Born in 1978, ALESSANDRA ANNONI graduated in Law cum laude at the University of Ferrara on March 13th, 2002, with a final dissertation on Il divieto internazionale di tratta degli esseri umani [“International Criminal Rules on Trafficking in Human Beings”]. In February 2006 she was granted the Diplôme en Droit international humanitaire by the International Committee of the Red Cross and on April 2nd, 2007 she was awarded a PhD in International Law from the University of Padova, defending a thesis on L’occupazione militare nel diritto internazionale [“Military Occupation in International Law”].

In 2008 Alessandra Annoni was “assegnista di ricerca” [“Research Fellow”] in International Law at the University of Ferrara, Department of Legal Sciences. From 10th December 2008 until 31 August 2015 she was “ricercatore” [“Full time researcher”] of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of the Magna Graecia of Catanzaro. As from 1 September 2015 she is Assistant Professor in International Law at the University of Ferrara, where she is a member of the board of the PhD in “European Union Law and national legal systems”, and of the steering committee of the Law Degree (Rovigo campus). She is also in charge of the incoming students orientation program of the Law Department. As of February 2017, she is a member of the Academic Senate. In December 2016, Alessandra was appointed to represent Italy within the Drafting Group of Experts on Children's Rights and Safeguards (CAHENF- Safeguards), assisting the Children's rights committee of the Council of Europe in developing standards for the protection of migrant children.

Prof. Annoni teaches International Institutional Law (40 hours, in English), European Migration Law (40 hours), and Introduction to International and European Union Law (40 hours, in English) at the University of Ferrara, where she is also a member of the board of the Legal Clinic. She taught a module of International Law (30 hours, 2010-2015) a course on Private International Law (30 hours, 2011-2015), and a Jean Monnet Module on Migration Law in Europe (46 hours, 2013-2015) at the University of Catanzaro. She also taught International Human Rights ( in the academic year 2008/2009) and Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict (in the academic year 2011/12)at the University of Ferrara.

Prof. Annoni contributed to the organization of the Symposium on La nuova procedura dinanzi alla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo dopo il Protocollo XIV [“The New Procedure of the European Court of Human Rights after Protocol No. 14”] which was held in Ferrara, on the 29-30 April 2005, of the Symposium on "Sanzioni 'individuali' del Consiglio di sicurezza e garanzie processuali fondamentali" [Security Council 'individual' sanctions and fundamental procedural guarantees] which was held in Ferrara on the 12-13 December 2008; of the Symposium “Funzioni e limiti della cittadinanza rispetto ai fenomeni di mobilità internazionale degli individui”, VIII Incontro di studio fra i giovani cultori delle materie internazionalistiche, which was held in Rovigo on 8-9 October 2010; of the Round Table "I diritti delle famiglie migranti fra integrazione e tutela della diversità", held in Catanzaro on 21 May 2013, and of the Round Table "Smuggling of Migrants across the Mediterranean”, held in Ferrara on 19 February 2016.

Prof. Annoni attended several summer courses organised by the "Fondazione Gaetano Morelli", Centre for the Study of International Procedural Law and International Civil Procedure. In 2003, she attended the Hague Academy of International Law Summer Course on Public International Law and in 2006 she attended the Summer Course in International Humanitarian Law organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross and by the Belgian Red Cross.

Alessandra's research experiences abroad include the following:
- a.y 2002/3 at the Université de Genève, Faculté de Droit, Département de Droit international public, boursière d’excellence (6 months);,
- May to July 2007, Palestinian NGO Al-Haq, based in Ramallah, inten;
- November 2011, Center for applied international law of Al-Haq, in Ramallah (Research Fellow);
- August 2012 – Irish Centre for Human Rights di Galway (Ireland)
Visiting Researcher;
-October-December 2016 – Queen Mary University of London, School of Law (Visiting Researcher)

Fundings and scholarships:

1999/2000 – Scholarship Socrates/Erasmus,Université Jules Verne, Amiens (France)

2002/2003 – Scholarship granted by the University of Ferrara to conduct a research on the UN practice in the protection of human rights within the Département de Droit international public, Université de Genève (6 months)

2004-2006 – Scholarship for the PhD Program on International Law “Alberico Gentili” (University of Padova)

2012-2015 – EU co-funding of the Project Migration Law in Europe, Jean Monnet, Key Activity 1, Module, academic years 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro

November 2016 – Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Funding, Queen Mary University of London – School of Law

2016 – Funding “Fondo per l’Incentivazione alla Ricerca” (FIR), University of Ferrara, for the project “Recognition as a Unilateral Act of States”

Papers presented during Symposia and Seminars:

1. Workshop on “Diritto internazionale e difesa aerea nazionale: sviluppi recenti” [International Law and National Aerial Defence], organised by the Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche of theUniversità degli studi di Ferrara in cooperation with Comando operativo Forze Aeree di Poggiorenatico (FE) (16-17 February 2005);
2. Report on Il divieto di tortura in territorio occupato [“Torture in Occupied Territories”], University Cà Foscari, Venice, Symposium on I combattenti della guerra asimmetrica [“Combatants in Asymmetric Warfare: Freedom to Torture?”], June 26th, 2006;
3. Report on Condizioni per l’applicazione del regime dell’occupazione bellica nel diritto internazionale contemporaneo [“The Applicability of the International Rules on Belligerent Occupation in Contemporary International Law”], University of Teramo, IVth Conference of the Italian Young Researchers in International Law, September 9th, 2006;
4. Report on Costituzione e mandato d’arresto europeo: recenti sviluppi ["The Constitution and the European Arrest Warrant: recent developments"], University of Catania, Symposium on La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo e l'ordinamento italiano alla luce della recente giurisprudenza costituzionale ["The ECHR and Italian law in the framework of some recent judgments of the Constitutional Court"], 14 June 2008;
5. Report on La tortura nei territori palestinesi occupati ["Torture in the Occupied Palestinian Territory"], University Cà Foscari, Venice, Round Table on the International Day against Torture, 26 June 2008;
6. Report on Il diritto delle occupazioni, con particolare riferimento alla situazione nei Territori palestinesi occupati ["The international law of occupation, with special reference to the situation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory"], University Ca' Foscari, Venice, Symposium on La violenza sugli inermi: la trasformazione dei conflitti dalla Grande Guerra a oggi ["Violence against unarmed civilians: the trasformation of armed conflicts from the Great War till today"], 22 May 2009;
7. Report on « Tratta di donne e bambine: profili di responsabilità internazionale degli Stati » [Trafficking in women and children: the International responsibility of States], in the framework of the round table organised for the International day against torture, Università Cà Foscari di Venezia (26 June 2010);
8. Report on « European Citizenship and Political Rights », in the framework of the Round Table « Citizenship and Democracy », Università di Ferrara (8 October 2010);
9. Report on « Gli effetti del parere sull’assetto delle “presenze internazionali” in Kosovo » [The effects of the Advisory Opinion on the “International presences” in Kosovo], in the frame work of the symposium « Il parere della Corte internazionale di giustizia sulla dichiarazione di indipendenza del Kosovo », Università di Bologna (16 December 2010);
10. Report on « Espulsione e rischio di violazione dell’art. 3 della CEDU: i parametri di apprezzamento della diligenza dello Stato nel valutare il rischio di tortura cui è esposto il soggetto allontanato » [expulsion and article 3 of the ECHR: the parameters of States’ due diligence in assessing the risk of torture], in the framework of the round table organised for the International day against torture, Università Cà Foscari di Venezia (21 June 2011);
11. Report on «I parametri di apprezzamento della diligenza dello Stato nel valutare il rischio di tortura cui è esposto il soggetto allontanato. La conformità della prassi italiana dei respingimenti all’obbligo internazionale di non-refoulement» [Non-refoulement and the parameters to be applied by a State when assessing the risk of torture. Push-back operations and the responsibility of Italy under international law] in the framework of the seminar “La tortura tra noi. Aree grigie dentro e fuori i confini della fortezza Europa”, Fondazione Benetton Studi e Ricerche of Treviso (5 March 2012);
12. Report on «Gli obblighi internazionali in materia di tratta degli esseri umani» [International obligations concerning trafficking in human beings] in the framework of the seminar “La lotta alla tratta di esseri umani nel diritto internazionale ed interno”, University of Ferrara (17 April 2012);
13) Report on «Il diritto dell’occupazione bellica» [The international law of belligerent occupation], in the framework of the Giornate Nazionali di Studio per gli Istruttori di Diritto Internazionale Umanitario della Croce Rossa Italiana, Firenze, Palazzo Vecchio (22 September 2012);
14) Report on «La politica europea dell’immigrazione» [The European immigration policy], in the framework of the Symposium “Mobilità, migrazione, diaspora: dilemmi etici, giuridici e sociali”, University of Ferrara (4 October 2012);
15) Report on «Contrasto alla pirateria nelle acque territoriali somale» [Fighting Piracy off the Coast of Somalia], in the framework of the Symposium “Diporto e turismo, tra autonomia e specialità”, University of Catanzaro (8 March 2013);
16) Report on «La compatibilità dello Statuto della Corte penale internazionale con la Costituzione italiana» [The ICC Statute and the Italian Constitution], in the framework of the international symposium “Justicia y Constitución”, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (14 November 2013);
17) Report on «Smuggling of Migrants across the Mediterranean: The Scope of Criminal Jurisdiction», in the framework of the symposium “Crossroads on the Way to Human Rights”, University “Ca’ Foscari” of Venice (14 November 2014);
18) Report on «The protection of child victims of trafficking in Europe», in the framework of the symposium “Migrant Children in the 21st Century”, University of Cagliari (11 December 2014);
19) Report on «L’accoglienza dei richiedenti protezione internazionale in Italia alla luce della normativa internazionale ed europea» [Reception of Asylum Seekers in Italy in the light of EU and International Law], in the framework of the Workshop “Il diritto di asilo alla prova delle crisi internazionali” (8 May 2015);
20) Report on «Riprendersi dalle torture: quale 'soluzione duratura' per il minore vittima di tratta?» [Recovering from torture: durable solutions for child victims of trafficking], in the framework of the Seminar “Tortura e infanzia”, on the international day against torture (26 June 2015);
21) Report on «The Scope of Domestic Criminal Jurisdiction: The Case of Italy», in the framework of the
Roundtable “Smuggling of Migrants across the Mediterranean” Università degli Studi di Ferrara, School of Law (19 February 2016)

List of lessons delivered:
1. Lesson on Tutela dei diritti fondamentali, uguaglianza di genere e ruolo della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee [“Protection of Fundamental Human Rights, Gender Equality and the Role of the ECJ”], University of Ferrara, 1st edition of the course Donne, politica e istituzioni [“Women, Politics and Institutions”] financed by the Italian Ministry for Equal Opportunities, September 23rd, 2005;
2. Lesson on Tutela dei diritti fondamentali, uguaglianza di genere e ruolo della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee [“Protection of Fundamental Human Rights, Gender Equality and the Role of the ECJ”], University of Ferrara, 2nd edition of the course Donne, politica e istituzioni [“Women, Politics and Institutions”] financed by the Italian Ministry for Equal Opportunities, May 27th, 2006;
3. Lesson on L’occupation de guerre [“Belligerent occupation”], University of Liège, Faculty of Law, October 23rd, 2006;
4. Lesson on Il regime internazionale dell’occupazione militare [“International Rules on Military Occupation”], University of Padova, Doctoral School of International Law, October 25th, 2007;
5. Lesson on La violenza contro le donne nei conflitti armati [“Violence against Women during Armed Conflicts”], University of Ferrara, Faculty of Law, October 30th, 2007;
6. Lesson on Les administrations civiles internationales transitoires et les occupations “thérapeutiques” [“International Territorial Administrations and Transformative Occupations”], University of Liège, Faculty of Law, 22-23 November 2007;
7. Lesson on Le droit international de l'occupation de guerre, University of Liège, Faculty of Law, 26 November 2008;
8. Lesson on «The Right to Life in Situations of Armed Conflict and Belligerent Occupation», at Al-Quds Bard Honors College, Al-Quds University, Abu Dis, Palestina, within the framework of the course on Human Rights in Armed Conflict (13 November 2011).
9. Seminar on « Le droit international de l’occupation de guerre [The International law of belligerent occupation], at the University of Liege, Faculty of Law (26 November 2009);
10. Seminar on « Military Occupation in Contemporary IHL: Current Problems », at the University Roma Tre, Faculty of Law, within the course of International Humanitarian Law (1 April 2010);
11. Lesson on « « Military occupation in modern warfare », at the Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, Istituto superiore di Stato maggiore interforze, 11° Corso per « Consigliere Giuridico nelle Forze Armate » (2 July 2010);
12. Seminar on «Le droit international de l’occupation de guerre » [The International law of belligerent occupation], at the University of Liege, Faculty of Law (25 October 2010);
13. Lesson on « Military occupation in modern warfare », at the Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, Istituto superiore di Stato maggiore interforze, 12° Course for « Consigliere Giuridico nelle Forze Armate » (28 June 2011);
14. Lesson on « Lo status internazionale della Palestina: sviluppi recenti e prospettive » [The International status of Palestine: recent developments and perspectives], at the University of Padova, (12 October 2011);
15. Lesson on « Le droit international de l’occupation de guerre » [The International law of belligerent occupation], at the University of Liege, Faculty of Law (26 October 2011).
16. Lesson on «The Right to Life in Situations of Armed Conflict and Belligerent Occupation», at Al-Quds Bard Honors College, Al-Quds University, Abu Dis, Palestine, within the course Human Rights in Armed Conflict (13 November 2011);
17. Lesson on « L’occupazione militare nei moderni scenari operativi » [Military occupation in contemporary practice], at the Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, Istituto superiore di Stato maggiore interforze, 12° Course for Legal Advisors of the Armed Forces, qualification module (26 June 2012);
18. Lesson on « Il giudice nazionale al cospetto della CEDU » [National courts and European Convention of Human Rights], Corte d'appello di Catanzaro, Life-long learning module for judges (16 October 2012);
19. Lesson on «Immunità degli organi di Stati stranieri dalla giurisdizione penale e diritti delle vittime» [Immunity of State organs from criminal jurisdiction and the rights of victims], at the PhD School in Private, Labour and International Law of the University of Padova (5 April 2013);
20. Lesson on «State Building and Occupation Law» in the framework of the 64th seminar “Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts and Arms Control”, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, Istituto Alti Studi per la Difesa (23 April 2013);
21. Lesson on «Repressione dei crimini di guerra e ruolo della Corte penale internazionale» [The role of the ICC in prosecuting war crimes], Accademia aeronautica di Pozzuoli (31 May 2013);
22. Lesson on «Chi è lo Stato? La soggettività internazionale all'epoca delle primavere arabe» [Who is the State? Legal personality at the time of the Arab Springs], University of Cagliari (21 October 2013);
23. Lesson on «Military Occupation» within the course of International Humanitarian Law, University Roma Tre (31 October 2013);
24. Lesson on «Suspected pirates have rights, too. International responsibility for human rights violations perpetrated during operation Atalanta», in the framework of the course of International Institutional Law, University of Ferrara (6-7 November 2013);
25. Lesson on «Human Rights and the Fight Against Terrorism», University of Ferrara (9 December 2013);
26. Lesson on «Lo status internazionale della Palestina: sviluppi recenti e prospettive» [The international status of Palestine], University of Padova (13 December 2013);
27. Lesson on «State Building and Occupation Law» in the framework of the 65th seminar “Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts and Arms Control”, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, Istituto Alti Studi per la Difesa (29 April 2014);
28. Lesson on «Sicurezza collettiva internazionale e divieto dell’uso della forza» [Collective security and prohibition of the use of force], Accademia aeronautica di Pozzuoli (6 June 2014);
29. Lesson on «Suspected pirates have rights, too. International responsibility for human rights violations perpetrated during operation Atalanta», in the framework of the course of International Institutional Law, University of Ferrara (24-25 November 2014);
30.Lesson on «Traffico di migranti ed esercizio della giurisdizione penale italiana» [Smuggling of migrants and the scope of Italian criminal jurisdiction], PhD School in Private, Labour and International Law of the University of Padova (13 March 2015);
31. Lesson on «Military occupation and State Building Operations under International Law» in the framework of the 66th seminar “Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts and Arms Control”, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, Istituto Alti Studi per la Difesa (21 April 2015);
32. Seminar on «I diritti sociali dello straniero nel diritto internazionale» [Social Rights of Foreign Citizens under International Law], in the framework of the course on Diritto pubblico comparato, University of Catanzaro (26 May 2015);
33. Lesson on «The Law of Belligerent Occupation», S. Anna University of Pisa (14 December 2015);
34. Lesson on «L’uso della forza contro l’ISIS» [The use of force against ISIL], Università degli Studi di Padova, Scuola di dottorato in Diritto internazionale, Diritto privato e del lavoro (29 January 2016);
34. Seminar on «Migrazioni e accesso alle cure sanitarie» [Migrations and access to health care], Università degli studi di Ferrara, School of Medicine (15 March 2016);
35. Lesson on «Lo status di rifugiato nella Convenzione di Ginevra del 1951 e nella direttiva 2011/95/UE» [Refugee status under the 1951 Geneva Convention and Directive 2011/95/EU], Università degli Studi di Cosenza (UNICAL), Corso di alta formazione in Operatori legali specializzati in protezione internazionale (22 April 2016);
36. Lesson on «La protezione sussidiaria e le altre forme di protezione previste dal diritto dell’Unione europea e dalla legislazione italiana» [Subsidiary and other forms of protection provided under EU and Italian Law], Università degli Studi di Cosenza (UNICAL), Corso di alta formazione in Operatori legali specializzati in protezione internazionale (23 April 2016);
37. Lesson on «The Protection of Migrants and Asylum Seekers in the Geneva Convention and in the ECHR», Summer School on the Protection of Migrant Rights in the European Union – A Mediterranean Perspective, organized by the Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on Migrants’ Rights in the Mediterranean (8 June 2016);
38. Seminar on «Lo status internazionale della Palestina» [The Internatinal Status of Palestine], University of Padova (22 December 2016).

Last updated in February 2017