SCIENTIFIC CURRICULUM ATTIVITA' And DIDACTIC DI Chiara Agostini July 1990: attainment tito it of doctor in jurisprudence, near the Faculty of Jurisprudence, University of the Studies of Padova, score: 110 and praise; January 1991-October 1994: cultore of civil law near the Department of Legal Sciences, University of the Studies of Trento. Development of lessons, in seminariale shape, with cadence weekly magazine on specific arguments of civil law and agrarian right, being that the holder of the instruction of civil law covered also the chair of agrarian right near the same faculty. June 1992: development of a course of lessons of civil law in the within of the course for aspirants communal secretaries instituted from the Province of Trento. November 1992: overcoming entrance exam to the course of doctorate of search in Italian and communitarian agrarian right near the Faculty of Jurisprudence, University of the Studies of Pisa. October 1993: attainment of the title it of "lawyer" near the Appeals Court of Venice. Registration to the white one of the lawyers of Padova. October 1993-December 1998: development of professional free activity. November 1992-November 1995: frequency of the course of doctorate of search in Italian and communitarian agrarian right. Participation to all the organized activities in the within of the doctorate: active participation
February 1996: warehouse doctorate thesis. Admission to the final examination. September 1996: attainment of the title it of doctor of search in Italian and communitarian agrarian right. Argument thesis from the title it: "Problems of shape and opponibilità of ultranine-year agrarian contracts". December 1996-june 1997: course of lessons of private right near the private university "European School of Economics", with center to Vicenza, in quality of university professor person in charge. November 1994-june 1998: cultore of institutions of private right near the Faculty of Jurisprudence, University of the Studies of Ferrara. Development of lessons, in seminariale shape, on specific arguments of private right. January 1999: taken of service near the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Ferrara in quality of investigator of agrarian right. Academic year 1999-2000: run development of agrarian right near the University of Padova, Faculty of agrarian, in the within of the university diploma course in "technical and administrative Management in agriculture". Academic year 200-2001: development of a part of the course (30 hours) of fundamental slight knowledge legal and straight agrarian near the Free University of Bolzano, Faculty of Economy in the within of the university diploma course in "agricultural and food- legal Operator"; November 2003: completion of the procedure of confirmation in the role of the investigators (confirmation to make given from the 1/1/2002); 1999-2007: Development of lessons near the Institute of Forense Application of Ferrara let alone of seminaries of deepening on thematic detailed lists of civil law collaterals to the instruction of institutions of private right, civil law and of right of contracts; From the December 2002 and also for the current academic year 2007-2008: Holder of modules of lessons and seminaries of civil law to the School of Specialization for the Professions lawyers (Faculty of Jurisprudence of the university of Ferrara, Padova and Trieste; Faculty of Economy of the University Cà Foscari, Venice); January 2004: cancellation from white of the lawyers the university university professors to full time and reiscrizione to the White one of the Lawyers: development of professional free activity of nature is judicial that stragiudiziale, in quality of holder of legal study in the hole of Padova. Academic year 2003-2004: Run development of private right (18 hours) near the Advanced School of Secondary Instruction (S.S.I.S.) of Ferrara, for the A019 class (Economy and right); Academic year 2004-2005: Run development of private right (27 hours) near the Advanced School of Secondary Instruction (S.S.I.S.) of Ferrara, for the A019 class (Economy and right). Academic year 2004-2005: Run development of agrarian right (60 hours) near the University of the Studies of Padova, Faculty of Agrarian, in the within of the course of specialistica bachelor in agrarian Sciences and technologies. Academic year 2004-2005: Development of the course of Institutions of private right II (30 hours), near the Faculty of Jurisprudence of Ferrara, distaccata Center of Rovigo; Holder from the academic year 2005-2006 and also for the current academic year 2007-2008 of the legislation course acclimatizes them in the within of the Course of triennial bachelor interfacoltà (Agrarian Faculty of and Sciences of the University of Padova) in Sciences and technologies for the atmosphere.