Silvia Borelli is a Labour Law Associate Professor of University of Ferrara.

From 2000-2002 she attended PhD studies. From January until March 2002 she developed her studies in Cambridge (UK), at the Faculty of Law.
She obtained the maximum vote (Ottimo) for her PhD thesis on “The definition of worker in EU. Comparative and European aspects”.
After finishing her PhD, Silvia Borelli started her career as researcher at University of Ferrara, first as a temporary researcher (2003-2007). In 2007, she was hired by the University as researcher on a permanent basis .

From March until May 2008, she was guest researcher at the European Trade Union Institute where she collaborated with EWC NETwork, an expert network on European Working Councils of the European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety (ETUI-REHS).
In September 2009, she obtained an Erasmus Fellowship for the mobility of Professors and went to Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).
In 2011 (January-July) she received a grant financed by the Fonds Spécial de recherche (FSR) and developed research on the "Quality of Work" in the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), under the coordination of Prof. Pascale Vielle.
From January to March 2011 she was guest researcher at the European Social Observatory in Brussels.
In 2012 she carried out research on Networks of undertakings and Labour Law at Lentic, University of Liège, under the coordination of Prof. François Pichaut.
In June 2013, she obtained an Erasmus Fellowship for the mobility of Professors and went to the Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV (France).
In May 2014, she obtained an Erasmus Fellowship for the mobility of Professors and went to the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain).
In the a.y. 2015-2016, she obtained two Erasmus Fellowships for the mobility of Professors and stayed at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) and the Max Planck Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik (Munich, Germany).
In the a.y. 2017-2018, she obtained an Erasmus Fellowship for the mobility of Professors and stayed at the University of Strasburg (France).
From February 2017 until June 2017 she was expert on the Service Package of the European Commission for Group II, preparing the Opinion INT/815 Service Package, at the European Economic and Social Committee.
From November 2017, she has been included in the database of external Expert on Working conditions and sustainable work and Industrial relations (covering Social dialogue and Reporting on working life developments), Eurofound (Dublin, Ireland).
From December 2017 she is Associate Researcher at CRIDES – Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaires Droit, Entreprise et Société (Louvain La Neuve, Belgium).
From June 2018 she has been included in the database of Expert on Gender equality and Non-discrimination
DG Regio, European Commission.

In these years, she took part in several research projects:
- a national research on Equality and Differences in Labour Law, coordinated by Prof. Maria Vittoria Ballestrero (2002-2003). In this project, Silvia Borelli worked on Equality and Differences in Social Security Law.
- a national research on Employment development and Dismissal Law, coordinated by Prof. Maria Vittoria Ballestrero (2004-2005). In this project, Silvia Borelli worked on unemployment benefits.
- a national research on Human resources management in front of the balance between work and family life: the role of Labour Law, coordinated by Prof. Maria Vittoria Ballestrero (2006-2007). In this project, Silvia Borelli worked on Families and work: politics and instruments of Welfare State.
- a national research MIUR PRIN (2011-2013) on « LEGAL_frame_WORK. Employment and Legality in an Inclusive Society», coordinator Prof. Donata Gottardi. In this project, Silvia Borelli worked on Labour and Legality in Care Services.
- RECWOWE – Reconciling work and welfare, Network of Excellence of Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), WP n. 3 on Quantity vs. Quality of jobs, UCL Bruxelles. In this project, Silvia Borelli worked on Job quality and atypical workers (2012).
- GERPA - Gender Report for Public Administration, project financed by the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers, 2015.
- Mafia, Legalità, Lavoro financed by the Region Emilia Romagna, 2016.
- CroBoSoSu “CROSS-BORDER SOCIAL FRAUD/ABUSE IN SOCIAL SECURITY” coordinated by the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW), 2017-2018.
- DAAD, Weimar Now: The Legacy of the Weimar Jurisprudence of Crisis, 2019.

In 2007 she coordinated a group of young researchers to develop a multi-disciplinary research on Effectiveness of Law and Remedies, financed by University of Ferrara.

Silvia Borelli is member of:
- the Editorial Committee of “Lavoro e Diritto”, a Labour Law Journal (ed. Il Mulino, Bologna) that is a member of the International Association of Labour Law Journals.
- the Professors' Committee of the PhD on European Law and National Legal Orders at the University of Ferrara.
- the Juridical Committee of CGIL Emilia Romagna and national CGIL (Trade Union). She collaborates also with the European Secretary of CGIL.
- RACSE - Réseau académique sur la charte sociale européenne et les droits sociaux.
- AIDLASS – Italian Association of Labour Law and Social Security.
- the Equal Opportunity Committee of the University of Ferrara.

During her career, Silvia Borelli has constantly published articles in the most important Italian labour law journals (such as Lavoro e diritto, Giornale di diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali, Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro, Rivista giuridica del lavoro, Rivista di diritto della sicurezza sociale). She has also written several articles for international journals (such as Transfer, Arbeit und Recht, Revue de droit du travail).
Moreover, Silvia Borelli has composed several chapters in books (such as Lavoratori svantaggiati tra eguaglianza e diritto diseguale, Bologna, Il Mulino; Paternità e lavoro, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007; La Carta europea dei diritti fondamentali. Casi e materiali, Chimenti) and has authored several entries in important juridical encyclopedias (such as Digesto and Dizionario del diritto privato)
In 2007, she published her first book on Principi di non discriminazione e frammentazione del lavoro (Giappichelli), volume n. 31 of an important Labour Law monographs collection, directed by Prof. Mario Rusciano and Prof. Tiziano Treu. For this book, she received an Award for the best monograph published by a young researcher in 2007 from the Accademia dei Lincei, one of the most important Italian cultural institutions.

In 2012, Silvia Borelli edited, together with Pascale Vielle, the book "Quality of Employment in Europe. Legal and Normative Perspective", presenting the outcomes of the research project RECWOWE (2011) – Reconciling work and welfare, Network of Excellence of Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), WP n. 3 on Quantity vs. Quality of jobs, UCL Bruxelles.
In 2008, she edited, together with Prof. Fabrizio Bano, a volume of Lavoro e diritto on Labour and Transnational Freedom of Service. She has also edited the following books: (together with Marco Magri), La riforma dell’impiego nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, Jovene, Napoli, 2011; (together with Andrea Guazzarotti and Sara Lorenzon), I diritti dei lavoratori nelle carte europee dei diritti fondamentali, Jovene, 2012; (together with Chiara Bergonzini and Andrea Guazzarotti), La legge dei numeri. Governance economica europea e marginalizzazione dei diritti : atti del convegno di Rovigo, 1-2 ottobre 2015, Jovene, 2015; (with Laura Calafà and Andrea Guazzarotti), the volume no. 1/2018 of the journal Lavoro e diritto, on Dialoghi sulla Costituzione e sul Lavoro; (with Andrea Guazzarotti), the book, Labour mobility and transnational solidarity in the European Union, Jovene, 2018.

Silvia Borelli has also performed numerous presentations in conferences, organised by Italian and European Universities and Institutions.

In the last years, Silvia Borelli has taught Labour Law, European Labour Law, Trade Union Law and Legal Clinic at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara.

Since 2003, she has license to be a lawyer. She has taken part to Rete Lenford (, a network of lawyers to defend the rights of homosexual and trans-sexual people.