prof. F Bernardi course in Molecular biology)

·      2001/2002 – 2002/2003 – 2003/2004 - Ferrara (IT), University of Ferrara, Biology, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, 24 hours

·      2003/2004  - 2004/2005 – 2005/2006 - 2006/2007- 2007/2008 Ferrara (IT), University of Ferrara, Biology, Biology of development with laboratory, 28 hours.

·      2005/2006 – 2006/2007 – 2007/2008 Geneva (CH), University of Geneva, Medecine, APP Tutor: Reproduction unit, 32 hours.



·        1993 Award from UILDM (Unione Italiana Lotta Malattie Muscolari)

·        1998 Best presentations award: 1° SIGU Meeting (Italian Society Human Genetics)



·        11/1995-11/1996 Fellowship from Università di Padova

·        1/98-99 Fellowship from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Italy

·        1/98-12/00 Blanceflor Ludovisi-Boncompagni nee' Bildt Research Grant

·        1/99-12/00 Fellowship from Comitato Promotore Telethon Italia

·        5/01-10/01 Fellowship from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

·        10/01-02 Post-doc fellowship from Università di Padova

·        2001 The Carvajal Pro-Kartagener Foundation: research grant

·        2003 University of Padova Young Researcher Grant

·        2004 Fellowship from University of Padova

·        2004 The Carvajal Pro-Kartagener Foundation: research grant

·        2004 Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia Foundation: research grant

·        2005 The Carvajal Pro-Kartagener Foundation: research grant

·        2005 FNS Marie Heim-Vogtlin grant

·        2006 Fondation Telethon Action Suisse: research grant (IP Bartoloni and Blouin)

·        2006 Fond National Suisse (Co-IP)

·        2007 Fondation Boninchi: research grant

·        2007 The Jules Thorn Foundation Research Grant



·      C2  Italian

·      C1  English. Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English.

·      C1  French.