Dr. Gianluca Aguiari is Assistant Professor in Biochemistry at the University of Ferrara, Italy.

Position and Employment:
-1987: School-leaving certificate.
-1992: Degree in Biology.
-1997: PhD in Biochemistry.
-2000: Partecipation in the Course “International Workshop on polycystic kidney disease”, Leiden, The Netherlands.
-2002 Partecipation in the Course “Analisi Multimediale dei Dati”, University of Ferrara, Italy.
-2004 to present Assistant Professor in Biochemistry at the University of Ferrara, Italy.
-2010 Partecipation in the Training Event “Ricerca e Innovazione nel Servizio Sanitario dell’Emilia Romagna: I progetti”. Bologna, Italy.
-2014 Partecipation in the Training Event “la genetica in oncologia” organized by Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) di Aviano, Italy.

Research topics:
-From 1992 to 2002: Analysis of a promoter region and isophorm expression of ER gene in breast cancer and osteoblastic cells.
-From 1994 to 1998: PCR reaction to test DNA stability.
-From 1992 to 1996: Study of androgen hormones on normal and neoplastic kidney and thyroid cells.
-From 1994 to 1999: Analysis of loss of heterozygosity in ovarian cancer.
-From 1994 to 2002: Characterization of molecular lesions of genes involved in leukemia and lymphomas.
-Since 1997 to present:
Characterization of PKD1 and PKD2 genes, mutated in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). Study of Polycystin-1 and Polycystin-2 function, related to cell proliferation, apoptosis, autophagy and cell signalling. Role of microRNAs in ADPKD.
-Since 2007 to present: Role of microRNAs in kidney carcinoma. Analysis of autophagy and its relation with tumor progression. Detection of impaired signaling and research of new therapeutic targets.
-Since 2014 to present: Detection of DNA lesions related to the development and progression of prostate cancer (PCa) by NGS technology. Identification of new biomarkers able to distinguish “good” and “poor prognosis for PCa patients. Analysis of germline mutations in patients with prostate cancer in order to detect lesions associated with tumor familiarity.

Scientific production up to 2021:
Hirsh index: 22 (from Google Scholar)
Total citations: 1130 (from Google Scholar)
Number of papers: 49 from NCBI PubMed
i10-index: 37 (from Google Scholar

Member of the "Collegio dei Docenti" for the PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnologies, Ferrara University.


- Journal of American Society Nephrology (JASN).

Guess Editor FOR THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL Frontiers Cell and Developmental Biology (IF 5.2).

-2012 Best oral communication “Role of the miR-501 in kidney carcinomas” at the 22° National Congress of the Italian Society of Oncologic Urology (SIUrO), Bologna, Italy.
-2017 Best poster presentation “Inhibition of autophagy increases the response to sunitinib in ccRCC cell lines” at the 27° National Congress of the Italian Society of Oncologic Urology (SIUrO), Naples, Italy.
-2019 “Best abstract comunication” for the session Basic and Translational Research in GU malignancies. Communication entitled: “MICRORNA501-5P ACTIVATING THE mTOR INDEPENDENT AUTOPHAGY INDUCES p53 DEGRADATION IN KIDNEY CANCER CELLS." 92° National Congress of the Italian Society of Urology (SIU). Venice, 12-15 october 2019.
-2020 Best poster communication entitled: “THE INHIBITION OF AUTOPHAGY REDUCES CELL PROLIFEATION AND MIGRATION BY P53 RESTORING IN ccRCC CELLS.” 30° National Congress of the Italian Society of Oncologic Urology (SIUrO). Virtual congress, 26-29 september 2020.

Research Funding:
-2006 Progetto Giovani Ricercatori Università di Ferrara: “Knock-down ed iperespressione delle policistine in cellule renali umane per lo studio della malattia policistica renale e di suoi potenziali farmaci”. Role: PI.
-2007 PRIN: “La malattia policistica renale autosomica dominante: caratterizzazione di difetti quantitativi e funzionali di policistina-1 e policistina-2 in cellule linfoblastoidi di soggetti ADPKD. Impatto dell'omeostasi del calcio su diagnosi e prognosi”. Role: Partecipant.
-2007 Programma di ricerca Regione-Università 2007-2009: “Quantitative and functional analysis of PKD1 and PKD2 gene expressed proteins: development and validation of a new diagnostic test widely applicable in clinical practice of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD)”. Role: Partecipant.
-2008 Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento: “Nuove proteine e nuovi RNA in patologie
con alterata proliferazione e morte cellulare”. Role: PI.
-2009 Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cento: “Studio dell’espressione e della funzione dei microRNA (miR) nella malattia policistica renale dell’adulto: impatto dei miR sull’insorgenza e progressione dell’ADPKD”. Role: PI.
-2009 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: “Caratterizzazione molecolare dell’espressione genica in patologie proliferative e degenerative”. Role: PI.
-2011 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: “Approcci molecolari per lo studio e la cura di patologie dell’uomo” Role: Unit coordinator.
-2012 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: “Studi cellulari e molecolari per la cura di patologie renali e legate al sistema immunitario”. Role: PI.
-2013 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: “Approcci cellulari e molecolari nello studio di patologie renali e legate al sistema immunitario”. Role: PI.
-2014 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: “Sviluppo preclinico di nuovi vaccini contro le infezioni causate da virus Herpes Simplex”. Role: Unit coordinator.
-2015 Acquisto grandi attrezzature per ricerca Università di Ferrara: “Studio delle basi molecolari di patologie”. Role: PI.
-2016 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: “Utilizzo di bloccanti dell’autofagia per aumentare la sensibilità delle cellule ADPKD al trattamento con inibitori di mTOR”. Role PI.
-2017 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: “L’inibizione della proteina MDM2 blocca la degradazione di p53 e riduce la proliferazione delle cellule ADPKD. Nuove opportunità per il trattamento dell’ADPKD”. Role PI.
-2017 FONDO PER L'INCENTIVAZIONE DELLA RICERCA (FIR: “L’inibizione della proteina MDM2 blocca la degradazione di p53 e riduce la proliferazione delle cellule ADPKD. Nuove opportunità per il trattamento dell’ADPKD”. Role PI.
-2018 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: "Utilizzo di inibitori della proteina MDM2 e della proteina chinasi S6 per il trattamento farmacologico della malattia policistica renale dell’adulto (ADPKD)." Role PI.
-2019 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: "Analisi dell’infiammazione in campioni di sangue di soggetti con malattia policistica renale (ADPKD)." Role PI.
-2020 Ricerche di Ateneo Università di Ferrara: "Studio dell’infiammazione nella progressione della malattia policistica renale dell’adulto (ADPKD) utilizzando linee cellulari modello per questa patologia." Role PI.

-1997-1998 he taught Diagnostic Molecular Pathology for the certificate of “Tecnico di Laboratorio Biomedico”.
-1998-2003 he taught Molecular Diagnostic Techniques, for the certificate of “Tecnico di laboratorio Biomedico”.
-2004 he taught 8 hours lesson of Biochemistry for the Degree in “Professioni Sanitarie”
-2004-2014 he taught Molecular Diagnostic Techniques for the Degree in “Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico”.
-2004 to present he takes the teaching of Biochemistry for the Degree in “Lauree Sanitarie”.
-2004 to present he takes the teaching of Cell Culture for the Degree in “Odontoiatria”.
-2004-2008 he was supply teacher for the teaching Protein Enginnering for the Degree in “Biotecnologie Agroindustriali”.
-2009-2009 he taught Genomic Techniques for the Degree in “Biotecnologie Medico Farmaceutiche”.
-2008 to present he takes the teaching of Biochemistry for the Specialization School in Medical Genetics.
-2013-2017 he taught Molecular Biology for the Degree in “Scienze Motorie”.
-2014 to present he teaches Chemistry and Biochemical Propaedeutics for the Degree in “Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico”.
-2018 to present he teaches Biochemistry for the Degree in “Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico”.
-2018 to present he teaches Molecular basis of motor activity for the Degree in “Scienze Motorie”.
-2020 he teaches Biochemistry for the Degree in “Biotechnology"